Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 254 Crazy Idea, Put It Into Practice~ (Please Subscribe!)

After leaving aside the product of instinct Awakening, Ye Yi turned to the last page of the group store.

But it's a pity, apart from the instinct Awakening in the front, there is nothing Ye Yi can look up to on the next page except for two decent exercises

"Immortal Elephant's Power to Suppress Prison~ It can be used for reference."

"The human body inherently implies the number of the universe, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a hidden universe. If every cell is a universe...~or even an omnipotent universe~"

Speaking of this, Ye Yi shook his head slightly, the almighty universe alone has allowed him to feed him for so long, the human body has about 60 trillion cells...

If each one is made into an omnipotent, sixty trillion omnipotent universe, it is estimated that by that time, Endless Chaos will be him, and he will be Endless Chaos~

This idea is a little crazy, but the time-consuming is absolutely infinite, and the resources required are absolutely infinite~

It can be called a daydream~

After thinking for a few seconds, Ye Yi's eyes lit up slightly: "Too many goals is not advisable for now, how about simplifying it to three?"

Yintang, Tanzhong, Guanyuan~

The assimilation and omnipotence of the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit is a big goal, but it may not be impossible, and it is much more reliable than the omnipotence of the whole body cells.

It is a little unreliable to be omnipotent all over the body, but it is still feasible to turn each cell into a single universe. With the method of Zhoutian, there are three omnipotences inside...

Not necessarily impossible.

"System, would you like to deduce it for me?"

[The previous idea of ​​full-body omnipotence is very good, but the time-consuming is definitely a terrifying astronomical figure, which is equivalent to the point that the pi is missing]

[Although the latter is a bit simpler, it is absolutely time-consuming. 】

"..." The corners of Ye Yi's eyes twitched slightly, there was only one point in pi, without that point...

About 31.4 trillion digits after the decimal point...

Not only that, pure data calculation, the answer given by the Chaos engine is to add an infinite power at the end~

Isn't this the same as saying that you can't complete that horrible project at all?

"Then temporarily abandon the first step and take the second step?"

Temporarily abandoning the idea of ​​being omnipotent all over the body, Ye Yi settled for the next best thing and planned to start Plan B.

After all, plan A is really a bit whimsical, unless he can enter a higher level, otherwise it is absolutely unattainable based on the current Ability alone.

"First build the foundation with the energy of endless chaos, turn each cell into a singularity, and then slowly conceive and raise it with the method of Zhoutian, so that it will be born into the universe~"

Thinking of this, Ye Yi's figure suddenly dissipated, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sea of ​​infinite chaos.

Although the universe can be born in one thought by Ye Yi, the birth and collapse of the File size universe under the omnipotent universe can be done in one thought, but his omnipotent universe is not perfect after all.

Using the inherent omnipotence to build nearly 60 trillion individual universes may not be worth the candle.

It can only absorb external power, fill the cells with the rule method, and build each cell into a cosmic singularity, and then slowly grow into shape~

If this step is taken too hastily, it may have the opposite effect.

To be on the safe side, come one by one~

Terrifying power erupted suddenly, and the boundless sea of ​​chaos suddenly became turbulent. Starting from Ye Yi's location, the endless chaos swarmed in and was completely absorbed by Ye Yi, turning it into the nutrient of every cell.

Lifting the left hand lightly, and slightly opening the five fingers, all the nutrients transformed by Chaos Qi are integrated into the left arm.

Gradually, the sacred cells emitted shimmering light, crazily absorbing the nutrients transformed by the energy of Chaos, and growing crazily.

The first tiny dots of light emerged one after another, and one after another cosmic singularities slowly took shape.

The Chaos sea was silent, Ye Yi opened his eyes slightly dissatisfied.

Anyone who is interrupted in the middle of their work will probably be very annoyed.

Looking at the nothingness stretching hundreds of millions of miles away, Ye Yi was slightly taken aback.

This huge sea of ​​Chaos was sucked in such a crazy way by Ye Yi, but there was a huge hole, and it would probably take a lot of time for the Chaos Qi to fill it up.

"Although I predicted it before...but it's really scary~"

It only took such a short time, and the left hand barely filled the palm of the hand, and it didn't even reach the wrist, and already consumed such a huge amount of Chaos Qi~~

0 for flowers...

If it fills the whole body, how much will it take?

too lazy to forget~

Wei Wei shook his left palm, and the terrifying power was fleeting.

"It's better to change the position a little bit, twice a day, probably not too much~"

Although the strength of the improvement was very small, Ye Yi did see the possibility of going further.

No rush, no rush, there is plenty of time, so you are only here now?

However, if you take this path, you will inevitably get into a lot of trouble in the future.

Although Chaos is boundless and endless, if you suck too hard and affect too much, you will definitely make others dissatisfied. It is probably a common thing after a fight.

As the saying goes, obstructing the way of others is like killing one's parents. To others, a guy like Ye Yi who wantonly plunders Chaos spirit is a complete obstacle and a great enemy.

Definitely, the reverse is also true for Ye Yi.

If you block my way to become invincible, if you don't kill me, who will you kill?

If no one takes the initiative to provoke trouble, then there is no need to do it. At worst, change to another place, another world to continue.

But the problem is that those who can go this way, there is a high probability that they will not be so talkative.

I didn't catch up with Chaos Qi, sucking hundreds of millions of miles this time, maybe I will meet next time?

Just when Ye Yi withdrew his left palm to change the place, a subtle message came into his mind.

Looking intently, it was a message from Bao'er.

Little White Snake Out of the Form ~

A flash of clarity flashed in his eyes, and then he opened the group chat interface with a ray of mind.

But the main body directly passed through the space-time channel, came to the area where the Chaos Qi was still strong, and continued to spread the left hand to receive the devouring Chaos Qi.

The girl who likes to bury people: "Xiaobai, wait a moment, I just sent a message to Ye Yi, and I will be here in a while, I will ask him first, do you agree with Ye Yi going over?"

Little White Snake: "Of course I am willing, if Shangxian really wants to come to this world, Xiaobai naturally has no intention of stopping it.

The girl who likes to bury people: "That's good~"

Seeing this, Ye Yi resolutely broke his mouth.

A traveler: "After a hundred breaths, you can silently agree in your heart.

Little White Snake: "Xiaobai understands~6",

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