Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 69 Dowry And Bride Price! (Please Subscribe!)

"Although it has been expected, this attack is really ruthless~"

In the laboratory on the top floor, Lianfeng sighed helplessly as he looked at the members of the Xiongbing Company lying in the dormant cabins.

"Yuqin, can you handle it?"

"No big problem~" Yuqin smiled lightly and turned around:

"But they really suffered. The wounds cut by the flame sword are very painful.

"Although the genetic engines are autonomously resisting this kind of damage, the effect is not obvious. On the contrary, this kind of autonomous repair will make them more...painful...

"It's good~" Lianfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then asked: "Is there any problem with their genetic engine?"

"No problem, I can handle it." Yuqin nodded slightly and explained:

"Although the attack was a bit ruthless, Angel's pursuit seems to be measured. The genetic engine is fine, it's just that it was forcibly shut down due to foreign invasion.

"I'll connect them to Chiwu energy to repair it later, and restart the genetic engine."

"How's the mental state?" Looking at the rows of data in front of him, Lianfeng asked again: "Could they all be beaten to autism?"

Yuqin shook her head lightly: "I can't see such signs for the time being, anger and fear are the majority..."

"Hang them first, let them hurt for a few hours, and then heal." 797

When Lianfeng heard the words, the worry on his face disappeared, replaced by a smoldering look.

"These bastards are killing me."

"Okay, Miss Lianfeng."

Yuqin covered her mouth with a chuckle, plucked the strings lightly, and the emerald green light spread out in a circle, covering everyone in Xiongbing Company.

"After this time, they should realize the gap between themselves and the top gods, right?"

Hearing this, Lianfeng rolled his eyes: "If you don't experience severe beatings, how can you have such a deep understanding?"

"This group of guys simply don't know their blessings."

"If the power of Devon back then had been guided by a powerful main god like Ye wouldn't have ended up like this."

"It's pretty good now~" Yuqin shook her head flatly: "People whose minds are dominated by emotions and whose eyes are flooded by desires cannot easily wake them up.

"The past is always the past."

"Is it okay to remember it?" Lianfeng looked at the Xiongbing Company in front of him, and sighed softly: "I just don't want the Xiongbing Company to repeat the same mistakes.

Yuqin stroked (badd) her sleeves, her face full of confidence: "I don't have that chance~"

"Yuqin, are you starting to trust blindly?"

Lianfeng looked at Yuqin strangely, and the willingness in his eyes was ready to come out.

Yuqin didn't refute, she still had a smile on her face, and said lightly:

"It's true, isn't it?"

Listening to Yuqin's words, Lianfeng looked down at the long sleeves hanging from her arms, her face covered with black lines: "All right, all right, what you say makes sense, it's up to you.

"The wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress... really has a wicked aesthetic."

Obviously, Lianfeng was still full of resentment for Ye Yi changing their clothes without warning, and would gnash her teeth every time she thought about it.

"Pfft~" Yuqin covered her mouth and laughed lightly: "Sister Lianfeng, you are full of heroic spirit when you put on the military uniform, but wearing this...that's how you look like a fairy~hehe~"

"It's time to clean up, isn't it?" Lianfeng gave Yuqin a hard look.

"The third-generation warfare is at its peak, and it can be seen that it has been honed for a long time."

Seeing Angel chasing back, Ye Yi couldn't help clapping his hands lightly.

Angel's third-generation combat method is powerful yet elegant, and it has a special flavor in Angel's chasing hands.

As for the members of the Xiongbing Company, Ye Yi expressed that he was not worried.

Lianfeng and Yuqin are always watching.

Not to mention that Ah Zhui has kept his hand to a large extent, even if he didn't, there is no need to worry.

Want to take someone's life in front of him, unless it is someone beyond the diversity.

"Facing different enemies, there are different ways of fighting, so you can only work hard on your movements."

Regarding Ye Yi's praise, Angel is not humble in chasing Ye Yi, because there is no need for modesty at all. Instead, she looks at Ye Yi with a little envy:

"Whenever I can lift my hand like Ye Yi and break everything, then I don't need to work hard on my movements."

Ye Yi raised his hand and lightly said: "Ah Zhui, your undefeated body has reached the critical point, do you want to upgrade it?"

"Upgrade?" Ah Zhui was slightly taken aback: "Is it a sacred body?"

"It can be said that it is~" Ye Yi nodded slightly, and did not explain too much.

Ah Zhui's upgrade is reversed, Ye Yi already has a bottom line in his heart, perhaps even more special than the sacred body.

Ah Zhui shook his head lightly: "I'm not in a hurry, Sister Yan hasn't upgraded yet~"

"I guess it's about to start~"

Ye Yi looked up to the window, with a smile on his face: "Your queen is very shrewd, she probably already knows what I want to express.

"Ah?" Hearing Ye Yi's inexplicable words, Ah Zhui was obviously a little stunned.

"That is to say, your elder sister is about to upgrade."

"Then I have no objection." Ah Zhui chuckled lightly, "But...would you like to ask Queen Keisha?"

"Kaisha asked Ah Zhui to stay here on purpose, isn't she planning to let me make the decision?"

Ye Yi shook his head lightly, Yan was recalled by Keisha, but Ah Zhui was left behind, the meaning is obvious enough.

She wants to prepare a dowry, and the sacred body for Yan upgrade is one of them, and the title of Heavenly Blade King... presumably also one of them.

Naturally, Ye Yi also needs to prepare a dowry gift, and Ah Zhui's sacred body is one of Ye Yi's dowry gifts.

The two of them were like mirrors in their hearts. Although they hadn't met each other yet, the affairs of Yan and Ah Zhui had been clearly arranged by them.

Although Carol said in the comment line that he was looking for trouble, but if he disagrees with

Will she still bring this up to Ye Yi on purpose?

The three parties are all acquiescing, and Ye Yi doesn't intend to be hypocritical.

Angel... very fragrant, very fragrant in every sense.

....Okay, I'll listen to you. "

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Ah Zhui blinked, then nodded, which was regarded as acquiescing to this matter.

The upgrade plan of the sacred body is stored in the treasure house of sacred knowledge, why would Ye Yi know... Ah Zhui doesn't ask.

Since he is the male god that he has identified, it is enough to believe in it unconditionally. .

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