The boy was killed in a car accident.

"This kid is not dead yet?"

The reason why Toad waited for Sabretooth to fight Logan for so long before taking action was not only because he took care of Sabretooth's desire to fight Logan, but also because he had been hiding nearby and watched Clark suffer the explosion of the gas tank at close range before leaving.

Such an explosion would not be good for an 8-year-old kid, even if Sabretooth was blown up, he would have to collapse for more than a minute before he could stand up.

Why is this kid still alive? ?


Toad thought so, but he did not feel any intimacy with Clark because of this. Although the Brotherhood of Mutants nominally used force to fight for more rights for the mutant community,

But in fact, except for Magneto and Mystique, most of them are actually desperate criminals. They don't really care what their so-called compatriots will become. It's just that Magneto's powerful strength can give them shelter, so they don't mind obeying Magneto's orders and working for Magneto.

"Haven't you fought enough? This kid is left to you."

Toad said, and took a step back.

If it was Magneto who appeared here, then Clark might have aroused Magneto's curiosity and been let go after bravely blocking Logan and Little Rugrats, but unfortunately, Toad didn't have any idea of ​​respecting the elderly and protecting compatriots.

Of course, even if Clark knew, he wouldn't care, because he was not a mutant, he was a Kryptonian from another universe.

Facing the approaching saber-tooth tiger, Clark clenched his fist, shook, but quickly rushed to the other party, and hit the other party's abdomen heavily with his fist, because his current height was only enough to reach the part below the other party's chest.

But Clark, whose superpowers had not yet recovered, had no effect even with the fighting skills he had trained on Paradise Island. After the saber-toothed tiger began to counterattack, he barely dodged two claw attacks, but was grabbed by the other side and lifted up.


The saber-toothed tiger used the grip of one hand to continuously press Clark's head. At this time, Clark felt that his head was about to explode.

But he had no power to resist.


The little rascal shouted anxiously, but she was stuck in the co-pilot seat and could do nothing. She could only stretch her hand out of the broken window and shake Logan's body, trying to wake up this uncle with a sharp tongue and a soft heart.

But how could a comatose person wake up so easily?

Everything was going in a bad direction until a ray of sunlight penetrated the gap between the trees and shone accurately on Clark's body.

The instinct for survival made Clark's body stop slowly absorbing the sun's energy. Under the short exposure, his eyes became red again.


With a roar, Clark's eyes burst out with heat vision that enveloped the saber-toothed tiger and forced it back directly.

And his skin was burned by the high-temperature heat vision again, and this speed even exceeded the self-healing ability of the saber-toothed tiger. His skin and his flesh were constantly burned. If he continued to be attacked by the heat vision without a metal skeleton, he would die here sooner or later.


Clark's sudden outburst really scared the toad. This attack method even reminded him of a very troublesome old friend.

However, he did not hesitate too much. He also saw the state of the saber-toothed tiger clearly. If he continued, the saber-toothed tiger would be killed by this energy.

So, the toad spit out his tongue again, entangled Clark's feet and pulled hard, and Clark, who lost his balance, fell to the ground. The heat vision also stopped.

It was originally a temporary burst of power. Once it was interrupted at this time, it would be impossible to use it again.

But the saber-toothed tiger, feeling the threat of death, did not hesitate, and quickly stepped forward and kicked Clark in the neck. With a snap, Clark's cervical vertebra was directly broken, and the whole person collapsed on the ground and continued to struggle....

He used up all the strength that had been slowly accumulated for a day. Naturally, Clark, who had completely lost his superpowers, also needed oxygen.

At this moment, he finally understood the feeling of suffocation, which was a feeling of powerlessness like being trapped in the deep sea, like an abyss.

But at this time, Toad and Sabre-toothed Tiger no longer cared about Clark's situation. With his cervical vertebra broken, even if Magneto came, he would definitely die. They

He no longer cared about a dead kid. He planned to continue approaching the RV.

At this moment, the snow suddenly became heavier.

Realizing that something was wrong, the two immediately turned around and saw two people in tight combat suits standing vaguely in the wind and snow in the environment that turned into a blizzard in the blink of an eye.


The saber-toothed tiger subconsciously roared, but the toad had already jumped into the forest.

He was not a fool like the saber-toothed tiger. He knew the two people in front of him. He and the saber-toothed tiger could not be opponents in a head-on battle.

Sure enough, while the saber-toothed tiger was blinded by the blizzard, one of them gently pressed the device on his face that was like high-tech glasses, and a red ray that was very similar to the thermal vision suddenly shot out and burned directly through the saber-toothed tiger's abdomen.


The wound attacked by Clark's thermal vision had not yet healed completely. At this time, he received such an injury again. Even the saber-toothed tiger knew that it was impossible to do anything, so he also jumped into the forest and left here.

As the enemy left, the blizzard gradually subsided.

The two men and women in tights are Cyclops and Storm from the X-Men.

Cyclops immediately ran to the cab of the RV and used lasers to rescue the trapped Rogue, while Storm squatted beside Clark to check his injuries.

"What happened to Clark? Can he be saved?"

Rogue rushed to Clark's side immediately after coming down and asked Storm anxiously.

Storm nodded and shook her head.

"There are still vital signs, but the suffocation is too serious. We must go back immediately."

"Let's go!"

Cyclops did not hesitate and carried the unconscious Logan. Several people got on the invisible fighter plane they came in and left the forest in Kansas.

When they returned to New York and came to the Academy for Gifted Youth in the suburbs, Clark's breathing even stopped for a time, and the situation was critical.

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