Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 46 Pre-War Preparations! (Please Subscribe!)

"Ari is telling the truth~"

Qilin turned to look at Leina: "Otherwise, what do you think, Lena?"

"Damn, you one by one..." Reina suddenly ran out of words: "Okay, let the goddess wait."

"It's useless to talk about it now~" He Weilan said in a deep voice: "The gluttonous three parties invaded, but we only have so few people, how do we distribute them?"

"Northern Star, Juxia City, Tianhe City"

"Only the dozen or so of us, we don't care about the head and the tail.

Xin Zhao touched his chin: "I reckon, Brother Hou and Thornton should be going to the North Star Battlefield to control the overall situation.

"Our group should be divided into two groups, one group will go to Tianhe City, and the other group will go to Juxia City."

"Lord Xin, aren't you talking nonsense?" Ge Xiaolun rolled his eyes at Xin Zhao: "Think about it with your toes. This is the arrangement. "Eight four three""

"Fuck, Xiao Lun, can you stop tearing things up?" Xin Zhao rolled his eyes: "It's embarrassing, okay?"

Li Feifei said in a deep voice: "The two teams should have similar configurations, but how should they be allocated?"

Liu Chuang raised his right hand and separated the fingers one by one to count: "Magician, warrior, assassin, shooter, support, a group of five?"

"Qi Lin and Wei Ying are both shooters and should be separated. Sister Na and Ah Li are both magicians and should be separated. Xiao Lun and I are both fighters and should be separated..."

"Qiangwei and Xin Zhao are considered assassins, wait a minute, what are Yaowen, Weilan, Feifei, Mengmeng doing?...No, we have too many people? This is all heavy~"

"Twelve people, a group of six, three fighters in a group? No support?"

"Okay Chuangzi, stop talking nonsense, do you think this is playing a game?" Xin Zhao looked at the fool's expression, and slapped Liu Chuang's outstretched hand away:

"And... have you forgotten Chief Lianfeng and Chief Yuqin? Chief Instructor, have you forgotten?"

"That's right, Chief Lianfeng and Chief Yuqin are assistants..." Liu Chuang suddenly realized: "This is good."

...Too deep into the play~ Another old man who was poisoned by the game. Ge Xiaolun shook his head: "Chuangzi is hopeless."

"Although the way of giving examples is a bit poor." Qilin nodded lightly: "But I think it's roughly this kind of grouping."

"Sister Qilin, which group should I go with?" Rui said with a look of bitterness and hatred.

He Weilan shook her head lightly: "Boss Lianfeng and Yuqin should already have a plan to deal with it, we don't need to ask when the time comes to know."

Qiangwei said softly: "There is still more than a day left. I guess this day's training will be carried out in groups. After all, the teams need to get in touch with each other."

"Hey, now it's time for me, the little leader, to show off." Leina rubbed her fist, and glanced around with good intentions.

"Chief Lianfeng said that you, the team leader, have no real power and are an empty post." Li Feifei silently dealt a fatal blow to Leina.

"I..." Reina gritted her teeth angrily.

Qilin glanced at Leina and shook her head lightly: "Hurry up and eat, the training plan for the afternoon may have to be changed, so be mentally prepared."

"It is estimated that there will be a group of six, fighting against Brother Monkey and Thornton respectively." Xin Zhao said confidently: "Team battle, killing gods and beheading battles."

"Stop showing off, sit down and eat." Ge Xiaolun complained, "Lord Xin, your IQ is just like this."

"Hit Brother Monkey and Thornton, kill God and behead? Just us? Ha ha..."

"If you don't get beaten to death by Thornton and Monkey Brother, you will already burn incense, and kill God?"

"Lord, you are so funny..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xin Zhao glared at Ge Xiaolun, and sat down to eat quietly.

Lunch time passed quietly...

Central building, conference room.

"Ye Yi, is there anything else that needs to be revised for this battle plan?"

Since knowing the exact time of the Taotie invasion, Lianfeng came up with three sets of battle plans all night, and it was not completely confirmed until now.

However, she still needs to ask Ye Yi's opinion. After all, the three battlefields are changing all the time, and she and Yuqin alone can't take care of them.

In this battle, the celestial computer is disabled, and Lianfeng and Yuqin are only used to assist and control the overall situation, and will not help the Xiongbing Company much.

After all, this is to sharpen the army. If the two of them, Sun Houzi, and Thornton fight with all their strength, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out before Taotie enters the earth...

A civilization with gods is far from a civilization without gods, 0

Taotie's dozens of battleships are very powerful to the earth, but to the gods, they are toys, and they can be dismantled as they like.

At least pay attention to Killing Shenwu, Taotie is no threat at all.

Definitely, this is for them, for the current Earth and the Xiongbing Company, Taotie still has a little challenge.

"The battle plan is based on Lianfeng's, and you can control it as you want. Don't worry about property losses. After the war, I will make up for all the lost things.

"Just let the Xiongbing Company use their full strength."

"Definitely, there is a premise, nuclear ban."

"I understand this. The country absolutely prohibits nuclear weapons." Hearing this, Lianfeng breathed a sigh of relief:

"The gluttonous army is equipped with dark matter weapons, and its power is even higher than that of nuclear weapons. If you ban this, Ye Yi, it would be great.

Ye Yi turned his head slightly: "What's the reaction from Beizhixing?"

"The purpose has been passed on, fully cooperate." Lianfeng said softly: "All legions will fully cooperate with the Xiongbing Company to fight a beautiful battle."

"In addition, the high-level officials intend to make all the matters about the aliens public today. The information about our Xiongbing you want to release it?"

"Just let it go~" Ye Yi waved his hand: "Difficulty 3.2 period requires a special way to deal with it, and concealing it is not a good choice."

"This era needs heroes to give direction to faith.

"Understood." Lianfeng nodded to express his understanding, and then hesitated for a while before saying: "Angel's side...will you make a move?"

"Not for the time being~ unless evil is born."

"That's good." Lianfeng understood: "I want to use celestial bodies to give them a simulated actual combat, this plan"

"Not passed~" Ye Yi shook his head without thinking: "Except for two or three people, they are all on the battlefield for the first time, if there is too much preparation, you will not be able to see the truest heart.

"Their beliefs are not firm enough."

Hearing this, Lianfeng nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll go down and make arrangements."

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