The truth is that the two sides of the river are still in chaos.

To what extent can trust between people be achieved?

At least ordinary people, when facing unknown enemies, will always have some doubts about the words of an ordinary 8-year-old child, and will not completely believe them.

But this time, when Logan heard Clark's words, he waved his claws to his left without hesitation.

And this happened to meet the strong man who rushed out of the bushes.

Logan's claws pierced the opponent's chest, but this not only did not make the opponent lose his fighting ability, but after a roar, this man who was a circle stronger than Logan burst out with even more terrifying power, lifted Logan up, threw him heavily, and fell on the snow.

"Damn! These monsters again!"

Logan fell down and cursed inwardly, and instinctively rolled to the side. The next moment, the strange strong man held up a big tree and smashed it on his original position.

If he didn't dodge, even if he would not die with his own ability, he would lose consciousness because of this move, and Clark and Little Naughty would be in danger.

"Get out of my way!"

Logan, who rolled to the side, immediately stood up and rushed towards the strong man, and the claws in his hands kept attacking him.

The other party was obviously very violent, and there was no rationality in his turbid eyes, but even so, he seemed to know everything about Logan.

Knowing how sharp the claws on Logan's hands were, he would rather be pierced than let himself receive any cuts.

Logan was completely entangled.

Because the other party was stronger than him, his self-healing ability was not inferior at all, and he even knew him very well, Logan could not end the battle with such an enemy in a short time.

But at this time, the fire in the RV had spread. Clark, who saw Logan's situation, knew that it was impossible to wait for Logan to defeat the enemy and come to rescue.

"Clark, what should I do? I can't move at all."

Clark had tried before, but his strength had not recovered yet, and it was impossible to pull the little rascal out of the deformed co-pilot.

In this case, he could only transport the gas tank that might explode to a distant place.

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Clark's words made the little rascal feel relieved for a moment, but then he saw a terrifying scene in the rearview mirror.

After Clark opened the back door of the RV, he walked directly to the gas tank that had caught fire, and just hugged the burning gas tank with his arms without any protection.

You know, the burning gas tank at this time has a temperature of more than 100 degrees. The moment Clark's skin came into contact with it, the little rascal could even clearly hear the sound of his skin being scorched.


Understanding the high temperature of over 100 degrees, and even the flames spreading to the clothes around him, Clark's pain is self-evident, but compared with the pain after eating raw red kryptonite, Clark can still bear it.

Resisting the instinct to let go, Clark rushed out of the RV holding the gas tank and ran into the depths of the forest.


The little rascal called out loudly, but Clark still ran into the forest without looking back. God knows how much gas is left in Logan's tank, and Clark doesn't know how powerful the gas explosion is, so naturally he can only run as far as possible.

Boom! !

In the end, accompanied by the roar of an explosion in the depths of the forest and the visible flames, the little rascal completely lost Clark's trace.


Not to mention the hoarse shouting of the little rascal, Logan also saw the flames produced by the explosion during the battle with the strong man. The simple situation made him understand what happened in an instant.

"You deserve to die!"

His eyes immediately turned red. He promised Clark to take him home, but only one day had passed and Clark's life and death were unknown. This made Logan feel guilty and vent all his anger on the enemy in front of him.


The strong man in front of him was naturally not afraid of the angry Logan. After a beast-like roar, he continued to fight with Logan.

Except that the strong man would choose to avoid Logan's cutting attacks from time to time, the attacks of the two could be said to be completely evasive.

Relying on his own powerful self-healing ability to take all the attacks of the opponent, he also launched a fatal attack on the opponent without mercy.

It was just like the desperate fight between the wolf king and the saber-toothed tiger.

It was also because both of them had strong self-healing abilities that it was almost impossible for them to run out of physical strength in such a melee. If no one else intervened, the battle would probably last for a long time.

But it was obvious that the enemy was not just the strong man.

Just when Logan was about to swing his claws again, a sticky tongue shot over from a distance and entangled Logan's arm.


The enemy's attack in the dark did not cause any damage, but it made Logan pause, and the strong man in front of him also seized this opportunity and pounced on Logan directly. The claws could not pierce Logan's bones, but directly crushed his eyes.


Even though the strong man had stopped suppressing him, Logan still screamed in pain. He had the ability to heal himself, but it did not mean he would not feel pain.

But even so, Logan still struggled to stand up and wanted to continue fighting.

But he was blind and had no power to resist.

The strong man slowly picked up the big tree on the ground, used it as a weapon, and smashed it directly on Logan, knocking him out and hitting the hood of the RV, completely losing consciousness.

Until then, the enemy who had just attacked Logan appeared from the woods, put his long tongue into his mouth, and walked to the strong man.


What greeted him was not a hug from his companions, but an angry roar.

"Okay, I want you to continue fighting until dark and you can't tell the winner. Don't forget the task assigned by the leader. Do you want to be punished?"

Hearing the other party's "your leader", the strong man showed a trace of fear, and finally calmed down.

And they are also mutants, and they are members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Sabretooth and Toad.

"Next, we have to..."

"No matter what you do! It's impossible to achieve!"

Before Toad finished speaking, a voice interrupted him.

Like an indestructible cockroach, Clark once again stood at the end, blocking the two men.

Even though his body was already covered in blood, he was cut by the fragments of the gas tank explosion at close range, and there was even a huge cut on his abdomen, and his internal organs could be vaguely seen.

But even so, Clark had no intention of retreating.

No matter whether the opponent's target was Logan, the little rascal, or himself, he would not let the opponent succeed.

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