Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 70 Citrickle's Conspiracy! (Please Subscribe!)

"Zora? Anim Zola?"

Looking at Citrikel in front of him, Tony frowned slightly: "J.A.R.V.I.S, compare the data!"

"Sir, according to the data, Anim Zola was diagnosed with advanced cancer in 1972. According to the medical level at that time, there was no chance of cure. He was already dead!"

...." Listening to J.A.R.V.I.S's words, Tony's eyes were on Citrickle again: "It seems that you can really die!"

"No, what I said is true!" Citrickle exclaimed: "Although Dr. Zola died physically, his consciousness was transferred to the supercomputer in Camp Liha before he died!"

"Strictly speaking, he is not dead. Dr. Zola and Pierce have been in communication all the time. The insight plan of S.H.I.E.L.D is written by Dr. Zola!"

"Insight Plan?"

"Sir, there is indeed such a plan, and the proposer of the plan was Alexander Pierce, but after Pierce's death, under the leadership of Nick Fury, the plan was withdrawn!"

"I really didn't lie to you, just go to New Jersey and find out!" Citrickle was trying to save his life: "If it's fake, if I lied to you, it won't be too late for you to kill me then!"

"Anyway, I don't expect to be able to run away, my life is worthless, so you just spare my life mercifully... 190. OK?"

Maybe ordinary HYDRA soldiers are not afraid of death after being brainwashed, but none of the leaders of HYDRA is not afraid of death!

They love their lives more than anyone else!

"Sir, Camp Leha has been abandoned for many years, but some information shows that Pierce's private mailbox has received mail from Camp Leha, New Jersey, a year ago!"

"OK~" Tony took a deep breath: "Update the itinerary, the next stop is New Jersey!"

"Good sir!"

"I think I can go, right?" Citrickle endured the pain and slowly moved backwards!

"You can indeed go!"

After the words fell, Tony gently raised his hand, the nanoparticles surged rapidly, and a tiny chip burst out, directly shooting into Citrickle's chest!

"...Aw~" Citrickle panicked, "What did you do to me?"

"That's just a quantum locator. It's attached to your heart so that I can find you at any time. You better not lie to me!" The visor closed, and Tony soared into the air and flew outside!


Tony, who was about to fly away, gave a slight pause: "Sorry, Steve, I don't have time to play with you, let's have another drink when you have time!"

"Citrickle is right below, I guess he won't be far away, if you want to find him, you'd better go now, goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, the nano armor burst out, setting off a sonic boom, and disappeared into Steve's sight as a tiny flame!

Seeing the disappearing Tony, Steve frowned, but suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart!

Tony, who has never been very interested in HYDRA, why is he suddenly so interested this time?

"Cap, I found Citrickle!" Hawkeye's voice sounded in the headset: "But he seems to be very miserable. He broke a leg and lost a lot of blood!"

"Go and clean up the surroundings first, Sam, copy all the things in these servers and take them away, Ke Lin Te, Natasha Romanoff, look for any secret passages, Citrickle and give it to me!"

"Got it, cap!"

Following Hawkeye's prompt, Steve found Citrikel, who had been tightly bound by Hawkeye, and now Citrikel seemed a bit miserable, with a very pale face, which was a sign of excessive blood loss!

"Isn't this Steve Luo Jies?" Seeing Steve walking down, Citrickle had completely given up all escape plans!

"What did you say to Tony?" Steve didn't give Citrickle any favors at all!

"No~" Seeing Steve in front of him, Citrickle's eyes darkened, (babb) then chuckled and said: "I didn't say anything, I don't know anything, I don't know anything, you have to ask me There is no answer!"

"I guess you never want to know!"

"Looks like we need to have a good chat!" Steve chuckled!

"If you want to know, please ask me!" Citrickle laughed directly: "If you are more sincere, maybe I will tell you mercifully!"

"The person you've been trying to find!"

"Bucky?" Steve's pupils shrank suddenly!

"It seems that Pierce is really stupid, he can't hide anything!" Citrickle laughed at this: "That idiot deserves his death!"

"But it doesn't matter, if it makes you despair, I will be very happy, I hope you still have time!"

"This is my revenge on you, Stark really thinks I don't know? No, I know, I just need to let him figure it out step by step, and then wait for you to kill each other!"

"Interesting right? Avengers on Avengers...too bad I can't see it!"

"But it all happens, doesn't it?"

"Where's Bucky?" Steve gritted his teeth. "Tell me, Citrickle!"

"Want to know? You go after Stark, go to New Jersey, hahaha~~"

The Vibranium shield in his hand flew out "Citrykel's laughter stopped abruptly!

"Barton, I will use the Quinjet for a while, please contact Nick to pick you up!" Taking a look at the comatose Citrickle, Steve continued: "By the way, take Citrickle back together!"

"cap?" Listening to Steve's words, Hawkeye expressed a little doubt: "You just leave us in this shitty place?"

"I have no problem with this, but are you sure you don't need our assistance, cap?" Sam said in a deep voice!

Natasha Romanoff said slightly worried: "I always feel bad, did Citrickle say something?"


Steve's voice could not be heard in the headset for a long time, a subtle roar sounded from afar, and he turned his head suddenly, Quin Jet had already taken off!

"Guys, I always feel like something is going to happen. Stark came and went in a hurry. He didn't go for long, and Steve chased after him in such a hurry...something must have happened!"

"How do you know the cap is chasing Stark?" Sam frowned!


"Need to get Nick to locate Quin Jet?" Hawkeye frowned!

"It better be like this!".

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