Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 122 Remnants From Lukya~ (Please Subscribe!)

Looking at this scene, no matter what he thought in his heart, Nipper also knelt down.

The three of them entered the door together, if he was the only one who didn't have the corresponding etiquette, it would undoubtedly make the other party feel unhappy.

"..." Seeing this slightly joyful scene, Ye Yi was puzzled for a few seconds at first, and then his eyes instantly fell on Lukya.

If I remember correctly, this old man seems to have the ability to see through other people's magic ranks, and his own ability will naturally not be seen through.

In any case, it is also a multi-dimensional ability, and the ability to fight against the self-probing system, unless it is also multi-dimensional, no one else will be able to discover his specific strength.

Rukya, however, was different.

He didn't wear the preparations to hide his own strength, and didn't use the magic of cognitive impairment. It didn't seem strange to be seen by the other party a little bit differently.

However, Level 1~ I underestimated Lukya a bit.

Lukoya, who is a world-class professional, starts with 10, which is a super position, and it is the kind of super position without a cooldown...

After being given the authority of the Almighty Universe by Ye Yi, her body has been baptized by the Almighty Universe, and Lukya's true strength has already entered the multi-dimensional...

What the old man saw was only the 'settings' added to Lukya's surface.

But it’s not bad, whether it’s multi-dimensional or Level 1, in this kind of human society, in the eyes of this kind of low-strength human beings, they are all like gods.

Raising his hand and snapping his fingers, Ye Yi closed the gate of the mansion, and said softly, "So, are you here to visit me on behalf of the Blood Emperor?"

"I have received the etiquette, let's get up and talk."

No one answered, and no one got up, and the scene was a little awkward.

Seeing this scene, Lukoya narrowed his eyes slightly, and a vague murderous aura instantly enveloped the three of them.

The three of them shook their bodies slightly and lowered their heads even lower.

How can mortals bear the wrath of the gods? Although they now understand why.

But...even if you want to admit your mistakes, you dare not move~

If it is misunderstood as an act of disrespect, will it die faster?

Ye Ye Yi waved his hand: "Lukya, use cognitive impairment, your posture is too conspicuous."

"Okay, Lord Ye Yi." Lukya withdrew his gaze, and a dazzling magic circle appeared in front of him, and the cognitive barrier immediately added to him, hiding all the fluctuations.

The murderous intent hanging over the three of them also dissipated.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't like to listen to it, so let's get straight to the point."

", I beg the Lord God to enlighten me~" Fuluda slightly raised his head, his old face was full of fanaticism: "I want to peek into the abyss of magic, please do so

"As long as the Lord God is willing to be merciful, for this, I am willing to give everything I have, everything... I am willing to dedicate everything I belong to you, Lord of the Abyss~ I beg you~~"

"Everything about you doesn't seem attractive~" Ye Yi raised his hand and touched his chin: "Lukya, do you think I should agree?"

"Master Ye Yi's will is everything to Lukya~" Lukya chuckled lightly, "Everything is up to Lord Ye Yi.

"I knew it was the answer~" Ye Yi felt a little helpless.

This is one of the disadvantages of 100% loyalty and the last setting.

Everything revolves around Ye Yi, although he has self-awareness and has his own ideas, but when Lukya's ideas and Ye Yi's ideas slightly conflict..

Lukya will definitely drop all thoughts and act according to Ye Yi's will, right?

"Lukya, I want to hear your thoughts."

"Hmm~ Is it really possible?" Lukya tilted her head.

"Definitely~" Ye Yi nodded.

"No matter which aspect you look at, it doesn't seem attractive." Lukya chuckled, "Everything in this world doesn't seem attractive."

"What this old man has is even less, although it may still be of little use in dealing with interpersonal relationships and helping Master Ye Yi refuse more ants to bother him.

"But this is my duty as a maid, and Lukya is even more powerful... From this point of view, this old man seems to have no effect at all."

"Not only is it useless, but it's also very old and ugly... Well, refuse."

"That makes sense~" Ye Yi nodded, "Then let's do it like this!"

After the words fell, Ye Yi raised his hand and tapped lightly, and a subtle light entered Fuluda's mind: "This is the simplest seventh-level magic, if you can learn it well... it proves that you still have such a talent. Lost potential."

"Learn it, I might even give you a little chance, now, get out of here. This should be my reward to you."

Without waiting for Fuluda to say anything, Lukoya opened his left eye slightly, and Furuda's figure disappeared instantly.

"Well, it's just the two of you next, let's talk." After dealing with Fuluda, Ye Yi's gaze immediately turned to the remaining one man and one woman.

"I..." Seeing that the sixth-level magic user Fruda was expelled, all the words that Reinas had thought up before were blocked in his throat.

Fluda is useless, so what use can she be? 447 Fluda just begged to stay and learn magic but was rejected. What kind of capital does she have to ask the gods to help her get rid of the curse?

Sweeping the floor? Warming the bed? Guarding?

"My name is Reinas Locke Bruce~" Lowering her head deeply, fearing that the scars on her face would stain the eyes of the gods, Reinas said in a deep voice: "I want to beg the Lord God to remove the curse for me, I can also give anything..."

"Lord God should still lack a doorman. As one of the four knights of the empire, I am quite famous in the empire. I will definitely be qualified for the post of doorman to prevent unnecessary troubles for Lord God...

Doorman? It's quite novel~" Ye Yi touched his chin: "But it doesn't seem to be necessary, Lukya, what do you think?"

"Master Ye Yi, I think it's okay." Lukya said thoughtfully: "If someone acts as a guard, I can spend more time with Master Ye Yi.

"If there were guards today, my sunbathing with Master Ye Yi would not be disturbed"

"..." Hearing Lukoya's words, the corners of Ye Yi's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that Lukoya was full of remorse for not being able to sunbathe today.

"That's it~"

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord~~".

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