Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 67 Ah Zhui: I'm Amazing! (Please Subscribe!)

In front of the window of the central conference room, Ye Yi and Angel watched the members of the Xiongbing Company walk into the training ground one by one.

"Is it really okay to do that?"

After all the members of the Xiongbing Company entered the arena, Angel chased and turned his head lightly: "Although the Sword of Flame is about to be eliminated..."

"But... Even so, the damage to the genetic engine is still not small. Are you sure this group of brats can handle it?"

"The power of the galaxy, Nuoxing God of War, they haven't even achieved the control of dark energy, this level of injury... I guess they can kill half of their lives, aren't you afraid of problems?

"Besides, Sunlight Emperor Leina is Lieyangxing's baby bump. If something goes wrong, Lieyangxing will probably go crazy."

What Ah Zhui said is also true, the damage of the flame sword to the god body is limited, but for the super genetic warrior who has not yet been promoted to god, it is absolutely fatal.

God-level fighters can fully use their gene engine to fight against the flame sword and reduce the damage of the flame sword, but super fighters at this level don't have that ability.

When a non-divine super soldier confronts the Flame Sword, it really doesn't have a 10 hesitation.

Even if Ah Zhui was merciful, the wound cut by the flame sword would be difficult to heal if it was not a divine body.

If you are injured, you can only rely on the genetic engine to independently control the light energy to reshape, but the speed can definitely be so slow that you cry.

And once the genetic engine is damaged, it will be an absolute devastating blow. If the genetic engine is directly necrotic, it will be really cold.

In the current heroic company, except for Lena who has the ability to resist the flame sword, no one else has it.

As for Ge Xiaolun's undefeated's still too young, compared to Ah Zhui's undefeated physique, it's a world of difference.

As for how big the difference is... just compare it.

In the original book, Ge Xiaolun was pierced by Atuo with the flaming sword, and then he fell into a coma, and he didn't wake up after being in a coma for more than half a year. This was based on the fact that Lena gave him some light energy to help him recover Down.

And what about Ah Chae?

He was directly stabbed by Ruoning with the void weapon, and he woke up by himself not long after...

This is the difference, the difference between being the same undefeated body.

In the original book, if it wasn't for Lena giving Ge Xiaolun some energy, it would take him at least ten years to completely heal the injury stabbed by the flame sword.

The Flaming Sword is just so ruthless.

If you really want to be ruthless, now except for Leina, as long as everyone else is cut by Ah Zhui's flaming sword, they will all be taken away with one sword.

There is no hesitation at all.

"It's not really a problem. It's not okay to think that you are invincible after a little trading without giving them some profound lessons."

"In the future, their opponents will be all kinds of evil gods and triangle bodies."

"If you don't recognize your position now, will you be defeated in the future?"

"Then I'd rather let them realize how cruel this universe really is now.

"Fearlessness comes from ignorance, and I don't want them to become frogs in a well."

For Ah Zhui's worry, Ye Yi just shook his head lightly.

Not to mention not hacking to death, even if they were really hacking to death, Ye Yi can also directly revive them all, it's that simple.

Ye Yi has no worries at all.

Just make it to your heart's content.

"It's a bit cruel, but they're lucky.

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Ah Zhui's expression was a little emotional.

Although the method may sound a bit cruel, compared to what they will experience later, it can only be regarded as drizzle.

Compared with Angel's growth, these little guys are considered lucky.

Whether it is the old generation or the new generation of Angels in Tiancheng, they have all come out of countless battles, and they may face the threat of death every day.

Only in this way can a steel-like will be cast.

Is Xiongbinglian very bitter?

Even an Angel who is less than a hundred years old who came out of Tiancheng would scoff at this.

In the city of Angel, there have never been civilians, and some are warriors, each of whom is a powerful war king honed from countless wars.

For Ah Zhui's words, Ye Yi took it very seriously, isn't the Xiongbing Company very lucky?

Luck is already there, what is left now is hard work.

"It's almost time, so I'll go first~ This is my first show since I met you, Ye Yi, so I have to perform well."

Blinking at Ye Yi, Ah Zhui slowly spread his wings and flew out of the window, passing through the gate of No. 1 training ground without thinking.

Am I being teased?

Thinking about Ah Zhui's blink of an eye just now, Ye Yi shook his head helplessly.

Once Angel has identified their male god, then... in front of the male god they have identified, every move will be extremely seductive.

Well, Ye Yi admitted that he was teased.

After all, Angel's charm is really great.

After passing through the gate, the scene in front of him changed, Ah Zhui raised his eyebrows, and once again had a new understanding of Ye Yi's space ability.

"Hiding pretty tight~"

Looking around, Ah Zhui gently grasped the five fingers of his right hand, and a flaming sword with a little red light suddenly emerged.

"803, let me introduce myself. My name is Angel Chase, a guard-level Angel. I was born six thousand years ago. I have participated in three wars between Angels and demons..."

" don't seem to understand these things..."

"In short, as long as you know that I am very powerful."

"This time when I fight you, I will be a little more serious, um... I will be a little more serious on the premise that I won't directly kill you."

There was a gunshot, and a No. 1 bullet shot directly at Ah Zhui's temple.

"I'm in a hurry~" Ah Zhui hooked the corner of his mouth, loosened and tightened his five fingers, turned the flame sword, and easily blocked the god-killing bullet.

"It's impolite to interrupt someone."

The flame sword flipped over, and there were two slashes in the direction of the God-killing projectile, and two blasts of flame bombardment shot out.

"Qi Lin, hide~"

A roar came, and a giant earthen hand rose from the ground, blocking it directly below the flame bombardment.


There was a loud bang, and the giant earthen hand fell apart in an instant, but thanks to the hand, Qi moved smoothly.

The next moment, a black shadow soared into the sky, holding the big sword in his hand and slashing straight at Ah Zhui.

"Eat my brains~"

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