Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 149 Gilgamesh Exits! (Please Subscribe!)

"Don't talk so nicely, your setting does have such a thing, but it's only limited to this world, and it doesn't work very well outside.

"So, are you obediently returning to the Seat of Heroes, or...I beat you back?"

"However, the scene may be a bit ugly at that time."

Faced with Ye Yi's kind persuasion, Kim Picka raised the corners of his lips slightly: "If you haven't been in contact, you will shrink back. If you haven't faced a battle, you will lose first. Fleeing in embarrassment is not the way of a king~"1

"Outsider, you are indeed very strong, so powerful that even the two major restraints trembled, and you even wanted me to return to the Seat of Heroic Spirits, so as not to completely offend your existence


After finishing the words, Kim Pika gently raised his hand, slightly opened his five fingers, and a golden light suddenly bloomed: "King, why not be afraid of a battle."

"Come on, although this stage is tattered, it's barely qualified. You deserve my serious attention."

A golden-forged key protruded from the king's treasure house, and slowly fell into the hands of Jin Pika. The right hand holding the treasure house key gently turned the door of the treasure house and opened it.

The red lines penetrated the world, the world 407 rule was analyzed, and a strange-shaped round sword obtained the existence of the golden key.

"The stage is ready, wake up, EA."

The red beam of light shoots up into the sky, the world trembles slightly, the golden light instantly illuminates the dark night, King's Treasure fully fires and fully supports EA, in order to hit the most powerful blow.

"The Deviant Sword... I finally saw the real thing." Seeing the Deviant Sword in Kim Pika's hand, Ye Yi's eyes flashed, and then he nodded slightly.

"That's good, let's end the remnants before time travel today."

As the voice fell, Ye Yi tapped the ground with his toes, and the world in front of him suddenly turned upside down. The familiar Fuyuki City disappeared, replaced by an endless starry sky.

"Here, without the suppression of the two major restraining forces, you can use your strongest power without hindrance. It can be regarded as paving the stage for your ending."

"That's how it should be~ EA, full liberation." Kim Picka hooked the corner of his mouth, and EA's light shined brightly.

The earth has two major restraining powers. In order to avoid irreversible (baef) damage to the earth and human beings, both heroic spirits and followers will be suppressed by the two major restraining powers, and cannot face the enemy in full strength.

There are no restrictions here.

"Then, come on~" Ye Yi hooked his hands as he looked at the Kim Pickup that had already been prepared.

"Cut~" Ye Yi's attitude undoubtedly stimulated Gympika again, and EA, who had been fully charged for a long time and had reached the maximum power, suddenly swung down.

"The Deviation of Heaven and Earth·The Star of Pioneer~~"

The dazzling red light shatters everything, the space is completely shattered, the powerful cutting force rages wildly, the world appears faulty, and the scene of hell spreads instantly...

Facing Gympika's ultimate blow that could easily penetrate the entire world, Ye Yi, who was on the opposite side, just slowly raised his right hand, and gently grasped the void with his five fingers.

"Concept Annihilation."


There was a crisp sound, and the whole world was silent, time seemed to stop at this moment, and everything Ye Yi faced with his right hand was annihilated at a terrifying speed.

Matter, life, dead things, concepts, rules...all the opposites in this hand are included, and everything is instantly annihilated, disappearing without a trace.

The physical body collapsed, and the spiritual foundation was broken. Kim Picka looked at Ye Yi, then slowly closed his eyes, and gradually disappeared.

Watching Kimpika disappear, Ye Yi raised his hand and waved lightly, all concepts returned to their natural state, and the familiar Fuyuki City and Enzang Mountain came into view again.

"Hey~ Limuru, do you understand?" Momonga, who was a bystander, turned his head slightly stiffly to look at Limuru.

"Fong Squirrel, isn't this nonsense?" Limulu broke out in a drop of cold sweat again: "It would be weird if I could understand~"

"Facing that powerful blow that could easily penetrate the entire world, Ye Yi just raised his hand and shook it... If I can understand, then there is no ghost."

"That's right~" Flying Squirrel sighed helplessly: "At first, I thought I could see something when the boss made a move, but I really think too highly of myself."

Administrator Xianyu: "This is the second time the boss has made a move, right? Compared with the previous move that took out the soul, this time is really shocking..."

Unlucky archaeologist: "Show that you can't understand, raise your hand and wave, and it's gone?"

An old man said: "In this state, is everything returning to nothingness?"

The girl who likes to bury people: "I don't understand~"

Emperor Qian Ancient One: "...

The Ice Sculpture Girl: "In short... the boss won, and it's useless to think too much about things that you don't understand. We, a group of salted fish, only need to know how to call 666.


"So, now only the Great Holy Grail is left." After finishing Kim Pika, Ye Yi turned around and looked like the Holy Grail itself that had been suspended in the air for a long time.

The moonlight hanging in the sky has been blocked more than once, and a dark round hole officially appeared directly above the Great Holy Grail, and the extremely evil atmosphere gradually spread.

"The Holy Grail has swallowed six souls..." Seeing this scene, Illya's face changed drastically: "How is this possible, my Barsaka and Berserker and Rin Tosaka's Archer haven't yet..."

Ye Yi explained softly: "There is an Archer left over from the Fourth Holy Grail War, that is, the Kim Pika just now, so in theory, the Holy Grail has swallowed enough souls, and the contents have begun to overflow."

" body..." Looking at the body that was completely devoid of functions, Illya was a little dazed.

As the little Holy Grail, after the content of the Great Holy Grail overflows, according to common sense, she should...

but why?

Ye Yi shrugged: "I said that I want to fulfill your wish. Isn't it reasonable to keep you alive? Otherwise, I will be slapped in the face."

"Why~~" Ilya looked up at Ye Yi in a daze.

Ye Yi waved his hand indifferently: "You can think whatever you want, it can be understood as my charity to you.

"..." Illya fell silent for a moment.

"Okay, get this Holy Grail, destroy the ritual to complete the task, and then it's over."

"Limuru, Momonga, you can now move freely according to your own preferences, but the time will end in half an hour."

"Is it enough?"

"That's enough~" Momonga waved his sleeve robe, and stretched out his right hand towards Limulu: "Limulu, come up, I'll be ten points faster with dimensional teleportation.


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