Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 255 Two Snakes, One White And One Green~ (Please Subscribe!)

In the White Snake World, among the mountains, there is a certain towering mountain peak.

Xiaobai, who has successfully transformed into form, is standing here, with a look of anticipation in his slightly enchanting eyes, quietly looking at the clouds and mist in the mountains.

swish swish~

A slight sound came, and a green snake slithered quickly among the mountains, and arrived at the top of the mountain in a short while.

The emerald green brilliance disappeared in a flash, and a slightly tall figure in a blue jersey solidified in the brilliance.

Looking at the white figure in front of her, Xiaoqing's eyes flashed with worry: "Sister, the master's order has been issued, why haven't you left yet?"

"Xiaoqing~" Xiaobai returned to his senses, turned around slightly, and whispered softly: "Some things are too shocking to say, and I don't know if I should say it or not.

"Sister~" Xiaoqing raised her eyebrows: "What happened? Is there anything that "Zero Three Three" can't tell me?"

Looking up at the bright sky, Xiaobai's face was full of sadness: "Xiaoqing, tell me... if there is a chance, let's leave this world, okay?"

"Leave this world? Elder sister, are you talking about Dao Feisheng?" Xiaoqing was slightly taken aback, then shook her head helplessly:

"Even survival is a problem these days, Fei. How easy is it?"

"It's not the Ascension to the Immortal Realm." Xiaobai shook his head again: "Before I took shape, I got a predestined relationship, and occasionally a great power to guide me. As long as you and I are voluntary, we can leave this world.

"Xiaoqing, are you willing?"

Xiaoqing shook her head helplessly: "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about~"

"Xiaoqing~" Xiaobai slightly accentuated his tone, his face full of awe.

"..." Looking at the solemn look on her sister's face, she was careful...

Could it be... true?

"Sister, in that case, why don't you take everyone away together?"

"Our family has been persecuted by the national teacher, if we can"

"Xiaoqing, just listen to me~" Xiaobai shook his head again: "If you can survive this catastrophe, you and I will have to re-skill, Master, she..."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai suddenly kept silent, moved his steps slightly and took a step back.

"Xiaoqing, we will talk about these things later~"

"No matter what happens later, don't ask too many questions, let alone open your mouth. Just stay quietly behind me. I will explain what I said before, do you understand?"

"This~" Xiaoqing was taken aback for a moment, then nodded lightly: "I understand, sister~"

The two have depended on each other for many years, Xiaoqing naturally trusts her sister unconditionally.

However, Xiaoqing still kept an eye on what was going to happen next, the demon calendar in her body had already begun to condense.

If something bad happened later, she would definitely take her sister and flee as far as possible at the first time.

My sister is too simple, not deeply involved in the world, what if she is deceived by some monster~~

The time for one hundred breaths is up, and Xiaobai silently agrees in his heart.

In the next instant, the space in front of him began to distort visibly with the naked eye, and a door glowing with azure blue light suddenly opened.

Under Xiaoqing's horrified eyes, a figure walked out of the door like a stroll.

Is this...a fairy?

Celestial Immortal...has entered the lower realm?

No wonder my sister...

"Xiaobai has met the fairy elder~"

The moment Ye Yi came, Xiaobai pulled Xiaoqing who was slightly cold and bowed slightly.

After calming down the horror in her heart, Xiaoqing thought for half a second, then followed her sister and said, "Xiaoqing has seen the fairy elder~"

Two snakes, one white and one blue~

Sensing that something was wrong, Ye Yi suppressed the subtle fluctuations emanating from his body, and after closing the spiritual consciousness that had not been closed when he came here...

The world in front of me has changed.

Seeing the two little beauties in green and white in front of him, Ye Yi said softly: "They are all group friends, just call me Ye Yi."

"This..." Xiaobai hesitated a little.

After all, he is a top-level power, isn't it a bit impolite to call him that?

She knew exactly how terrifying this seemingly harmless 'person' in front of her was.

Seeing Xiaobai's hesitation, Ye Yi didn't insist: "You can call him whatever you want."

"Understood~" Xiaobai quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning his head to look somewhere, Ye Yi said again: "If you don't mind, I'll break it for you this calamity, it's a small gift for the first meeting."

"Definitely, if you want to be robbed, I have no problem."

That is to say, but Xiaobai wants to survive this calamity by himself, the possibility is zero.

Hearing that my sister is in trouble~ Before Xiaobai could speak, Xiaoqing who was behind her was in a hurry. 0

At the moment, I don't care about Xiaobai's orders before [extremely anxiously said:

"I also ask the gods to bestow the method of breaking the catastrophe~"

Xiaobai's face changed: "Xiaoqing, don't mess around~"

"But, sister~~" Xiaoqing looked at her sister with a worried face.

"Immortal Elder, if it is feasible, I am willing to bear this calamity on behalf of my sister~"

"I can't change it~" Ye Yi shook his head directly: "Either break the robbery directly, or leave, your sister is being watched to death."

"The game between the great powers, how do you two change positions?"

After Ye Yi's words fell, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing's faces turned pale at the same time.

Xiaoqing was worried, but Xiaobai clearly understood the danger involved.

"Wait a moment~"

As the words fell, Ye Yi turned his eyes slightly, and suddenly stretched out his left palm, and with a light grip of five fingers, the stars moved, and a space was directly held by Ye Yi in the palm of his hand.


Gently spread out the left hand, the scene in the space is like the eyes of two people.

"This is..." Seeing the scene in the space, Xiaobai's pupils shrank suddenly.

Xiaoqing also took a deep breath: "The five directions reveal the truth~"

"Do you understand now?" Seeing the shocked expressions on the faces of the two, Ye Yi spoke again:

"Stay here, apart from being arranged clearly, you have no choice. If you want to break the game, unless you are strong enough to wrestle with Guanyin 1.7 and Tathagata."

Silence, anything but silence or silence.

Although many people in the group had reminded her that this was a conspiracy, Xiaobai still found it difficult to accept the facts before her eyes.

She is just a little white snake with no characteristics, how can it be worthy of such calculations by Buddhism?

"It's just the beginning, it's in a state of stocking, and when the time comes, you will become a tool.

Xiaoqing knelt down without any hesitation, and said anxiously: "Please save my sister~"

Ye Yi set his sights on Xiaobai: "Leaving this world is the easiest way."

"Definitely, I'll go over and wrestle with those people later, maybe I can settle your matter by the way.

"You decide for yourself!"

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