The old man was very happy.

"Is it okay for me to tell my parents about the flute here?"

Charles nodded and answered Clark's question with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem. This is a legally operated private school."

Clark tried to call Benjamin, but the call didn't go through. However, Clark edited the address and his situation into a text message and sent it over. I believe that it won't be long before his father will come to find him.

"Since Magneto's target can't be you, Clark, go and have a good rest."

Logan also nodded to Clark. Even if they knew that Clark was a Kryptonian with powerful superpowers, they couldn't let an 8-year-old child get involved in these things.

"Okay, I'll go find the little rascal."

Clark nodded and was about to leave, and Charles reminded him.

"As for the little rascal, she should be in Ororo's class now. She fits in quickly."


According to Charles' reminder, Clark soon came to the outside of Ororo's classroom, and through the window, he saw the little rascal studying inside.

He had no intention of going in to study. Just a glance, he found that during the week when Luther taught him, he actually understood most of the scientific knowledge, and there was no need to learn at all.

The reason for coming here was mainly to worry about the state of the little rascal.

But now, Clark can also rest assured.

In class, John gently pressed the lighter, turning the flame into a ball of fire, changing various shapes, attracting the attention of the little rascal.

And Bobby naturally would not let his target girlfriend be hit on by others, and immediately used his ability to freeze the fireball controlled by John into ice cubes, which fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"Gentlemen? It's class time now. Can you please focus on your studies?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ororo."

As a student, if he was caught doing something naughty in class by the teacher, he would naturally apologize immediately. However, Clark, who was outside the window, smiled with satisfaction.

During the conversation with Charles, he had actually been thinking about why the little rascal suddenly became depressed, and he had a rough guess.

But now it seems that he doesn't need to worry at all. The little rascal has found companions and a sense of belonging here.

Maybe he and Logan will leave here soon, but the little rascal already has his own home.

Just like the embarrassing scene in the basement, Clark is different from the students here after all, not just because he is a Kryptonian instead of a mutant.

More importantly, Clark has a family who loves him, and he can't give up his family and choose to stay in this school.

Clark left alone without disturbing the little rascal who was enjoying life.


Time passed quickly and night fell.

The X-Men studied for a whole day and still couldn't understand why Magneto wanted to capture Logan.

There is only one possibility that makes sense logically, that is, Magneto wants to study Logan's abilities to extend his life.

But this conjecture was denied by Charles.

He knows his friend. Magneto is definitely not a person who is greedy for life. If he dies of old age, he will definitely accept it.

Even if he really wants to live forever, he will not use such means on Logan, who is also a mutant, but will personally invite Logan to join.

Magneto has his own pride. His ideals may be wrong, but he will never degenerate.

But in this way, the analysis has fallen into a deadlock. If they can't analyze Magneto's purpose, they can't prepare in advance. In this case, they can only wait for Magneto to take action before they can react.

However, no conclusion can be drawn from the analysis. When night comes, everyone goes to rest.

Logan and Clark were arranged in the same room and fell asleep.

At this time, Charles and Jean were still at the gate of the academy, seemingly waiting for someone.

Soon, a specially modified car drove over and stopped at the gate of the academy.

Charles looked at the specially modified car with a complicated expression. Sure enough, most of the families who could accept the extraordinary children were extraordinary families.

Only such a family who was confident that they could protect Clark would not be so

Clark's superpowers are terrifying.

Although it is very uncomfortable to tie love and money together, Charles has to admit that in most cases, people can only have more love when they live a rich life.

"Is it Professor Charles?"

Benjamin walked out of the car and immediately stepped forward to shake hands with Charles.

"Thank you for saving my child."

Looking at Benjamin so excited, Charles felt even more sad for the other children in the college.

Obviously there is no blood relationship, and knowing that Clark is not even a human, but Benjamin can love Clark so wholeheartedly. Why can't his students have such a life?

Why can't there be more people like Benjamin in this world?

However, such thoughts are meaningless. Charles also smiled and shook hands with Benjamin.

"This is what we should do."

After sending a message to Benjamin, Clark left, and then Benjamin quickly contacted Charles. Charles had almost told Benjamin about the situation here and about mutants.

A billionaire who has no ill will towards mutants and even has good intentions because of Clark is a worthy target for the entire mutant community.

"Clark is resting now. If you need, I can let someone notify Clark."

Benjamin shook his head and walked into the academy with Charles.

"No, although I don't know what Clark has experienced in this month, I think it must be very dangerous, otherwise how could this child suddenly master such a powerful superpower? Let him have a good rest."

Charles did not lie. Such things were naturally left to Benjamin to decide.

However, when the two approached the dormitory building, a man's shouting suddenly came.

"Come! Come! Help!!!"

The two people's faces changed. After Jean and Charles looked at each other, they immediately rushed to the dormitory building. However, at this time, Jean found that Benjamin, an ordinary human, had a faster reaction speed than himself, a mutant, and had already rushed into the corridor.

"This... is really a great father."

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