The laboratory was originally a prison in the United States.

This is not only the place where all the drugs are produced, but also the mutant who can make mutants disappear is imprisoned here.

As long as they can kill this special mutant, they can stop the production of this drug.

Although humans have mastered the replication of secretions and can use a small amount of extracts to replicate in large quantities, this replication is also limited. In the final analysis, it still needs to rely on this mutant to continuously provide secretions to continue.

As long as he is killed, humans will lose the raw materials for the production of this drug, and Eric's crisis of mutants will disappear.

Therefore, he is about to launch a general attack to break through the laboratory and wipe out this drug that will eliminate mutants from the source.

And right at the beginning, they encountered a problem.

Because it was a prison before.

This laboratory is built on an isolated island in the inland sea.

There is no bridge connecting it, and the only way to get in and out is by plane and ship.

Eric and his notorious group of people obviously cannot get enough ships and planes to transport such a large number of mutants, so how to get to the laboratory becomes a problem.

Even if a few mutants can cross the sea because of their special abilities.

But most of the mutants with weak abilities, even if they can swim across, will be exhausted and lose their combat ability when they arrive.

Eric's solution to this is very simple.

He looked at the cross-sea bridge connecting the two areas of the city.

"Charles has always wanted to build a bridge between mutants and humans."

Eric led many mutants to board the bridge, and then the ability to control the magnetic field was activated.

The entire bridge was forcibly torn off from the middle, flew into the air, and slowly turned towards the direction of the prison.

The ordinary people who were still on the bridge were frightened by this scene. They left their private cars and jumped off the bridge into the sea.

They didn't know whether they could survive after falling into the water, but they knew one thing very well, that is, if they didn't run, they would definitely not survive.

And they didn't die after jumping into the sea.

The X-Men also arrived at this time. Bobby jumped off the plane, and the cold air sprayed from his hands froze the sea surface, forming a stable foothold, and constantly rescued these ordinary people who fell into the sea.

"It seems that our friends have arrived too."

Eric naturally noticed the arrival of the X-Men, but he just smiled slightly and didn't care too much about it.

As the cross-sea bridge was moved to another direction and landed heavily, the bridge between mutants and humans in a literal sense was achieved by Eric.

"Let's go, everyone, for the future of mutants!"

Eric led many mutants and walked along the bridge to the laboratory.

As for the laboratory, the soldiers stationed inside also reacted. The sentry towers and machine gun towers were full of soldiers. Among them, there were conventional firepower weapons, but more of them were non-metallic firearms used to restrain Eric and the mutants.

At the same time, the X-Men also landed on the roof of the laboratory and came to the soldiers, forming a confrontation with Eric and others who arrived at the bridgehead.

With Eric's order, a large number of mutants launched a charge towards the laboratory.

At the same time, bullets from the human side also whizzed in.

These antidotes with bullets, every hit, can make a mutant lose combat effectiveness.

But after all, this is just a laboratory, not a military base, and the number of soldiers is too small. Under the crazy attack of mutants with different abilities, the line of soldiers was broken, and the X-Men stood on the front line.

The indestructible steel man Piotr, the beast-like Hank, the weather-controlling Storm, the steel-like Logan, and Scott whose eyes release deadly lasers.

All of these X-Men are capable of fighting one hundred at a time, and these weak mutants are almost nothing in front of them.

As for Eric, there is only one Red Tank, who, relying on his strong body and kinetic energy that will not decay at all after running, forcibly rushed into the laboratory to find the special mutant.

As for the other mutants, they were caught in the battle between the X-Men and humans and could not extricate themselves.

"Katie! Go protect Jimmy, the special mutant!"

Piotr punched a bone-dead mutant away.

The mutant's mutant bones were no match for her metal body in terms of hardness.

Katie nodded, and ran into the laboratory after her body became ethereal.

She approached the Red Tank who was running rampant in the laboratory with her body, and then grabbed the other's feet with a flying pounce, and then etherealized the other's whole body and sank into the ground and then contacted the ethereal again.

"How is it, big guy?"

Katie smiled at the Red Tank after drilling out of the ground again.

"You don't think you can trap me like this!"

Katie expressed disdain for the Red Tank's words.

"It can't be that everyone is like Clark, and the two great lands can't restrain them, so you just be honest..."

Katie didn't finish her words, and saw Red Tank's limbs exerting force, and saw a big hole in the ground after shaking it out, and then jumped out of it.

"How is it?"

This time, it was Red Tank's turn to show a mocking expression to Katie.

"Damn it!"

Katie didn't hesitate and immediately turned back and ran away.

"That's why I hate these big guys with infinite strength! Except Clark..."

Katie used her ability to constantly go through rooms, looking for Jimmy's location, while Red Tank was much simpler and more brutal. These walls made of special materials could not stop him from running.

Walls were constantly smashed.

And in such a chase, Katie finally came to the room where Jimmy was, and Red Tank was about to break through here.

"You are..."

Katie came to Jimmy before he could react to what happened.

"No time to explain, we need to escape."

But when Katie was about to take Jimmy out through the wall, she lost her mutant ability because she was too close to Jimmy, and the two of them collided with the wall.

At this time, Red Tank had smashed the wall and came in front of the two.

"Haha, I found it!"

Always remembering Eric's order, Red Tank immediately charged at Jimmy. In this small room, the two had no room to hide.

But just when Jimmy thought he was going to be killed.

Katie caught the charge of Red Tank with just one hand.

"What happened?"

This was the first time since he got the ability that Red Tank felt he was forced to stop. He looked at Katie who was holding him with one hand, and an incredible expression appeared on his face. His ability was not only powerful, but also unstoppable. As long as he started to move in one direction, he would not be stopped by obstacles.

But even so, he was stopped by a petite girl.

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