Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 71 The Truth... Anger! (Please Subscribe!)

Camp Wetton Leha NJ!

A tiny flame lit up in the gloomy sky, and Tony, who was wearing a nano armor, landed vertically in the center of the camp!


"Sir, on the left, it's unbelievable. After so many years, these devices are still operating normally, and I detected data fluctuations!~"

Looking at this open and aboveboard entrance, Tony raised his hand and fired a cannon, directly blasting the somewhat decayed steel gate into pieces!

"S.H.I.E.L.D was established here?" Looking at the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on the wall, and the photo of my father next to it, I was sure of one thing!

"Sir, turn right, the central bookshelf has detected air flow, there is a secret door behind, it is an elevator!"

"The paperclip project~ tsk~ the devil hiding under the human skin of S.H.I.E.L.D!" Tony took off his visor, staring at his father's photo in a daze: "This time it's my turn to teach you, diddy!"

"I'll catch them all and leave none!"

"thank you, diddy!"

Turning around, almost violently opened the bookshelf and the locked door!


"Eight five three nine, sir!"


Sitting in the elevator all the way down, a computer room hidden in the darkness appeared in front of Tony!

"Arnim Zola, Citrickle said you know the location of the Winter Soldier, so I'm here!" Looking at the mainframe computer in front of him, Tony believed Citrickle and didn't say anything.

The lights come on, the computer starts running, the database lights up green, and this old mainframe computer wakes up!

"Tony Stark, born in 1969, son of Howard Stark!" Anim Zola's voice sounded in the empty basement!

Tony raised his hands lightly, nanoparticles flowed, and a bunch of small missiles aimed at the surrounding servers: "These are no secrets, I just ask you a question, where is the Winter Soldier?"

"You want to know where he is...I'm sorry I don't know either, although the Winter Soldier was transformed by me, but he is Pierce's direct subordinate, apart from knowing the 'password

Only Pierce can reach him other than those in the

"After Pierce's death, there are only 'those people' who have the password, and the regiment may know where he is!"

"Who is he?" Tony's face darkened: "Since it was transformed by you, you should have his information, right? Tell me, I'll find it myself!"

"Bucky Barnes!" Dr. Zola's voice fell, and a series of messages appeared on the side display: "This is the Winter Soldier you are looking for!"

"Very good!" Looking at the message on the screen, Tony slowly lowered his hands: "J.A.R.V.I.S, you can kill it, I want to know everything!"

"Sir, the intrusion has been completed, and the anti-virus program has started running!"

"No, you can't do that...Zola's roar slowly faded away!

The picture on the monitor suddenly dissipated, turned into a blue screen, and returned to normal after a while, but at the moment it was not Zola who was controlling this computer, but a subroutine of J.A.R.V.I.S!

"Sir, this guy lied!"

"The Winter Soldier's information is correct, but where is it now? The information Curry is marked! Every time the Winter Soldier completes the task, he is in a frozen state, and his body has been transformed by HYDRA so he can live for so many years. Before Pierce died, and No quests for the Winter Soldier!"

"So this old guy is frozen now?" Tony stared: "Do you know where it is? I think I need to change the itinerary again!"

J.A.R.V.I.S said softly: "In Siberia, there are detailed coordinates!"

"OK, I finally found out, we're going to kill this bastard now!" Tony's mood became calmer than ever, he only has one thing to do now!

"Sir, there is a surveillance video about the master, the content may cause a high degree of discomfort, do you want to watch it? J.A.R.V.I.S advises you not to watch it!"

"Why don't you watch!" Tony took a deep breath, his eyes seemed to be a little red: "Only after watching, can I decide how to kill that bastard!"

"Sir..." J.A.R.V.I.S said softly: "Maybe I should inform Mr. Ye Yi, you made a note before you came, you need to calm down after knowing the truth!"

"Calm down?" The corner of Tony's mouth trembled: "Don't you want revenge? Let me calmly let the murderer go, let me calmly give up revenge?"

·0 for flowers...0

"Maybe I made a wrong decision before I came here!"

"J.A.R.V.I.S, delete the note, do not notify Ye Yi, I will solve this matter myself!"

"Sir, Quin Jet..." J.A.R.V.I.S had some hesitation: "Steve Luo Jies is here, he is coming in!"

"Delete all data!" Tony's eyes sank, his visor closed instantly, and the tiny missile above his wrist launched!


The violent explosion and the dazzling flame instantly flooded the basement, and all the facilities were destroyed!

Gently put your hands together, the nanoparticles flow, a huge amounts of muzzle group synthesis type, a photon energy cannon with full penetrating power directly penetrates the ground above Tony's head!

Nano Armor lifts off!

As if it wasn't enough to relieve hatred, at the moment of leaving, another missile landed, and the entire facility collapsed and turned into ruins!

Ignoring Steve below, Tony's armor pushed forward with full firepower, ignoring the consequences of being unable to bear the strong pressure, the armor turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky at twelve times the speed of sound superior!

Destination, Siberia, HYDRA base!

Dazzled by hatred?

Maybe it is, no one can see the scene of their parents being killed without being angry or sad, people with Ability will naturally choose revenge!

Some people may say that Bucky is just being controlled and killing Howard is not his intention at all, but why doesn't Tony know?

His anger is full, what he needs now is an outlet!

At the same time, Ye Yi, who was waiting for the results in the Avengers Building, also received a reminder from J.A.R.V.I.S!

"Mr. Ye Yi, I think I need help, and sir needs help too!"

"Tony's emotions are a little bit out of control, and I'm afraid he will do something that he regrets, if he can"

"I'm fine!" Slowly getting up from the sofa, a space wormhole suddenly opened: "I'll go to the HYDRA base first and wait!"

"If Tony can't make a decision and is afraid that he will regret it, then leave this matter to Howard himself to decide!"

"Definitely, if Tony can make his own decisions, I'm out of it!".

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