Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 150 Do You Want To Satisfy Your Collection Addiction? (Please Subscribe!)

"It's time."

Looking at the Great Holy Grail in the sky, Ye Yi waved to Ilya behind her: "If you are ready, you can go in now, Ilyasphil von Einzbe Lun.

"You still have two choices now. The first is to give up the body of the Little Holy Grail and become a real human being. The second is to fulfill your Einzbern's sad wish. The third method is to materialize the soul. cup."

"As for the danger, don't worry, the evil in this world is gone, and the Holy Grail in front of you is the purest.

"Definitely, no matter which one you choose, my previous promise still counts."

"Time is limited, make a decision

"Hey, is there such a mess?" Hearing Ye Yi's words, the heroic guard who had been silent all this time became anxious: "In Illya's current state, she will definitely be swallowed by the cup of heaven."

"Oh?" Ye Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the Great Holy Grail in the sky: "Do you think Justesa dares?"

"..." Ying Ling Wei Gong was silent, and then sighed helplessly: "Are all of you powerful guys so wicked? If it's not that you can't do it...I really want to give you~ Send a spiral sword."

Illya raised her head to look at the Great Holy Grail, and also looked at the 'hole' of the Holy Grail above which did not move at all, then slowly raised her right hand, a silver thread crossed a strange track, and a hollow giant eagle slowly slowly emerge.

He controlled the giant eagle to grab himself, and then flew directly towards the Great Holy Grail, sinking into it without hesitation.

Heroic Emiya, who was holding Tohsaka Rin, stared at the entrance of the Great Holy Grail, and cold sweat broke out between the foreheads at some point.

"I said, do you want to let the restraint force release the shackles on you, and then stay with her all the time?" Turning his head to look at the heroic spirit Wei Gong who was holding Tohsaka Rin, Ye Yi's mouth curled into a smirk.

"I always feel that the two of you have a sense of CP."

"..." The corner of Ying Ling Wei Gong's mouth twitched: "Thank you for your kindness, but there is no need."

"I'm afraid this is beyond your control~" Ye Yi spread his hands pretending to be helpless: "What you need to know is... your master is already awake."

After Ye Yi's voice fell, a slightly gritted voice slowly sounded from the arms of Heroic Emiya: "Archer? should be called Shirou Emiya, right? How long are you going to hold me?"

"Huh?" Heroic Wei Gong was stunned for a moment, the amount of cold sweat that was already densely covered on the forehead increased again, and his hands and feet were stiff and slowly lowered Tohsaka Rin Fangxi from his arms.

"That...Rin, listen to my explanation~~"

"Hmph~don't listen~" Tohsaka Rin snorted coldly, and turned his back directly: "As a follower, but you are attacking the master, what kind of punishment do you think I should give you is better?"

...Isn't it?" The corner of Ying Ling Wei Gong's mouth twitched.

"Well, an apology is necessary. I think the gentleman's proposal just now is good, so..." As he spoke, Rin Tohsaka slowly raised his right hand.

"Hey~ Rin~ Don't act recklessly~" The ominous premonition in his heart became stronger, and the heroic spirit Emiya raised his hand to stop him with cold sweat all over his face.

The subtle red light flashed across the body of Ying Ling Wei Gong in an instant, and Ying Ling Wei Gong's body froze instantly.

"You will agree, right?" Seeing this scene, Ye Yi's index finger seemed to turn around unconsciously: "I will definitely agree, right? Otherwise, I will be very disappointed~"

Faced with such a 'strong intimidation, a restraining force hidden in the void immediately expressed a compromise.

In the next moment, the command spell that had disappeared in Tohsaka Rin's hand was replenished instantly, and Ying Ling Wei Gong also received a message from the suppression force.

At this point, Yingling Wei Gong's raised right hand instantly softened, and he covered his head in distress: "It's really guys."

"Go home, Archer~" Tohsaka Rin glanced at the Holy Grail, then turned and walked down the mountain.

"It's really troublesome~~" Heroic Wei Gong responded feebly, and the spiritual body followed silently.

Watching the two go away, Ye Yi's gaze returned to the Holy Grail again.

"Most of the remnants from before time travel have dissipated. Do I want to collect one myself? Which world line Rin and Illya are the cutest?"

"Yeah~ Let's forget it, if there is a chance to meet in the group, it will be considered destined, and the rest will come naturally."

In the sky, the large hole leading to the root vortex slowly dissipated under the influence of the restraining force.

0 looking for flowers......

Subtle rays of light came from the Great Holy Grail, and after a while, Illya, who was wearing the dress of the sky, slowly walked out of it.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi nodded slightly: "Einzbern's sad wish has been fulfilled, and you can live the life you want to live as you want in the future."

"The wish you want to achieve has been fulfilled. Go back to the castle and have a look. Your two maids expressed a little panic."

"Thank you Oni-chan~" Ilya put a smile on her face, bowed slightly towards Ye Yi, and then disappeared together with Hercules not far away.

..." Looking at the place where Ilya disappeared, Ye Yi raised his hand and touched his chin: "It seems good to experience this special title once. "


"The mood seems to be a little better... Sure enough, Illya should be of the healing department.

After the words fell, Ye Yi raised his hand and gently grabbed the Great Holy Grail in the air. The Great Holy Grail that countless magicians in this world wanted disappeared instantly.

As soon as he turned his thoughts, the Yuanzang Mountain under his feet instantly returned to its original state, and there was no movement at all, as if none of this had happened.

'Ding~ group reminder, the task has been completed, the points will be issued after the return, and they will be forced to return to the original world after 30 seconds.

Almost at the next moment when the group reminder sounded, a portal opened beside Ye Yi, and Momonga and Limuru, who were satisfied, returned slowly.

"Ah~ I finally feel much more comfortable. It seems that if I want to go to this 'special' world next time, I still need to think carefully about it."

After wiping off the non-existent cold sweat on her chubby body, Limulu's voice seemed to become much more cheerful.

"I don't think it's nothing. After all, we have gained a lot from this world. Going back and digesting it may pave the way for the future."

The flying squirrel didn't have many mood swings, and described the harvest of the trip solemnly.

'Gaze' looked at Yuanzang Mountain, which had been restored to its original state, and Li Mulu said softly: "Speaking of which...Has Ye Shi settled everything?

"There is no need to doubt about this point, it is definitely a super perfect solution." Momonga said without any hesitation.

"Go back~"


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