The two of them were in a state of panic.

Clark grabbed the iron cage that trapped the students and tried to tear it apart, but when he used all his strength, he suddenly found that these ordinary metals did not move at all.

His own strength could not even shake this ordinary metal!

In the back, Charles saw that Clark could not even open the cage, and suddenly thought of something. He looked up and found that Magneto was still staring at Clark while controlling the metal to resist the attacks of Cyclops and Storm.

"It's the magnetic field, Clark. Magneto used the magnetic field to strengthen the cage. Although you are powerful, it is not enough to shake the magnetic field controlled by Magneto."

Charles's call rang in Clark's mind, and it also made Clark know why he could not even pull open ordinary steel bars.

"In that case, we just need to make Magneto unable to control these metals, right?"

In just a moment, Clark thought of a way to deal with it.

Magneto can certainly strengthen these metals by manipulating the magnetic field, making their strength reach a level that he cannot destroy.

But the influence of the magnetic field cannot affect the melting point of the metal.

Clark took a step back, with a bright red light in his eyes. He wanted to melt the cage directly with the thermal vision. As long as it was melted, the liquid metal would naturally not be controlled by Magneto through the magnetic field.

"Everyone be careful!"

After the first trial, a dazzling red light shot out from Clark's eyes. Under his control, these thermal visions accurately shone on the steel bars, without hurting the students in them, but such subtle control also prevented Wendy with the thermal vision from melting instantly.

This also gave the enemy time to react.

Magneto realized Clark's idea, and knew that the trump card he communicated with Charles and others was these students, and Clark must not be allowed to rescue them.

So he immediately wanted to control other metals and attack Clark.

But how could Cyclops and Storm not know his thoughts? They launched attacks one after another to attract Magneto's attention back, so that he could not disturb Clark's actions.

Game theory How strong is Magneto's ability to control magnetic fields? Cyclops' lasers and Storm's lightning. Magneto must also use his mind to resist these attacks. Controlling magnetic fields cannot make him invulnerable.

"Damn kid, come to disturb our good things again!"

On the other side, Sabretooth, who was fighting with Logan again, was furious when he saw Clark's behavior. It was not because Clark was about to rescue those students, but because he was almost killed by Clark, which made him feel irritated when he saw a cough.

So, in anger, Sabretooth, staring at Logan's claws piercing his heart, flew the other party out first, and the whole person touched the ground with his limbs. Just like his title, he pounced on Clark who was using thermal vision to melt the cage like a real sabertooth tiger.

"Clark, be careful!"

After being thrown to the ground, Logan could no longer stop the sabertooth tiger. He could only remind Clark loudly. In his opinion, the sabertooth tiger was still very threatening.

But in fact, would Clark still worry about the sabertooth tiger now?

The answer is no. Although Clark, who has regained his biological position, is not truly invulnerable, he will not be broken by the brute force of a superhuman like sabertooth tiger who is not known for his strength.

But even so, if he is disturbed at this time, everything will be very uncertain. The attacks of Cyclops and Storm will indeed pose a threat to Magneto, but it is impossible for them to defeat Magneto alone. Once they are defeated, he cannot rescue his students and Jean. It is uncertain what Magneto will ask for later.

Clark did not take any action. It seemed that he was going to bear the attack of the sabertooth tiger head-on. In fact, it was because Clark trusted the people around him, or in other words, it was because of his trust in Charles, the only one who did not take action.

When the saber-toothed tiger's claws were about to fall on Clark, the opponent's actions suddenly stopped. At the same time, the toad entangled with the beast also stopped moving. The two of them were controlled by Charles's psychic power.

The main reason why Charles did not control them immediately at the beginning was that Magneto had been staring at Charles. As long as Charles used his power, Magneto would definitely attack Charles without hesitation because of his helmet that was immune to mind control.

Now, although Cyclops and Storm can't hold on for too long, it shouldn't take too long.

As Sabretooth and Toad were controlled, Beast and Logan came to help immediately.

After the metal cage was heated, Magneto's magnetic effect was greatly reduced. With the help of Beast and Logan, the cage was soon opened and all the students escaped.

But just when they were about to rescue Jean who was wrapped in iron, Jean suddenly took off and slowly flew to Magneto's side.

At this time, they looked over and found that Cyclops and Storm had been subdued by Magneto without knowing when.

The glasses on Cyclops' face used to suppress lasers had disappeared, and he and Storm were tied face to face with a steel bar.

In this case, as long as Cyclops opened his eyes, the released laser would shoot Storm's head, and as long as Storm dared to control lightning, she would electrocute Cyclops who was in contact with his body first.

Plus Jean who flew into the air.

Although everyone rescued all the students and controlled Sabretooth and Toad, they lost Cyclops, Storm, and Jean.

"Charles, your decisiveness this time really surprised me."

Magneto spoke slowly. This time, Charles did not talk to her about some great principles at the beginning, but directly let the X-Men take action, which really surprised her a little.

But that's all.

Even if those students were rescued, as long as these three were still in his hands, he could do nothing and could only make a good deal with himself.

"Magneto, let them go, your behavior is too radical."

It was not Charles himself who spoke, but Sabretooth, who was now controlled by Charles. Charles used Sabretooth's mouth to communicate with Magneto.

"At this point, is there any point in arguing with me about right and wrong? What is going on now is a pure transaction. Want the lives of three people? It's simple, use Raven, Sabretooth, and Toad to exchange, otherwise, the three of them will definitely die."

As he said, the metal that bound the three people slowly tightened, and the bones of the three people made a crisp sound. Obviously, the joints had been dislocated, and if they continued to tighten, the bones of the three people's bodies would probably be crushed.


Sabertooth suddenly shook his head, as if he had regained consciousness, and Charles used his body to shout out Magneto's name, and then quietly closed his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of helplessness. Magneto knew him too well. Even if he caught Sabretooth and the other two, he could not threaten them directly with their lives like Magneto did.

So from the moment Cyclops and the other three were caught, the ending was actually fixed.

"I promise you, let Cyclops and the others go quickly..."

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