The mutant was shocked by the sudden laughter of Scott, but she could not react at this time.

Her speed was indeed fast, enough to launch an attack during the time when Scott reached his hand to the glasses and pressed the button.

But his speed was far slower than the laser, and not faster than the other party's blinking speed.

She could only sense the level of Scott's ability, but she did not understand Scott's ability.

That's why she judged that Scott needed glasses to use his ability.

Therefore, he paid the price for it.

"It doesn't matter whether I am strong or not, but you are ridiculously stupid."

Scott raised his head and opened his eyes directly, and the terrifying red laser directly enveloped the mutant's body.

Her body was almost instantly turned into nothingness by the laser. Then, Scott did not close his eyes, but let the laser continue to move forward and shoot in the direction of Phoenix.

This attack naturally would not affect Phoenix.

When Scott's laser approached Phoenix, it was blocked by an invisible barrier and gradually pushed back.

Until Scott's ability was completely suppressed and the red light in his eyes completely disappeared.

In this way, Scott lost his ability to resist, but his sight was perfectly matched with Phoenix at this time.

"Jin! Don't go on, don't kill anymore, wake up quickly!"

Scott shouted, wanting to convey his inner emotions to the other party through this most simple language, to the spirit under the suppression of Phoenix, belonging to Qin's heart.

And at this moment, he did it.

Different from Charles.

Whether it was Phoenix or Qin, they could feel Charles' fear of Qin's power. The idea of ​​wanting Qin to suppress themselves could not be hidden from them who had the power of Phoenix.

But Scott was different.

Phoenix and Jean, who can sense everyone's inner thoughts, can naturally sense Scott's thoughts at this time.

That is pure love without any impurities, without any coercion. Scott never thought of asking Jean to suppress him, even though he has become so terrifying now.

Scott has no fear of her.

What he wants is very simple, just hope that Jean can regain her composure, just hope that Jean can come to his side.

Such pure emotions are far more useful to Phoenix and Jean than Charles's psychic ability.

Maybe during the days when Phoenix was suppressed, everything in Jean's ears was false, but only the love for Scott was genuine.

Feeling Scott's emotions, suppressed deep inside, Jean's consciousness began to wake up and began to compete with Phoenix for control of the body.


Feeling threatened, Phoenix immediately planned to kill Scott, but Jean's consciousness in the body stopped him.

The two personalities in the body competed, naturally causing the ability to disappear.

The house suspended in the air fell to the ground with a bang, and Charles also collapsed to the ground. Eric also stood up slowly at this time.

He walked to Jean who was holding her head and screaming. He gently patted her shoulder.

"Let's go, kid, you need time to calm down."

Gradually, the screaming stopped.

Phoenix still dominated the body, but she looked at Scott outside the house and knew very well that the other personality in her body would not allow her to attack him.

"Let's go."

Phoenix made a choice, and with a wave of her hand, the X-Men were pushed back dozens of meters away by a shock and fell to the ground. Charles, who was already seriously injured, fainted directly.

Obviously, Jean's personality mainly protected Scott. For Charles who suppressed her personality, even Jean would find it difficult to maintain enough goodwill after the truth came out.

Eric and others left.

Under the influence of Phoenix, no one dared to stop them.

Logan and Scott could only take the unconscious Charles back to the academy.

"It's bad."

On the plane, Scott was driving the fighter plane, while Logan looked at the sun in the sky.

"Clark, I guess I can only rely on you next."

They have thoroughly experienced Jean's strength. Although they did not lose confidence, they also fully understood their own strength and could not be involved in a war with Jean.


The center of the sun.

In order to fully absorb the powerful energy inside the sun and become stronger as quickly as possible, Clark's consciousness has fallen into a short sleep.

As Clark's consciousness faded, another consciousness gradually emerged in Clark's mind.

"So that's it, is this the world where this kid is?"

Beside Clark, a green shadow slowly emerged, the kryptonite armor and the same smooth bald head as Nick Fury, indicating the other party's identity.

Lex Luthor, the other consciousness that emerged from the depths of Clark's consciousness, is Lex Luthor from another world.

There is no kindness without reason in the world.

At least for people like Luthor, this sentence is the truth.

At the beginning, Luthor did not lie about using Clark's super brain's computing power to predict the future.

But knowing that Clark is the childhood Superman.

If he doesn't do something, he is not Luthor.

Why does Luthor want to be an enemy of Superman?

The obvious statement is that Luthor sees the disadvantages of Superman's strength.

A powerful Superman will make humans dependent, because as long as Superman is around, people don't need to worry about safety and will not make progress. Once Superman leaves one day, humans who forget to make independent progress are likely to be severely hit.

But this argument should be completely gone after Superman restrains his behavior and limits his scope of action to the scope of Metropolis.

But in fact, Luthor knows very well why he is hostile to Superman, because Superman is too good.

Whether in terms of ability, character, or all aspects, Superman is too perfect, which is unforgivable for Luthor, who has a strong self-esteem.

So he is an enemy of Superman just to prove that he is better than Superman and that he can also be called Superman.

So, after seeing Clark, the young Superman from another world, the idea of ​​occupying the other's body has been deeply rooted in his heart.

Using the reason of predicting the future, Luthor left part of his will in the depths of Clark's consciousness. Once Clark encounters a certain situation in the future that causes his consciousness to be silent, Luthor's consciousness will have the opportunity to occupy Superman's body.

Now, Clark is completely asleep in order to absorb the sun's energy. This is the best opportunity for Luthor.

He is only one step away from becoming Superman.

As long as he controls this body to move, and then completely suppresses Clark's original consciousness, he! Lex Luthor, will become the Superman of this world!

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