Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 72 Different Tony! (Please Subscribe!)

On a certain ice field in Siberia, in front of the gate of the HYDRA base, a space wormhole suddenly opened, and Ye Yi slowly stepped out of it!

Tony's clearly not here yet...

Isn’t this nonsense, from New Jersey to Siberia across a small half of the world, calculate the distance for yourself!

Although for Ye Yi it's just an opening door...

But for Tony, today is really tiring enough!

Starting from New York to SOKOVIA, and then returning from SOKOVIA to New York to New Jersey, and then from New Jersey to Siberia non-stop...

Hardcore people should be tired!

Tony is now relying on the anger in his heart to support his actions!

After all, the flight time is a bit long!

Tony hasn't arrived yet, Ye-"Eight Eight Seven" is not in a hurry, he really needs a little time to calm himself down, whether it is to kill Bucky or choose other options, at least Tony will not Will regret this incident!

Human emotions are very complicated, so complicated that they cannot be calculated at all!

Usually even an inadvertent action or a small expression or a word will cause a series of extremely complicated emotional changes!

Not to mention the great hatred brought about by the revenge of killing his father!

Ye Yi will not persuade Tony to let go, nor will he take the initiative to let him kill Bucky, he has no say in this matter, except for Bucky and Tony who are the parties involved, no one has a say in this matter!

Ye Yi can only act as a friend to support Tony after he makes a choice!

It is definitely simple to be generous to others, and it is even easier to stand on the highest point of morality. It is easy to become a "Mother" because you only need to move your lips!

After all, things don’t happen to me, and I can definitely stay out of the matter and talk about it, thinking that “the bystander is clear” and “the audience’s glasses are sharp”!

It sounds good on the lips, but it's not an egg!

Even if you use the substitution method to feel the emotions of the two, it is just watching the fire from the other side. When the fire does not burn you, you will only feel a little hot, not a fatal pain!

If you don't experience this feeling yourself, you have no right to speak!

You can speak freely, you can have your own ideas, you can have your own opinions, but you can't impose your own subjective ideas on the parties!

Ye Yi doesn't know exactly what Tony thinks, Ye Yi doesn't know what Bucky thinks, and Ye Yi doesn't know what Steve thinks, everyone's choice is actually right, it's just that their positions are different, it's as simple as that!

Definitely, some people may say that they have experienced this kind of pain, but generously choose to forgive... Ye Yi expresses that he does not understand!

Just don't understand, don't agree, don't refute, don't be incompetent and furious... and don't ask for others' understanding!

The three views are different, and forced explanations will only lead to self-inflicted humiliation!

But there is only one thing Ye Yi can be sure about!

If Tony was replaced by him...everyone involved in this thing would die!

The messenger behind the scenes: Kill!

The person who passed the order: kill!

Executor: Kill!

Frustrated, no one will be left behind!

There is no reason, no excuses, no kindness and compassion, only the most old-fashioned revenge, when you are involved in this whirlpool, you still want to get out?

Even if you are dead, you will have to be pulled out of the grave and killed again, and your ashes will be thrown away!

Only in this way can we forcefully erase the engraved hatred!

Definitely, Ye Yi won't let this happen unless he's already dead before then!

But it's ridiculous to say, what's even more pity is... Ye Yi doesn't even have this kind of concern, even this so-called premise doesn't exist!

After all... no matter before or after the time travel, he is in a state of being alone and unencumbered!

"Here we come!" Shaking his head to suppress redundant thoughts, Ye Yi slowly raised his head and looked at the distant sky!

In the sky far away from the ice field, a flame lighted up slightly, and the speeding nano armor began to slow down, and finally landed gently in front of Ye Yi!

The nano mask was removed, Tony glanced at Ye Yi with red eyes, and then slowly sat down on the ice: "J.A.R.V.I.S still notified you!"

"I'm here to back you up, not to stop you!" Looking at Tony, who was a little decadent, Ye Yi raised his hand and tapped it lightly, and the frozen gate of the HYDRA base turned into a


"Tony, I respect your choice. The other party's life and death is yours. You just have to do what you think you should do!"

"I'm on your side!"

"Thank you~ I think I need to calm down!" Looking at the gate of the base that was already wide open, Tony raised his hand to hold a handful of ice and snow and smeared it directly on his face!

The cold senses stimulated Tony's brain, and the flushed cheeks blushed by a rush of blood gradually returned to normal, and the scarlet color in his eyes seemed to have dissipated a lot at this moment!

"Huh~" Throwing away the half-melted ice and snow, Tony looked up at Ye Yi: "What do you think I should do, or... If it were you, Ye Yi, what would you do?"

"I'm in a mess right now, my instinct is driving me, it wants me to kill Barnes, I probably think so, but... I know he's being controlled, I don't know ..well, I'm a bit out of my mind!"

"Did I not succeed in revenge in that world?"

...." Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "Although it is a parallel universe, theoretically the same person, but you are you and he is him, it is different, Tony!"

"Without you over there, how did the other me fail?" Looking at the gate of the base that had been opened wide, Tony said in a deep voice, "Steve Luo Jies, right?"

"Things may be a bit complicated, but you are right!" Looking at Tony in front of 2.9, Ye Yi suddenly understood!

Since he came to this universe, because of his existence, many things have not happened!

The friendship between Tony and the rest of the Avengers has not even been fully established, only Banner and him Ye Yi has enough friendship with Tony!

The current Tony still can't understand Steve, he can barely be regarded as a teammate, and the friendship between them is far from being as deep-rooted as in another universe!

The only time they fought together was when the Chitauri invaded New York, and since then, there has been almost no contact between them!

At the moment's Tony is not caught in a dilemma. Steve Luo Jies is just an old popsicle that has been frozen for seventy years!.

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