The old man was very happy.

"I'm sorry, Clark, I didn't think it through."

After thinking it through, the beast immediately apologized, and Clark naturally wouldn't hold on to this point.

"Thank you for your understanding."

As he said this, Clark thought of what happened a week ago.

At that time, he was still in the DC universe, helping out in Luther's laboratory.

That day, Luther was perfecting his preliminary design, and Superman's voice just came out in the wireless communication.

"Luther, tell me the special materials needed for the Ark. The reserves on Earth may not be enough, but I know that some nearby planets should have these materials."

This is Superman. Everyone thinks that Superman is just a brute force and is unwilling to use his brain.

But in fact, Superman has learned the knowledge of most races in the universe and knows the general geographical conditions of all the planets around the solar system.

He may not like to think, but that is to reassure the people around him, not because he is really stupid.

After handing the information to Superman, Luthor couldn't help but sigh.

"Only at this point, Superman is willing to fully demonstrate his talents, but can people who have been suppressed for a long time exert their full strength?"

A person is too kind, so naturally he can't be cruel. Superman can't fail to see that there is no future for humans to stay on Earth. The reason why he still quarreled with Luthor about the Ark is that this inertia is at work.

The biggest reason why Superman is kind is that he trusts humans.

He clearly knows that there are scum among humans, and he clearly knows that not all humans have good intentions towards him. Most humans with power actually regard Superman as a possible enemy.

But Superman is willing to choose to trust and treat all humans well for those ordinary people without power.

Thinking of this, Luthor looked at Clark beside him.

"Clark, do you love humans?"

Clark, who was using his super brain to help Cyborg calculate data, was slightly stunned when he heard this. He never thought that Superman would start asking questions to himself when talking to Luthor.

But Clark already had an answer to this question.

"That's natural. I live on Earth. Earth is my home. I naturally love Earth and the humans on Earth."

"Really? It's exactly the same as Superman."

Except for the weakness of Kryptonite and the red sun, which is determined by physical constitution, everyone else has a way to deal with Superman. Which one is not offered by Superman himself?

In order to make the enemy feel at ease, he handed over his own handle with both hands.

It's outrageous, but this is Superman.

"Clark, when you return to your own world, remember, unless you really trust the other person wholeheartedly, never tell anyone about your physical information. There is a high probability that there is no kryptonite in the other world. All your weaknesses are in your hands. Don't make your weaknesses public like Superman did."

Clark asked why, but Luthor did not answer, but he naturally knew the answer.

Looking at the story of Superman, every chapter is like walking on the edge of a knife.

With Superman's style of doing things, it is not too much to be killed by someone at any time. After knowing Clark, Luthor also found a way to get some Marvel comics from the ruins to read.

Naturally, it is probably clear that Clark's world is not as tolerant as their world. The government there is more ignorant and more dangerous than the government in their world.

The same growth process, placed in this world, placed on Superman may make a great hero, but if placed in another world, placed on Clark, it will only make Clark die.


Thinking back, Clark still didn't know why Luthor gave such a suggestion, but this didn't stop Clark from taking action.

"Since we have to go to class, I have one last question."

Charles suddenly spoke, which also symbolized that this meeting had come to an end.

After knowing Clark's ability, Charles had another guess about Magneto's purpose.

"Clark, do you think the previous attack might be because Magneto knew your ability?"

If Magneto knew that Clark was a Kryptonian, then this attack would make perfect sense, as long as

Being able to convince or even brainwash Clark to join the Brotherhood of Mutants, maybe in just a few years, the world will welcome a superman who is committed to exterminating humanity.

Charles had to worry about this.

"I understand your concerns, professor, but this is actually not true, because except in front of it, I have never used my superpowers in this world, and there is basically no possibility of exposure, unless Magneto has other ways to directly judge the threat of Kryptonians and humans, but I don't think that the so-called Magneto will think that Kryptonians really exist in this world without seeing it with his own eyes."

"Is that so? I understand."

Clark has not used his abilities in this world, although he did not say it explicitly, but he has almost said it. It is obvious that Clark has just returned from traveling to other worlds for unknown reasons, and his abilities are also controlled in another world, so naturally Magneto has no possibility of discovering the other party's identity.

"In that case, let's stop here today, Clark. If you need any help, just tell me directly. We will do our best to help you adapt to life here... Even if you are not a mutant, no one here will reject you."

Hearing this, Clark finally realized that there seemed to be a strange misunderstanding, and said quickly.

"I need it again!! I need a phone."


All the X-Men looked at Clark. They couldn't figure out who else Clark needed to contact by phone.

"I want to contact my parents and tell them that I am safe, otherwise they will definitely worry about me all the time."


Everyone present was shocked, even Charles, who realized that he had misunderstood, had a feeling of being unable to hold back on his face.

"You were not kicked out?" (This is Jean)

"You didn't run away from home?" (This is Cyclops)

"You have parents?" (This is the Beast..)

Clark's eyes twitched, but he still explained.

"I was separated from my family by accident, not because I have no family. I guess my family is still looking for me everywhere?"

After Clark said this, everyone covered their faces in embarrassment. There was nothing they could do. Who told them that they couldn't find a pair of parents?

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