The sound of the flute player attracted all the infected people. Even those who were still attacking the survivors outside let go of the prey in front of them and swarmed into the door opened by Eve.

At this time, in the dark vision, Eve led an army of infected people to approach Flash and the flute player in the depths.

At this time, the flute player was still maintaining his flute sound, while Flash held an energy pistol and pointed the gun at Eve who was walking in the army of infected people.

She did not rush to shoot, but waited until a large number of infected people entered the dark vision before shooting and killing the other party.

This was Luther's plan. As for whether they could leave the Dark Vision before the portal closed, no one dared to be sure.

But she did not regret it. If she could solve so many survivors at once, even if she died, it would be worth it.

At this time, her lover, Warbird, flew in, crossed the sky of the Dark Vision, and landed in front of the two.

"What are you doing? Get out quickly!!!"

She could accept her own death, but she could not accept the death of her lover. She herself could not guarantee that her superpowers could successfully leave the Dark Vision after Eve's death. Warbird only had a pair of wings, which was even more dangerous.

"Don't think of leaving me alone to die. Since we have to die, we have to die together!"

Warbird's Hu Dia was very determined, and such a simple conversation contained the deep feelings between the two.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Shunshan knew that there was no time for her to be moved. At this time, most of the infected had been attracted to the Dark Vision, and it was time to take action.

But when Flash was about to shoot, he found that Eve was petite, and there were many tall infected people standing in front of him, so he couldn't shoot her at all.

"Leave it to me, I'm not just here to die with you!"

Warbird said, flapping his wings and flying towards Eve in the crowd, grabbing Eve's shoulders with both hands and lifting her up directly.

As a black witch, Eve naturally wanted to resist, but the magic flute player saw this and increased the sound of the flute, forcibly controlling the other party's heartbeat, so that Eve was caught by Warbird without any resistance and thrown in front of Flash.

"This way, everything is over!"

Flash pointed the muzzle of the gun at Eve's head. He naturally had no mercy on this infected person who posed the greatest threat to humans.

But just when she was about to pull the trigger, an accident happened.

Because the Pied Piper was focused on controlling Eve, the control of the other infected people by the flute was weakened. A red beam of light came, and although Flash dodged, the gun in his hand was still broken by the beam.

The attacker was naturally Black Manta, who was also mixed in the infected.

Damian and others did not kill him in the end, allowing Black Manta to successfully retreat, and at this time, he used the heat energy ray of his helmet to launch an attack in the dark again.

"Not good!!"

Clark, who was outside, saw this scene clearly with his super vision, and immediately planned to fly into the dark vision to help Flash and the others.

Their abilities were not very aggressive, and after losing the energy pistol provided by Luther, they could not fight so many infected people at all.

But just when Clark was about to act, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Turning his head, he found that Luther had activated the kryptonite radiation of the armor at some point and grabbed his arm.

Under the influence of kryptonite radiation, Clark lost all his superpowers and became an ordinary 8-year-old child.

Before Clark could express his doubts, Luthor spoke directly.

"Don't forget, you are also Superman. If you are infected, even if you are trapped in the dark vision, I will probably not be able to sleep in the future."

At this time, the three people in the dark vision have also encountered a crisis.

The sound of the flute of the magic piper prevented these infected people from rushing to kill them, but it could only do this. Under the control of the anti-life equation, the infection was still approaching them. Once they were approached by such a number of infected people, they would definitely die.

No, it is better to say that since the flash gun was destroyed, they are most likely dead.

Looking at Eve who was approaching and the many infected people behind Eve, the magic piper made a

A decision.

He stopped playing, took the flute in his hand and rushed to Eve who was still affected by the flute sound.

Then he raised the flute in his hand as a weapon and pierced Eve's head directly.

Eve was dead, so easily killed by the magic flute player.

But at the same time, the three of them also encountered a huge crisis.

Because there was no control of the flute sound, the infected people around them also ran and rushed towards the three people.

At the same time, because of Eve's death, the portal began to collapse.

"Hurry up, let's leave quickly."

Warbird and Flash were unwilling to be trapped in the dark vision without any resistance. With Flash's superpowers, their mission this time was just very dangerous, and they had to be prepared for death, not a situation where they were sure to die.

Flash grabbed Warbird with one hand and Pied Piper with the other. When she was about to use teleportation to leave the dark vision, Black Manta, who had launched the attack before, used the speed increased by the high-tech combat suit to knock Flash down and interrupted the activation of the opponent's ability.

"Get out of my way!"

But Flash's ability is only teleportation. How can she be a match for Black Manta in terms of strength? Even if Pied Piper and Warbird come to help immediately, how can they deal with Black Manta who can fight against Aquaman Arthur?

At this time, Luther in the outside world retracted his gaze from the three people. In his opinion, Flash and the others were doomed to die, so he turned his attention to the gradually collapsing portal.

"So that's it. It's not closed immediately, but slowly closed after losing the magic power? But without careful inspection, I don't know whether the mechanism of this portal is a door for space transmission or a space barrier between the two worlds."

But just this moment of distraction, Luther felt a sudden force coming from his hand holding Clark.

When he reacted, Clark broke free from his hand and flew into the dark vision.

"You kid!!!"

Luthor wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Clark had already flown into the dark vision.

In desperation, Luthor checked the armor and found that there was no problem with the kryptonite radiation. What on earth did the other party do to break free from him? It's okay for Superman to cheat, but no one knows how strong the other party is when he goes all out. Even you, an 8-year-old Kryptonian cub, cheated, right? !

"You Kryptonians really ate kryptonite raw in anger, right?!"

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