The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

"Luther, what are you going to do!!"

With the large-scale retreat of the infected, Krako, who was fighting with them, finally found Luther and the people standing next to him.

"What to do? What I want to do is to use the smallest sacrifice to solve most of the infected at one time!!"

In Luther's heart, he agreed with Talia's idea to eliminate the infected.

But the reason why he didn't stand up to help Talia was because he understood that Superman would not allow it, or that Superman would never carry out this task.

It's okay to eliminate the infected, but you can't rely on Superman and the power of the pillars who trust Superman.

Unfortunately, Talia protested and failed, and she herself didn't know the power of such a large number of infected people.

But Luther is different. Although his armor can't kill all the infected even if it has no energy, he has a smart brain and he did it with wisdom.

After the words fell, accompanied by the sound of flapping wings, Warbird came here with his girlfriend, Flash, and landed beside Luther.

"It seems that everyone is not here yet."

Flash looked around and didn't see the person in the plan, so he didn't say anything else, but Warbird on the side was puzzled. He didn't understand what his girlfriend was planning. He just sent him to the vicinity of the portal according to his girlfriend's request.

"I'm here..."

It didn't take long to wait. Almost at the same time, the green-clad Piper and his homosexual partner, David Singer, a former policeman in Central City, also came.

Like Flash and Warbird, Piper seemed to know what would happen long ago, but David Singer acted as if he knew nothing.

After meeting Piper, Flash nodded to each other and walked together.

"Are you ready?"

Piper nodded.

The next moment, Flash's ability was activated, and he appeared inside the portal with the Pied Piper in an instant.

"Wait! What on earth are they going to do!!"

Seeing their targets go to such a dangerous place. Warbird and David couldn't sit still, and immediately shouted to Luther.

Clark, who was standing aside, looked at Flash and the Pied Piper, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

As a hero these days, although his job was just to maintain order, he also met many people, including the Pied Piper. Although the relationship was not good, he still knew what abilities the other party had as a hero.

The Pied Piper played music with the flute in his hand, and such music could control people's hearts.

It has long been proven that the infected have wisdom.

Therefore, the Pied Piper's music will naturally take effect on the infected. Although compared with the control of the anti-life equation virus, the Pied Piper's music is nothing compared to the big witch, but it is still possible to actively attract the infected.

"That's right!!"

Luther also saw that Clark had seen through his plan, so he didn't hesitate and said it directly.

"Flash takes the Piper to the depths of the Dark Vision, and then the Piper plays music to attract all the infected people to dunk Eve. In this case, the infected people will move towards the Piper and attack, losing the ability to dodge. In this way, they can kill the witch Eve inside the Dark Vision."

"As long as Eve dies, the infected who cannot open the portal will be trapped in the Dark Vision forever and will no longer threaten ordinary humans."

In order to convince the Piper and Flash, Luther spent a lot of time and effort to learn about these two third-rate heroes who he would never pay attention to before.

But the result was good. The justice in the hearts of the two was persuaded by Luther and agreed to this plan.

"The two of them will sacrifice themselves to solve the biggest hidden danger for the survivors."

(To be honest, the depth of this plan is so low.)

"No, I can't watch Flash die like this!!"

After listening to Luther's plan, Warbird did not refute it, because he knew that Luther could only persuade, and it was Flash's own choice to be willing to carry out this action.

But this doesn't mean he will just sit back and do nothing. Even if he dies, he wants to die with Flash.

With its wings flapping, the Warbird flew into the portal, but David on the side had no choice. He was a real ordinary person. Even if he wanted to live and die with the Pied Piper, he had no ability to cross the army of infected people.


If we don't inform Superman now, Superman's speed may be enough to rescue them after they kill Eve. "

Clark did not directly deny Luthor's seemingly cruel plan, because he also knew how much of a threat such a large group of infected people who could be teleported anywhere would pose to ordinary survivors.

But in his opinion, now that the matter is done, wouldn't it be better to tell Superman the plan and let Superman rescue Flash and Pied Piper?

Clark really couldn't accept that such a hero who was willing to sacrifice himself died like this in the end.

"So that's what you think? If you really tell Superman, he will probably do as Lee said and rush in at the last minute to rescue Flash and Pied Piper. "

Clark and Superman are the same person, and Luthor knows Superman well. He knows that if he really tells Superman his plan at this time as Clark said, Superman will really take action and may really rescue them.

"But what's the price? "

Just a gentle question, Clark fell silent.

What about the price?

Clark had never thought about this, but now that Luthor mentioned it, he had to face this very realistic problem.

"I have never studied the dark world and the black magic of clothes, and I dare not guarantee how fast the portal will collapse after the death of the black witch Eve. In the case of all unknowns, tell Superman about this plan and let Superman take this risk?"

"Superman must be willing, but what if Superman can't come back? "

What if he can't come back?

Superman is everyone's hope now, and Luthor must admit this. The reason why everyone can hold on until now and protect nearly 15 million survivors is largely because of Superman's existence.

"I can't let Superman get into danger because of this. Even if the actions of Flash and others are noble, they are still too insignificant compared to Superman..."

It's such a simple truth. Because Superman is too important, such risky things can only be left to others.

At this time, the sound of the flute player's flute has sounded, and all the infected people began to gather inside the portal. Even Eve, who controls the portal, began to move uncontrollably at this moment.

The plan has begun.

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