Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 45: Gluttony Is Coming! (Please Subscribe!)

Milky Way·Chiwu Fixed Star system.

More than a dozen gluttonous vanguard fleets passed through the worm bridge station that Death God Carl left on Pluto ten thousand years ago, heading towards the earth at full speed.

In less than two days, Taotie's vanguard fleet will directly pass through the atmosphere and land on the earth.

With complete hostility on the other side, war is imminent.

"Feng Lei, it seems that we need to act faster this time."

Looking at the earth data on the projection screen, the stag's electronic eyes flickered slightly, obviously feeling a little uneasy.

Seeing that his good partner was a little worried, Feng Lei said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry too much, Master Snow has already met with my king, hasn't he?"

"As long as we don't collide with Angel... and my god Carl is here, do we need to care about any god?"

"Only relying on a civilization at the level of the earth will not cause much pressure on us."

Hearing this, the stag shook his head slightly: "The earth has now entered the pre-nuclear era, and every country has nuclear explosives of different magnitudes!"

"Their own weapons are more than enough to destroy them fifty times. If they use nuclear power recklessly..."

"We're still going to be sad, I'm afraid."

"Although the Starry Sky Barrier can resist nuclear power, once there are too many and the energy consumption is too fast, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"Earth...hehe~" Fenglei laughed lowly:

"Their conventional weapons can't break through our defenses, and air combat units are even less likely to compete with us, although nuclear power can still put pressure on us..."

"But the earth is still in the old Kamigawa radiation civilization, and it respects the morality of life..."

"Basically, they will not use nuclear explosives on their own cities."

"So as long as we fight at low altitude, we can avoid nuclear power to the greatest extent."

The Buck nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then said again: "But this trick only works for a few of them, and there seems to be a country in North America that doesn't take this trick."

"Then pick a few who won't do that first." Feng Lei nodded, and said again:

"The purpose of our vanguard army is to open up routes, and the follow-up troops will arrive in a short time.

"That's why we need to be flexible."

"Okay!" Buck nodded fiercely: "The Vanguard Fleet is divided into seven teams, and three teams will be mobilized in Tianhe City, Juxia City, and Beizhixing in Huaxia Kingdom.

"Two teams from North America, two teams from Europe."

"A total of fourteen vanguard ships invaded at the same time and began to cause death."

"Let's start deploying strategies!"

At the same time, in the South China Sea, on the Juxia, a simultaneous live broadcast was also being staged.

The anchors are...Fenglei and Stag, and the content is...discussing the invasion of the earth, um, a very flamboyant operation.

"General, what should we do now?" Witnessing the discussion between Feng Lei and the Bucks, Jess expressed a little panic.

"In less than two days, even if the central government orders at the same time, it is impossible to evacuate all the residents of major cities in a little over ten days.

"What else can I do?" Ducao said in a low voice, "Prepare the transport plane, I'm going to the North Star immediately."

"Ye Yi allowed us to see this scene just to make us prepare in advance. Other countries don't know yet, and they won't believe it."

"But our Huaxia Kingdom is different, we must believe in its strength."

"The residents must all evacuate safely, and this battle must be fought beautifully."

"Do you want the Xiongbing Company to establish contact with the military?" Jess frowned: "If fighting at both ends, I'm afraid the efficiency will be greatly reduced."

"Don't worry, countermeasures have already been prepared." Ducao shook his head in a deep voice:

"Make a copy of this video data and transmit it directly to the transport plane. I will bring it back to the North Star later. w

"Also, Ajie, the South China Sea Fleet is immediately ready for battle."

"Notify the major military regions to prepare."

"The main force of this battle is the Xiongbing Company, and it is also the testing ground for new troops of our military department."

"Special existence, we should use special to deal with it. It is very easy for us to fight small soldiers and a dozen Flight weapons to help the heroic soldiers open the way."

"Understood!" Jess took the order, turned around and ran for a while.

Without any hesitation, Ducao walked out of the Juxia, boarded the deck, and boarded the transport plane that had been prepared. The dark metal transport plane turned into a streamer and flew to the North Star at high speed.

At the same time, in the college cafeteria on the outskirts of Juxia City, there was also a simultaneous live broadcast.

0 looking for flowers...

Those who watched the live broadcast were all members of the Xiongbing Company.

It was time to eat, but no one moved their chopsticks. Except Thornton and the heartless Reina, no one could eat at this time.

"Did these two bastards look down upon us and the country?"

Hearing the brash tone of Fenglei and Bucks in the live broadcast room, Liu Chuang immediately slapped the table to express his displeasure: "I want at least one of the heads of these two."

"Chuangzi, you can't do it~" Zhao Xin shook his head: "Unless the two of them stand up and fight for you, you won't even be able to pass the Starlight Barrier.

"This is a difficult point~" Qilin frowned instantly:

"The starlight barrier is strong enough to withstand the bombardment of a nuclear bomb. It is probably unrealistic to smash it with our current strength."


"The only one here who can ignore the starlight barrier is Rose."

"Rose" Wei Ying turned her head instantly.

"Don't look at me~" Du Qiangwei shook her head directly: I will send it in by myself, or send things like missiles and explosives in.

"You and I can't carry any of them. My brain capacity is too small and the data is too big. I can't count."

"Hey, brother Thornton, can you break the starlight barrier?" Rui Mengmeng turned to look at Thornton, her face full of anticipation.

Thornton shook his head with regret on his face: "Don't look at me either, God forbid, I won't be allowed to play with you this time."

"Why?" He Weilan frowned: "Shorton, you are one of the strongest fighters in the Xiongbing Company, you don't want to go up

"This is Ye Yi's test for you guys~" Lena chuckled lightly: "If Thornton gets involved, it's just chopping melons and vegetables, what else is there for you?"

Ge Xiaolun scratched his head: "Sister Na, aren't you a third-generation divine body? Isn't Brother Hou also an indestructible body of Vajra? You can do both, why can't Thornton?"

"I don't mean anything else~ I'm just a little confused.

"Ask Ye Yi!" Leina glared at Ge Xiaolun angrily.

Su Xiaoli, who is next to her, sees it very clearly: "Leina is not very reliable, and her melee ability is not strong. When the taboo ability cannot be used, her divine body is relatively hard, nothing special.

"Hey, why do you look down on me, the goddess?" Lena stared. .

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