The old man was so angry that he said, "Help me? Is there something wrong with me?" Qin's tone began to become cold. Her power was far stronger than Charles's, whether it was telekinesis or the psychic ability that Charles also had, but such a weak guy was so shameless as to want to help himself. "Absolutely not!" Eric answered again and said the answer in Qin's heart. "Eric, shut up!" "I won't, Charles! You are always hindering her." Charles realized that things were not good, so he used his ability instinctively again, trying to appease Qin's current emotions through special mental fluctuations, but he didn't expect that such behavior would directly detonate Qin's emotions. "Qin, I'm doing this for your own good..." Bang! The lamp on the table suddenly moved by itself, hitting the wall heavily, the door of the house closed by itself, and the whole house began to tremble.

Everything in the room slowly floated in the air, which meant that Qin's ability began to affect everything around it uncontrollably.

Realizing that his approach of calming Qin's emotions was a bad move, Charles had no chance of retreating at this time.

He could only increase his spiritual power, influence Qin's emotions as much as possible, and persuade her at the same time.

"Look at me Qin, look at me, I can help you..."

Charles wanted to calm Qin and help her control this power, but the spiritual ability that entered his mind was strongly resisted by Qin.

The part of Qin's reason gradually disappeared under the rising anger in her heart.

"Get out of my head!"

"Qin! Your ability is harmful to yourself and everyone, but I can help you!"

"Think about Scott! You almost killed your lover because you couldn't control your ability."

"Shut up!!"

All Charles's persuasion did not work at all.

Because in the final analysis, mutant abilities are the nature and instinct of mutants.

The biggest reason why other mutant students can live happily in school is that mutant school is a place where they can use their mutant abilities and release their nature.

But Jean, because of her powerful abilities, must suppress her instincts in such an environment.

Now, no matter how nice and reasonable Charles says, Aomame will not care, and he will not be forced to suppress himself.

The powerful telekinesis burst out at this moment, and Eric was directly blown away by this force and was suppressed on the kitchen floor and could not move.

Charles leaned against the wall, still using his psychic ability to try to enter Jean's mind and suppress her current anger.

Outside, Logan and Scott, who realized the movement inside the house, looked at each other and immediately took action.

And Eric's men, Red Tank and others also took action.

Red Tank put on his helmet and rushed towards Logan. Logan, who didn't know Red Tank's ability, didn't realize how terrible the big guy in front of him was when he ran. He was knocked to the ground without any resistance, and then was caught by Red Tank and smashed into the house.

Scott immediately used his laser eyes to attack. Among the remaining three mutants, the mutants who could grow spikes all over their bodies and the clones didn't dare to face the lasers in Scott's eyes, and hid in a safe place at the beginning of the battle.

Only the mutant who could sense the position and ability strength of the mutants also had the ability to move at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Scott and punched him in the face.

When Scott wanted to fight back, the laser was easily dodged by the opponent. It couldn't hurt at all.

The battle between Logan and Red Tank in the room was deadlocked. It was also very difficult for Scott to deal with the mutant who could move at high speed in front of him, and the battle was deadlocked.

But Charles' situation in the room was not good.

With no way out, Charles could only use his ability to try to enter Jean's brain.

"Let me in... Jean..."

But such behavior could only completely anger Jean.

As Jean's pupils turned dark, golden flames ignited from the darkness.

Jean disappeared completely, and now what appeared in front of everyone was an angry phoenix.

Charles's psychic ability was interrupted, just like a branch encountering

The ability that accompanied Charles throughout his life was blocked, and it completely disappeared at this moment.

Charles didn't know that Jean didn't have such a strong power by nature, but the Phoenix power that parasitized Jean's body was the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the universe.

No matter how strong Charles's spiritual power was, it was not enough in front of her.

Charles was slowly lifted from the wheelchair, and his body was gradually twisting. Even if there seemed to be no problem on the outside, his body was definitely seriously injured.

"No! Jean, don't!"

Eric shouted, but his ability was also suppressed. The ability to control the magnetic field disappeared at this moment. He could only watch his old friend step by step towards death.

Logan and Red Tank, who moved the battlefield indoors, could not avoid it. Although they did not lose their abilities, they were also pushed to the ceiling by the powerful force and could not move.


Suddenly, Jean screamed, and when she turned her head, she found that Emma had come here outside the house at some point and was using spiritual power to directly attack Jean's brain.

Unlike Charles' gentle approach, Emma's direct mental shock still had a slight impact on Jean under the unexpected situation.

The force that kept attacking Charles' body paused.

"Boy with glasses! Think of a way quickly, the impact I caused can't last too long!"

Scott knew that Emma was talking to him, but the enemy in front of him was really difficult to deal with. That speed was naturally not enough for Clark, but it was enough to deal with Scott. He needed to activate the button on the glasses to launch the laser, and this time was enough for the opponent to launch an attack.

"It seems that you need to use that pair of glasses to use your ability, right? I really can't figure it out. Someone like you actually has such a high level of ability. Why!"

Looking at Scott who was completely suppressed by himself, the mutant was completely floating.

He rushed forward again and knocked Scott's red crystal glasses off with a punch.

Looking at Scott who lost his eyes and closed his eyes tightly, she became more convinced of her idea.

"It seems that you can't use your ability like this. What a weak X-Man."


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