The two sides of the border are still in chaos.

"Let's...close the school."

Ororo made such a suggestion.

Logan, Piotr, Beast, Katie, and Poppy, who were also in the living room, did not speak.

"Let the students return to their homes and choose whether to inject the drug according to the situation. We will stay and fight Eric in the end."

Ororo did not want to escape from the future battle, but now that Charles has become a vegetable, they have no confidence to continue to support this huge college.

Not to mention Storm Ororo, who has always been under Charles' protection.

Even Hank, who used to teach here as a teacher and co-founded the school with Charles, did not think that anyone other than Charles was qualified to support this college.

Outside the door, Scott sat alone, listening to the discussion inside. He wanted to say something, but Jean and Charles, the two most important people in his life, had accidents one after another, which was too much of a blow to him.

For a while, he couldn't cheer up.

Even he, even he who had been trained by Charles as an heir, lost confidence at this time.

In the kitchen, some younger students looked at the depressed teachers and lost their mood to play.

It seemed that everyone agreed that the academy was about to close and they were about to be forced to return to the human world.

Until the door that was forgotten to be closed was pushed open, and a blond boy with a green face walked in.

"You are..."

Although he was confused, Scott stood up after seeing someone enter the school.

"Excuse me?"

The blond boy was named Warren Worthington, the son of the owner of the biotechnology company that made the medicine.

In fact, Warren Worthington II, his father, had been looking for an antidote to treat mutant genes for decades in order to cure his mutant ability, which led to this.

However, when the antidote really appeared in front of him, Warren, who had been bound for too long, refused to be cured. For more than ten years, he had been bound by special devices. He wanted freedom, so he used his ability to leave his father and came here, the well-known mutant academy.

"Sorry, I know I'm not here at the right time, but I heard that this is a mutant shelter and a mutant school."

After hearing Warren's words, Scott knew that this was a mutant child who found this place, but now was not the right time.

"I'm sorry, this was indeed a mutant school before."

Scott also heard Ororo's words, and even they were considering whether to give up this school now.

But at this time, Scott, who looked up again, saw Warren's eyes and saw the other party's confused eyes.

From this, Scott could see that this was a child who had just left his family. The confusion in his eyes was something that all the X-Men had experienced. Once upon a time, it was the professor who found and saved them, and it was the professor who gave them a home.

Now, his answer wiped out the child's hope.

Scott regretted it, and he said immediately.

"Sorry, I take back what I just said."

Scott pulled Warren, pushed open the door of the living room, and walked in front of everyone.

"Everyone, no matter what you think, I will always stick to it. The academy will not be closed. I will find a room for this child. What about you?"

Scott's sudden words startled everyone, and the first to react was Ororo.

Almost all of them, the X-Men trained by Charles himself, have similar experiences and have experienced Warren's current state. Naturally, Ororo was also deeply touched when he saw Warren.

"Yes, I will prepare some daily necessities for him."

Ororo immediately took action, and together with Scott, took Warren out of the living room to prepare for his future life.

"Then I'll go show him around the school."

Piotr said, and left the living room.

"Let's go tell everyone the news."

Katie and Bobby looked at each other and left the living room.

Shen Ke and Logan looked at each other, and Logan spoke.

"Don't tell me you're going to leave and leave me alone here."

Hank smiled and stood up with his hands on the sofa.


If Ers can't wake up, then I will be responsible for the new student's course arrangement. "

Hank left here.

Logan, who was left at the end, looked around. He was the only one left in the living room that was originally full of people.

"Damn it!"

Logan shook his hands, took off his coat and threw it on the sofa where Hank was sitting.

"That kid should have brought luggage, if not, I will go to the city to buy some now, it seems like I am useless! "


Just when Charles lost consciousness and the X-Men fell into chaos in order to support the academy.

Eric's actions did not stop at all.

A large number of mutants under his command continued to attack the injection sites across the United States.

After losing the shackles of the X-Men, their actions became more and more arrogant.

But gradually.

Humans did not rely on the power of the X-Men, but only relied on themselves to reverse the situation.

The full-scale attack of the mutants united the human society in the United States, and the complex political situation in the upper class of the United States reached a unity.

And in this way, the powerful state machine of the United States broke out its own technological power.

Originally, it was necessary to rely on the secretions provided by the special mutant named Jimmy to make ear potions, but humans broke through the means of copying secretions in a short period of time.

The production of potions has increased significantly.

At the same time, Stark Tony Stark, chairman of the group, also took the initiative to cooperate with the government for the first time and produced guns made entirely of non-metal for American soldiers.

This kind of weapon that was completely used to target Magneto began to be equipped.

Then, a large number of produced drugs were provided as bullets, and a large number of soldiers began to fight against mutants.

These mutants sent to various parts of the United States were completely suppressed in less than a day, and all were forced to inject drugs to lose their mutant abilities.

Then, they were arrested and thrown into prison.

Eric wanted to start a full-scale war between mutants and humans, but he forgot how terrifying the power would be when the outside world appeared and humans united.

However, Eric still had a trump card, and Jean, who joined his team, gave him the possibility of a comeback.

While mutants in other places were constantly being captured, they successfully tied down a large number of government forces.

He led the most elite group of mutants and had come to the vicinity of the laboratory.

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