The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"It seems that there won't be so many people coming to trouble us in the future."

Near Qin, Toad and Sabretooth were also here, watching Magneto slowly sink the entire academy into the ground by manipulating the metal in the earth and making the land lose its load-bearing capacity.

"It's a pity that the little ghost was not found."

Sabertooth did not answer Toad's words directly. He carried the unconscious little rascal on his shoulder and kept scanning the students. The little ghost who almost killed him was not here.

"You broke the opponent's neck directly when you kicked him. Even if you were the X-Men, it would be impossible to save the opponent like this."

While saying this, Toad felt that the vibration under his feet became more obvious. I think his leader increased the strength.

But he didn't notice that Magneto looked at the shaking ground and slowly frowned.

"What's going on... This is not my power."

The metal used to build the basement is indeed difficult to be affected by the magnetic field, but being unaffected is also a part of perception, so in Magneto's perception at this time, the basement underground seems to be slowly moving upwards.

But how is this possible?

He split the land around the basement in order to let the entire basement, together with the teaching building above, sink deeper into the ground.

But why, in the absence of support, the entire teaching building not only did not sink, but instead rose up!


With a deafening roar, the ground completely cracked, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, the entire teaching building and the basement below rose from the ground and slowly flew into the sky.


Everyone was attracted by the flying teaching building, but Magneto, who had always remained calm, saw that at the bottom, a small figure was slowly holding up this heavy object weighing at least thousands of tons.

"So... so heavy..."

Clark's face flushed. In the DC Universe, he once lifted up the 35,000-ton Jotunheim Prison, but at that time, the Jotunheim Prison was just collapsed, and a large amount of weight was still borne by the ground.

But this time, the weight of the entire teaching building was completely borne by him alone.

With his current strength, it is impossible to hold on for too long.

"It seems that Charles has found an unusual child."

Magneto sighed. He is different from Charles. He controls the magnetic field and does not have the ability to directly distinguish mutants. However, since Clark's original intention is here, Magneto naturally regards him as a mutant child that Charles has recently found.

But even so, Magneto still did not give up his plan.

With a wave of his hand, the teaching building disintegrated in an instant, and the heavy metal steel bars flew out and stabbed Clark like a spear.

This is a child with great potential. If he had not joined Charles's camp, perhaps he would have spared his life and let him lead the entire mutant group in the future.

But then, Magneto was completely shocked.

Originally thinking that Clark only had great strength, he had prepared for the other party to be pierced by the steel bars.

But he never expected that the other party not only had great strength, but also had a strong body strength that was not like a human.

After the steel bar collided with Clark's chest, it only tore the clothes on the other party's body, and then twisted and deformed directly the next moment.

As a building material, steel bars are known for their strength, but they can't leave scars on Clark's body.

On the contrary, because of the disintegration of the teaching building, the only weight Clark needs to bear is the basement, and the pressure is suddenly reduced.

After dodging Magneto's attack, he put the basement firmly on the ground, and then punched a gap to let Charles and others walk out.


At this moment, the old friends face each other again, but at this time, there is no possibility of any communication between them.

"What do you want to do!"

"Hand over Raven!"

The two spoke at the same time.

The moment he saw Charles and the others escape, Magneto knew that it was almost impossible to kill them.

Although he was powerful, he only had Sabretooth and Toad under his command.

Even though she was powerful in controlling the magnetic field and had a special helmet that could resist Charles's mental invasion.

But when the other side had a large number of people, as long as there was a moment to let herself

As soon as his helmet leaves his head, Charles can control his body in an instant.

In this case, we must retreat.

"If you still want this teacher and student, hand Raven to me, otherwise, you should know that I can do anything."

Magneto said without hesitation, clenched his fist with one hand, and the cage that imprisoned the academy began to shrink slowly. If this goes on, all the students inside will die in less than a minute.


Clark shouted, but how could Magneto listen to him.

Just when Clark couldn't help but take action directly, Charles' voice suddenly came to his mind.

"Clark, calm down. Magneto's ability is to control the earth's magnetic field. Although you are Superman in the comics, you can't resist Magneto's magnetic field with your current strength."

As an old friend, Charles knew very well how powerful Magneto was. If it weren't for the fact that mutants themselves also needed the earth to live, with Magneto's power, the entire earth's magnetic field could be reversed. In that case, the surface of the earth would fly into space, and the entire earth would slowly fall apart.

Magneto, who has such power, is not something that Clark can defeat on impulse now.

"Later, Cyclops will take the lead. You go and find a way to rescue the students in the cage. Although I'm sorry, we need your strength now."

Clark didn't say anything, but agreed in his heart. He knew that Charles, who could establish a direct spiritual connection with him, must know his thoughts.

Sure enough, after Clark agreed, Cyclops suddenly attacked. After pressing the button of his glasses, a powerful red ray shot out of his eyes, directly approaching Magneto.

Even if he could control his positions, Magneto was just a mortal. Facing Cyclops' attack, he naturally pulled a huge piece of iron to block it.

At the same time, Storm also launched an attack. A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and attacked Magneto together with Cyclops's rays.

Logan and Beast also moved at the same time, rushing towards the sabertooth tiger and toad guarding the cage.

And finally, looking at the road that everyone had cleared for him, Clark flew straight to the cage that trapped the students and came to the cage.

"I'll rescue you right away!"

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