Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 47 The Enemy Has 30 Seconds To Arrive On The Battlefield! (Please Subscribe!)

The number of gluttons that invaded the earth this time is more than twice that of the original book.

In the original book, there is only one main ship in Tianhe City, and the others are all frigates, even frigates that cannot even open the Starlight Barrier

There is only one main ship and six frigates in total in the world.

But this time, there were already more than six vanguard main ships and twelve frigates that invaded the three places of Beizhixing, Tianhe City, and Juxia City alone, making a total of eighteen.

There are a total of fourteen vanguard ships (the kind that can open starlight barriers), divided into seven teams, each team has two main ships and six frigates, which are standard configurations...

The difficulty has been raised to a higher level...

Although there are still only Fenglei and Bucks in command, this is not a one-man battle.

When the alien invasion came, the country notified the whole country of its interests within two days without any concealment.

With the help of the army, all the population of the three major cities of Beizhixing, Tianhe City, and Juxia City were evacuated in just one day. 10 Although there was some turmoil, and some people even took advantage of the fire to loot, but under the action of the military's sharp weapon, the turmoil only lasted for more than ten minutes before being completely suppressed.

When the national calamity comes, you dare to make trouble, and the barrel of the gun hits your face directly, without mercy.

Regarding Huaxia's big moves, there are also international turmoil, but those... are no longer within the scope of attention.

Only by winning this battle can we have the extra mood to focus on other things.

In order not to scare the Taotie away, Ye Yi took action to cover up all the actions of the Huaxia Kingdom, and all the information that the Taotie could collect was false information fabricated by Ye Yi.

For example, none of the three major cities have left, for example, the earth has never noticed their arrival, etc...

The battlefield has already been planned, and all kinds of heavy firepower and black technology have been aimed at the point where the Taotie will descend, just waiting for the Taotie to take the initiative to enter the urn.

Groups of soldiers wearing light armor shuttled constantly between the cities quickly, using the fastest time to find their positions.

What they carried in their hands were no longer simple ordinary firearms, but laser weapons glowing with pitch-black light.

As for the core of this batch of weapons, Ye Yi expressed a little familiarity, the first-generation Ark reactor developed by Tony..

Your uncle is still your uncle...

How long has it been since Ye Yi came down to Earth?

Although there are blueprints and materials, it is still an extremely huge project to thoroughly understand the technology, produce it, and even put it into application.

However, Huaxia Kingdom can now do it.

Well, it's all pediatrics.

Plans such as spaceships, space battleships, and space armor have been put on the agenda, and various production bases have been established, and they will start working on big things after technological breakthroughs.

Train services....

From the third day of Ye Yi's arrival, the entire Northern Star was simply overclocked...

"I always feel that this time the Xiongbing Company will be upstaged by the military~" Watching this scene, Ye Yi suddenly felt a little worried about the Xiongbing Company.

After all, the executive ability and team assistance ability of soldiers are far from what the current Xiongbing Company can match.

Although the individual strength of the Xiongbing Company is very strong, how long have they been trained?

And this group of military soldiers stationed in Tianhe City and Juxia City are all the elite of the elite...

In ground combat, Huaxia is ranked second, but no one dares to be number one.

It is good for Taotie to fly in the sky, but once it lands, it is a dead end.

And it's not safe in the sky, the range of laser very long.

If you can't beat Deadman, the engine is broken for you, so you can't get down?

Apart from stags and wind and thunder, can fly?

"Lianfeng, is the Xiongbing company ready?" Looking at the live broadcast in front of him, Ye Yi turned his head slightly.

Lianfeng said in a deep voice: "Training has been stopped at two o'clock in the morning and started to rest, and we can start at any time.

"Let the military pay attention. The first wave of Taotie's offensive is absolutely fierce. Let them occupy the city first, and then come to catch the turtle in a urn. Avoid unnecessary casualties if you can."

"How can we win air supremacy?" Lianfeng turned her head slightly: "Are you going to take action?"

"Do you still need me to do it for air dominance?" Ye Yi shook his head slightly: "I won't do it this time, it's all up to the Xiongbing Company to perform on their own.

"You and Yuqin will assist you, but you need to be careful, Taotie has the God-killing Martial Arts handed down from the city of Angel."

"Don't let these precious lumps of mine get killed by Taotie."

"Don't worry~" The corner of Yuqin's lips curled up slightly: "With me here, as long as they are not directly killed instantly, I can cure them all.

"I believe that." Ye Yi chuckled, then looked up at the sky outside the window: "Here comes Taotie, and he will be able to enter the atmosphere in three minutes!"

"Let the Xiongbing company move."

"Okay." Lianfeng nodded, and the dark communication suddenly opened: "Attention all Xiongbing Company, the enemy fleet will enter the atmosphere in a minute, and set off now.


Two space worm doors opened, and everyone stepped into them without any hesitation.

Tianhe City: Lei Na, Liu Chuang, Du Qiangwei, Qi Lin, Rui Mengmeng, Li Feifei.

Juxia City: Cheng Yaowen, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Wei Ying, He Weilan, Su Xiaoli.

As for Sun Houzi and Thornton, they have already taken their positions at the North Star, and are waiting for Taotie's arrival. 087 doesn't need to hone anything, it's about quick battles, so...Sun Houzi and Thornton will do their best to defeat the enemy in the shortest time with the cooperation of the military.

After all, the North Star is also the capital of a country, so it is still important to save face.

Tianhe City and Juxia City can still be used as sharpening stones for Xiongbing Company, but Beizhixing cannot.

Even if Ye Yi can recover all the losses after the war, that won't work.

"Yaowen, how do we fight here?" On the tallest building in Juxia City, Ge Xiaolun's expression was slightly complacent.

"How to fight?" Cheng Yaowen turned his head gently: "Fight according to what we discussed before.

"The military will cooperate with us to the greatest extent, so don't be cowardly, we won't die."

"Huh... calm down, calm must be calm." Xin Zhao muttered to himself, covering his face.

"Isn't the life-and-death training just for this day?" He Weilan clenched her fists: "If you come and kill as many as you want, it's like killing pigs.

"Don't worry, we can win."

"What is behind us, don't forget."

Lianfeng shouted in a deep voice: "Attention everyone, the enemy still has 30 seconds to arrive on the battlefield."

"Ready to fight."


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