The two of them were in a state of panic.


A familiar voice sounded behind Clark, who was flying in the air to maintain order. He turned around and found that it was Jonathan who came up to him.

"What's wrong?"

Clark's performance was very calm, but it was precisely because of this calmness that Jonathan felt a strange feeling.

In the past few days of getting along, he also saw that Clark, like him and his father, had a superman's heart, and their styles of doing things were roughly the same, but why did Clark suddenly do such a violent thing now?

"You shouldn't do that. We have no right to punish others. Just destroy the phone."

"We have no rights, so who has the right?"

Clark asked back, and Jonathan answered subconsciously.

"Of course it is the country and the law. Only the law can judge them..."

Halfway through, Jonathan realized the problem and stopped talking.

"You also realized that the country, the government, the law, these things have collapsed now. The world is no longer the society you lived in before."

Clark stopped, and Jonathan was also suspended beside him. Although Jonathan was more powerful than Clark now in terms of age and strength, for some reason, Jonathan seemed to be lower than Clark at this time.

"The government and law that can judge the evil no longer exist. The reason why mankind can still survive is that the remaining heroes are working hard. At this time, heroes cannot just save, but also need management, rewards, and punishment. In fact, many heroes understand this truth."

Clark burned the man's retina without any cover, and grew up in the light, doing so in the eyes of all the survivors and heroes around him.

If Talia did not stop Clark because the other party did not care about the lives of strangers, then what about other heroes? What about the other heroes who kept fighting criminals before society collapsed? Why didn't they speak out to stop Clark? Even afterwards, apart from Jonathan, no one came to persuade him.

"Why... if everyone agrees with your approach, why are you the only one who did it?"

Jonathan asked this question, and the attitudes of the heroes around him made him waver, but if Clark's appropriate punishment was the right thing to do at this time, why didn't a hero take the lead? Instead, he had to wait for Clark to take the initiative to implement it.

"Isn't the answer in you and me?"

"You and me?"

Jonathan was puzzled. Although he was a Kryptonian, he didn't think he had such a great influence.

"To be precise, it's in the blood of us Kryptonians."

Clark looked in one direction, which was another port, where Superman and Lois were directing the survivors to board the ship.

"Superman gives everyone hope. This is his charm and his most powerful superpower. However, this hope makes people numb. The heroes know that there are better ways to deal with it, but because of the hope given by Superman, they instinctively rely on Superman. As long as Superman is there, they will never despair. This idea has been deeply rooted."

To be honest, Clark also looks forward to the grown-up self. He also hopes that he can become such a great hero, not to enjoy the admiration of others, but after knowing his extraordinaryness, Clark wants to use his power to help more people.

But it is because he knows that he is Superman, and there is no difference between them except age, so he is closer to Superman, and therefore, he can maintain his own thinking under this admiration and reliance.

Just like Luthor, Luthor has never regarded Superman as his own person to this day, so he can maintain the ability to think rationally under the hope brought by Superman.

By the same token, with his own wisdom, Luthor can be said to be the human closest to Superman now, and therefore, he can see the flaws under the hope brought by this individual.

"So... it's Dad's presence that makes everyone choose silence?"

Little Jonathan was silent. He didn't dare to believe this theory, but after careful thinking, he, who also has a Kryptonian super brain, had to admit that what Clark said didn't make sense.

Just like the quarrel between Talia and Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, Talia was wrong

? There is nothing wrong with eliminating the infected and protecting the survivors to the maximum extent. But when both sides are not wrong, why do everyone choose to carry out the mission according to Superman's idea?

"You can understand it this way, but don't worry too much. The hope that Superman brings to people has indeed blinded too many people's eyes, but at the same time, Superman also has enough power to support hope. As long as Superman remains the same Superman, we can continue like this. The behavior just now can only be regarded as my private action after I couldn't stand it anymore."

Clark continued his work of maintaining order, while Jonathan stayed in place for a while until Supergirl flew over and patted him on the shoulder. He began to maintain order belatedly, but Clark's words kept ringing in his mind.

He still trusted his father, but at this time, he could also see the dangers contained in Superman's various plans.

If Superman is always there, then these dangers naturally don't need to worry, but what if... Superman is also infected?

When he had such a guess in his mind, Jonathan found that he could no longer ignore this threat.

Clark maintained order and used his violent way to oppress all the disobedient survivors. Although there were few people who dared to use mobile phones in this world like the uncle Zhiqiang, conflicts were inevitable when there were too many people. The best way to resolve such conflicts in extraordinary times was never verbal persuasion, but direct violence.

Clark would not pierce everyone's eyes with his heat vision, but when the heat vision shone on the other person's feet, no matter how much they liked to make trouble, they would temporarily calm down.

Under Clark's influence, many heroes also chose to threaten and forcibly appease the survivors.

Such changes naturally could not be hidden from Superman, who covered the whole scene with super hearing, but he did not say much.

He was kind, but he also knew that not everyone was Superman. For ordinary heroes, only appropriate violence could complete the current work.

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