Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 68: If You Say You Will Be Cruel, You Will Be Cruel! (Please Subscribe!)

"Eat my brains~"

The moment the pitch-black sword fell, Ah Zhui's face changed slightly, and the flow of dark energy in his body seemed to have stagnated for a moment.

However, it is useless.

For the undefeated body of the three peak generations, this kind of suppression can only last for less than a few milliseconds.

The stagnant dark energy flowed again, and Ah Zhui's figure turned around, holding the flame sword in his hand and slashing horizontally with a backhand.


There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and huge power was instantly transmitted to Ge Xiaolun's body through the flame sword.


The next moment, Ge Xiaolun's figure flew upside down at a faster speed than when he came, and slammed into the ground behind him fiercely, a big hole in human nature was so conspicuous.

"The power of the galaxy, Ge Xiaolun, seems to have to deal with you first."

The power of the galaxy's ability to suppress dark energy made Ah Zhui a little cautious, and Ah Zhui planned to make Ge Xiaolun lose his ability to act first.

After all, it is indeed a bit troublesome to come here at a critical moment.

Before Angel's pursuit was put into practice, a roar came immediately.

"Do it~"

At the same time, there was a gunshot, a string movement, and the sound of bullets and crossbow arrows piercing the void came at the same time.

A dazzling red light erupted from the lower left, and shot at the same time.

From the right rear, three azure blue foxfires soared into the sky, chasing Angel in the air.

People with long-range means shoot at the same time, covering with long-range firepower.

The corner of Ah Zhui's mouth raised, and the white wings behind him moved slightly, and his figure rose again, dodging this wave of long-range bombing with ease.

"I'm coming~"

Xin Zhao, who has the anti-air ability, jumped up and raised the spear in his hand to stab straight.

"Too slow~" Ah Zhui chuckled lightly, the wings behind him glowed with white light, and he disappeared immediately.

Xin Zhao stabbed lonely with his long spear, and before he could react, a red light bloomed behind him.


There was a soft sound, and the extremely sharp flame sword directly cut through the black armor...

"Faith Lord"∼∼"

Cheng Yaowen's eyes bulged when he saw that Xin Zhao was directly pierced by the flame sword.

"I'll go to your uncle~~" Liu Chuang was instantly raged, kicked his legs on the ground and jumped into the air, holding the god-killing ax with both hands, and slashed directly at Angel's head.

Kicking Xin Zhao away with one kick, Angel turned around, and the flame sword swung in front of him, easily blocking Liu Chuang's hard-hitting axe.

"If Xin Zhao dies, today you will score 8th dan~"

Seeing Angel chasing in front of him, Liu Chuang's eyeballs turned slightly red.

"Oh~ is that so? I kind of expect you to divide me into eight parts~"

Ah Zhui smiled softly, the flaming sword on his right hand shook, and directly swung away Liu Chuang's god-killing axe, and his slender thigh kicked out instantly...


Liu Chuang bowed his body, his face flushed instantly, and his body that had just risen into the air directly hit the ground.

Boom~ boom~ boom~

Three gunshots were fired, and Qi Lin attacked again. After firing the cold gun, she moved rapidly under the cover of He Weilan without any hesitation.

On the other side, under the cover of Li Feifei, Wei Ying constantly chased and shot towards Angel.

Du Qiangwei who was hiding in the dark stared, the dark computer computing cloud was running at a high speed, and several micro wormholes opened up beside Angel Chasing.

This time, the speed was too fast and the coordination was too tight, Ah Zhui didn't have time to dodge, or rather... there was no need to dodge at all.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~

After a few soft sounds, Ah Zhui gently patted his abdomen, which was free from dust and dents, with a smile on his face:

"Sorry, I forgot to say that just now."

"I am different from the ordinary three generations. Over the tens of thousands of years, Tiancheng has upgraded a few invincible bodies that are used to fight against god-killing projectiles, crossbow arrows, and flame swords.

"Unfortunately, I am."

"So, the attacks of the two of you are completely useless to me.

"Damn it... is this perverted?" Looking at this scene, the corners of Leina's eyes twitched fiercely:

"Is this no different from Monkey King's indestructible body?"

"That's over~" Du Qiangwei's face darkened:

"Our most threatening attack is to tickle the opponent's body. This one is useless."

"We still have weapons that can hurt her~" Lena said solemnly.


"Liu Chuang's axe, Xiao Lun's great sword."

"It's useless to say it~" Du Qiangwei rolled her eyes.

Leina couldn't help covering her face: "Liu Chuang's ax and Xiaolun's big sword are beyond this level, but they don't know how to use them.

"never mind."

Since this game is for real, then I will also play it for real. "

Lena raised her hand, and the shield of the Iron and Steel Sun and the Iron and Steel Sun appeared on her hands, and then directly walked out of the darkness with a really bright light.

"Hey, who is that, Angel is chasing after you, we two fight!"

"It's good that you come out, it's easy!" Ah Zhui curled his mouth, the wings behind him moved slightly, white light enveloped the whole body, and the figure disappeared instantly.

"It's over..."

Seeing this scene, Leina's expression changed, and she shouted loudly: "Dodge, everyone dodge, run as far as you can, hurry up..."

As soon as Reina's voice fell, a white light traversed the entire forest...

In less than ten seconds, ten people fell down directly.

In addition to Xin Zhao who was the first to fall, eleven of the twelve members of the Xiongbing Company fell directly, including Du Qiangwei who used the micro wormhole to avoid the attack.

"Fuck... do you want to be so ruthless?"

Seeing this scene, Leina immediately became anxious: "Are you (Wang Lizhao) really cruel?"

"I'm an executor~" Ah Zhui's figure slowly emerged in the air, shrugging helplessly: "I strictly enforced Ye Yi's requirements, maybe you can ask him?"

"What the hell am I..."

Lena's complexion is so dark... how dare she ask Ye Yi about her body?

I've been looking for Ye Yi several times in the past few days, but every time I've been kicked out...

"Are you planning to give me a sword too?"

"I have this plan~" Ah Zhui nodded lightly: "definitely, you are also the third generation, at most a little pain, no big problem."

"It's unnecessary, right?" Lena frowned: "I can't do anything about you, but it's not so easy for you to hurt me, so don't push me into a hurry."

Ah Zhui thought about it, then nodded lightly: "Okay~ Then I won't stab you, just give you a good beating..."

"What the hell am I...".

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