The two of them were so happy that they had to wait for the next day.

"To be honest, this is simply a miracle."

In the laboratory, a blonde woman was talking to a beast with blue hair all over his body.

And the person they were talking to was naturally Clark, whose breathing gradually became stable on the bed.

Jean Grey, the Phoenix girl, and Hank, the beast.

As the two smartest scientists in the current X-Men, they knew the moment they took over Clark that the possibility of saving him was not great.

The cervical vertebra was broken for too long, and the suffocation had lasted for a long time. Even though Cyclops and others sent Clark here as soon as the rescue was completed, it still took too much time on the way.

Normally, ordinary people would have died on the road in this situation, but the boy in front of him survived tenaciously.

Although his vital signs were very weak, he was still alive and his heart was still beating weakly.

Because of this, they had the idea of ​​trying to rescue him.

"Who said it wasn't? Such injuries are unbearable for any mutant, let alone this ordinary child."

Beast agreed while preparing the props needed for the operation. They were going to cut Clark's neck directly and reconnect his broken cervical vertebrae.

"You said... Is this child really just an ordinary person?"

Jean suddenly said, and Beast also knew what the other party meant.

"You want to say that he is also a mutant, like that man, and has the ability to heal himself to hold on until now?"

Jean nodded. The mutant named Logan has super self-healing ability, and all the bones in his body have become some kind of extremely strong metal. Almost no injury can kill him.

And this boy can hold on until now, except for his self-healing ability, there is almost no other possibility.

"But if there is such a boy, the professor should have discovered it long ago. We can't be ignorant of it."

Professor X, Charles, has the most dangerous brain in the world and the best psychic ability in the world. Although such a person has sworn that he will never privately check the thoughts in other people's minds without permission.

But as one of the leaders of mutant fever, Charles often uses his psychic ability to search for awakened mutants around the world. Even if they don't contact them, at least there is an information record.

And in this situation, this 8-year-old child did not appear in their database. No wonder the beast never thought of the possibility that Clark is a mutant.

"Don't talk about this, prepare for surgery."


Just when the beast and Jean were about to operate on Clark, in another laboratory not far away.

Logan, with his upper body naked, was sleeping here.

Unlike Clark, under the protection of the metal skeleton, there was no harm that could kill him. The reason he fell was simply because the impact of kinetic energy made him fall into a coma. With his own self-healing ability, he had no wounds on his body.

Now he just fell into a deep sleep temporarily because of exhaustion.


Suddenly, Logan sat up suddenly and looked around in panic.

"The laboratory... was it caught?"

Logan was not without enemies during his years of escape. Some enemies he didn't know but knew would hunt him down. He also knew how attractive his abilities were to some powerful people.

Naturally, the moment he saw the location of the laboratory, Logan thought they had been caught.

Clark and Little Naughty naturally had no power to resist after being knocked down.

"I want to find them."

Thinking about it, Logan didn't even think about finding a piece of clothing. He ran out of the laboratory with his upper body naked. Facing the corridor with a gleaming metallic luster, he was in trouble for a while.

He didn't know where the byte set was located, nor did he know where to find Clark and Little Naughty. He could only look around and move around.

"Where are you going?"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in Logan's mind. Logan was startled and instinctively hid behind the wall at the corner.

There were many elevators around, but he couldn't start any of them without permission, so he could only hide.

"Come here."

Suddenly, the elevator behind Logan opened suddenly, and there seemed to be a figure in his mind, telling him to enter the elevator.

This voice was not malicious,

The voice in his mind did not make Logan feel any discomfort.

If it was normal, he would subconsciously follow the guidance of this voice and walk into this elevator.

But at this moment, Logan has someone he cares about more.

"Go away! Where is Clark? Where is the little rascal? Where did they go?"

At this time, Professor Charles, who was sitting in the principal's office, finally understood Logan's thoughts. He was not worried about his own safety, but about the two children.

After having a new understanding of Logan's kindness, Charles did not ask Logan to come to see him immediately, and the elevator door slowly closed.

At the same time, his voice sounded again in Logan's mind.

"Since you are looking for that child, then go forward, you will find him."

Logan didn't know what to do at first. Now that he got a hint, whether it was true or false, he could only go and see.

He took cautious steps and moved forward step by step. When he approached a metal door, his keen hearing heard the movement inside.

"It's successful. The paralysis is perfect. The cervical vertebrae are reattached. Now start suturing."

"Cervical vertebrae?"

Logan fell into a coma too early. He knew that Clark took the exploded gas tank away alone and protected the little rascal, but he didn't know that Clark's cervical vertebrae were broken later.

After hearing this, he immediately had two guesses, one was that Clark was captured for experiments, and the other was that the little rascal was captured for experiments.

This can't be blamed on Logan. For 15 years, he has no memory, but has been living in a world that is extremely repulsive to mutants. He has long been accustomed to seeing others in the worst way. Even if he actually has a kind heart, he can't resist the hatred around him.

Logan, who gave way to Clark and the little rascal, did not hesitate. He stretched out his claws and cut the door of the laboratory in two strokes. He rushed in and saw Clark on the laboratory table.

"What did you do!!"

Before thinking carefully, Logan was already overwhelmed by anger. No one would calm down so easily when seeing a little ghost following him with blood all over his neck.

He waved his claws and rushed to Jean Grey in a blink of an eye. The sharp claws looked like they were going to cut her in half.

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