Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 121 Really · Kneel As Soon As You Enter The Door~ (Please Subscribe!)

"Master Ye Yi, the people who got in the way are gone, what's next..."

"Rest?" Ye Yi turned his head suspiciously: "It should be meditation."

"No~" Lukya shook his head quickly: "definitely swimming, sunbathing, personal massage, mutual rubbing of sunscreen, etc... definitely, if Master Ye Yi wants to eat me first, Lukya will definitely be very happy." happy.…"

"But before that, Master Ye Yi, please give me a little time to wash my body and change my clothes..."

"Wait~" Ye Yi quickly raised his hand to stop Lukya: "The progress is too fast, let's talk about this later, there is no rush now..."

"Huh?" Lukya's face was slightly disappointed: "But, as a dragon, I can feel the desire to be fully released in Master Ye Shi..." "Qi San San"... .” Ye Yi’s face darkened slightly, can he still play happily? Why did he say it?

Is it easy to hold back your cravings?

"I'll talk about this aspect later, it seems that there will be guests coming soon."

"..." Lukya froze for a moment, then turned his head to look outside, his slightly squinted eyes overflowed with murderous intent, and the dark mist rose slowly behind him, looking extremely terrifying.

"Master Ye Yi, please allow me to solve them."

Ye Yi shook his head: "Don't~ the guys here are all non-hostile guys, it's not good to kill casually."

"But they interrupted Lord Ye Yi's sunbathing time, and this is enough to go to hell." Lukya gritted his teeth.

"It's not that serious." Ye Yi raised his hand lightly and snapped his fingers, and the door opened instantly.

"When we rashly enter other people's territory, it is only natural for the other party to treat them cautiously. It is enough to have a little contact and express our position."

"There's no need to kill too many people, which I don't like."

"Definitely, if the other party is hostile, then we have another discussion."

"Understood~" Seeing that the expected sunbathing was completely ruined, Lukoya was inevitably a little bit disappointed. He had already arranged everything, and Ye Yi could eat it right away..

As a result, such a group of uninvited guests came, and the previous plan was declared in vain... Can we not be disappointed?

Seeing Lukya's face full of disappointment, Ye Yi sighed softly: "There will be opportunities in the future~ Don't rush this day."

"Really?" The disappointment on Lukya's face faded instantly.

"Yeah!" Ye Yi nodded.

Lukya's mood became excited again: "Then Lukya needs to prepare well!"

Ye Yi sighed helplessly again, did he make a mistake in his settings?

This is no longer a natural dullness, she is almost becoming a slut~

I always thought about pushing him, did I make a mistake?

Lukya in the original book is not like this, is his setting wrong, so it tarnished this image?

Or is it because the last sentence was added, causing the settings to conflict with each other, or because the last sentence acted as a kind of catalyst?

Generally speaking, there is almost no change, just a bit more dirty...

It should be... no problem, right?

Well, check it out tonight.

Within a few seconds after the door opened, there was finally a slight movement outside the door.

The sound of horseshoes, and subtle magic fluctuations.

Outside the gate of the mansion, three people competed to emerge, an old man, a mature woman, and an adult uncle.

"The gate is open, is this waiting for us?" Looking at the unsuspecting and wide-open mansion gate, Nippur's expression tightened slightly, and he got off his horse and came to Fuluda's side.

"Master Fluda, shall we go in directly now?"

"I went first."

Looking at the completely unguarded gate, Reinas stabbed the spear in his hand into the ground, dropped all the weapons on his body, and walked towards the mansion empty-handed.

"Hehe, a very wise choice." Seeing this scene, Fuluda narrowed his eyes slightly: "Nipur, put down your weapons too, don't let the other party misunderstand."

After the words fell, Fulu fans walked towards the mansion first.

"This...Okay." Nippur hesitated for two seconds, then put down his long sword and followed Fuluda's pace.

When walking into the hall, the first moment, the steps of the three people stopped at the same time. 0

Reinas and Nipper didn't move yet, but Fruda was trembling all over. It wasn't fear or fear, but excitement.

" unbelievable∼∼"

Looking up at Lukoya who was wearing a maid outfit, Furumi showed a sickly smile on his face: sixth level? seventh level? Hehehe~~"

"God, I saw a god~"

"This is exactly...the tenth step~~"

The tenth level is believed to actually exist, but the supreme existence that has never been witnessed by anyone, the highest peak that can only be reached by a true god, and the absolute realm that no one has really confirmed.

However, this mythical realm is unfolding in front of him today...

Two lines of tears flowed down, and Fuluda knelt down tremblingly: "...I used to believe in a god who is in charge of magic. If you are not, my heart of faith will disappear."

"Please hear my prayer... Please accept my faith, the true God who appeared before me."

"I know it's extremely impolite, but I still kneel down to you, beg you, please enlighten me, I'm as low as an ant, I want to peek into the abyss of magic, please... please..."

He roared hysterically in a low voice, and bowed and saluted very devoutly.

Everything happened too fast, and Reinas and Nippur on the side were stunned to watch the former super high-status Furuda show such a humble and extreme gesture.

The shock in their hearts cannot be expressed in words, but at this moment... Both of them have a very clear cognition of the facts in their hearts.

The tenth level...the legendary level that can only be reached by gods...

And at this moment, what appeared before their eyes was Level 1.

There is no doubt, Fuluda's natural ability can see through the highest level of magic that the opponent can use, Fuluda has already knelt down...

Reinas also knelt down.

If the opponent is at the tenth level, then the curse on him is so weak that it is not worth mentioning to the gods.

Whether it is to avoid offending the gods, or to make requests and entreaties to the gods later, kneeling down immediately and lowering your posture is the best choice. .

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