Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 81 Let's Have Some Face-To-Face! (Please Subscribe!)

Diversity does not mean invincibility, let alone omnipotence, many things cannot be done at all!

In the true sense of turning back time, to change the past to change the future of this kind of thing...

The multi-universe level can't do it, and the Super Universe level can't do it either!

Only super Almighty Universe Level can do this, such as... OAA (probably equivalent to the author's avatar)!

Destroy a universe, create a universe, create a time branch, create a new parallel universe, this is very simple, simple can not be simpler!

Once the quantum field enters, you can change it however you want!

But all to no avail!

Just like the theory of Avengers alliance 4, if you travel back to the past from the present, then that past is your future, and changing your new future cannot change the past you have experienced!

You can only create different worlds one after another, constantly create different parallel universes, and disperse different timelines!

Diversity... Putting it into a wider world is still very weak!

Filtering the names of those unsolvable existences in my mind, Ye Yi's slightly complacent emotions disappeared instantly!

Compared with the existence of these perverts, what is his diversity? A slightly bigger ants?

Looking at the universe in front of him, Ye Yi lightly raised his right hand, the infinite bracelet was disintegrated in an instant, and six infinite stones spread out, slowly surrounding Ye Yi's body!

With a thought, these six infinite rough stones were put back into the system space!

He no longer needs the Infinity Bracelet, these six rough stones have other arrangements!

The space in front of my eyes is torn, literally translated as Nivi!

A long time ago, he asked the dwarf king Ai Cui to study dark iron... He wanted to build a stronger weapon for himself, but after all, man is not as good as God!

At that time, he didn't expect that he could be directly promoted to Diversity so quickly, and Dark Iron and Dark Silver are no longer necessary for his growth!

After all, as long as he wants to, he can directly subvert the conservation of energy now, and he can make as much dark iron and dark silver as he wants!

Hiding in the void, Ye Yi raised his hand and tapped lightly, and a series of pictures flowed in front of his eyes. These are nothing else, but live broadcasts of various magical weapons made by the dwarf clan over the years!

To put it simply, Ye Yi is here to steal the teacher!

The dwarfs are not powerful, but their forging skills are unique. Chitauri, the subordinate of Purple Sweet Potato Jing, can easily destroy Nidawi. The strength of the dwarfs is indeed not high!

But...think of the weapons these dwarfs craft...that's still very useful!

Using his own Chaos engine and the dwarfs' forging skills, Ye Yi plans to build himself a pair of armor weapons that are a little stronger and a little bit more powerful!

Star Life, Silver Wing, and all kinds of God-killing weapons Ye Yi wants, definitely, what Ye Yi wants to create is definitely an enhanced version!

After all, the strong need to show off, so what's the matter with wearing casual clothes?

The picture in front of me is recorded by the Chaos engine. Under the super calculation of the celestial bodies, I believe that a complete set of crafts will be born soon, combining the advantages of mystery and science!

Definitely, if you take something from someone else, you always have to give something as a gift!

With the blessing of infinite power, the neutron star core below has been recast, this can be regarded as a little compensation for the Ye Yi dwarf clan!

With a second thought, Ye Yi returned to the original position of Vomir Star again!

"Enter the dark plane, start the Chaos engine, and start the forging process!"

【Chaos engine startup is complete, program loading is complete!】

Raising his hand and turning it over, the God Killing Ax that was on the verge of being broken during the battle with Thanos suddenly appeared!

Ye Yi is still a nostalgic person, this god-killing ax can no longer keep up with his pace, but he doesn't want to lose it, can't it just be upgraded?

"Run the program and strengthen the God Killing Axe!"

【The target is locked, the program starts to run!】

The Chaos engine started to run, and the pitch-black God Slaughter Ax was instantly disassembled, and all inferior materials were removed!

Pieces of dark iron, dark silver, and Wulu Kobelco emerged one after another, traces of bloody aura began to permeate, and a blood wolf giant ax wrapped in red light slowly took shape!

Seeing the appearance of this giant axe, Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood!

Before crossing, I played a lot of LOL. The predecessor of Super Seminary Liu Chuang, the hand of Noxus, the skin of Darius, the god king, was too impressive. Ye Yi’s subconscious wanted to reproduce it, so the Chaos engine Just gave him a hand!

0 looking for flowers...‥

"Then let's make it a complete set!" He raised his hand, and threw out the black armor that he hadn't worn for a long time!

The Chaos engine instantly locked on to the target and repeated the process just now. A set of slightly hideous silver and black armor replaced the ordinary black armor before!

Shoulder armor as sharp as a blade, a belt with a bloody wolf's head, gauntlets as ferocious as a dragon's claws, a black cloak hanging from his waist...

Should I say domineering?

Although it is true, but wearing this thing, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a good person!

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if a good person is a bad person, Ye Yi doesn't think he is a good person anyway!

Others can comment as they like, no matter how much you say, Ye Yi will not lose a piece of meat!

Raising his hand and making a light move, the armor attached to Ye Yi's body perfectly, and the blood-colored wolf ax exuded scarlet brilliance glowed brightly, as if he couldn't wait to drink his blood!

Feeling this aura, Ye Yi frowned, flipped his left hand, the power stone emerged in his palm, and then wolfed towards the wolf's head on the blade of the axe!

There was a light sound, and the strange aura on the God Slaughter Ax instantly dissipated completely, and a layer of lavender radiance replaced the previous scarlet radiance!

"This is decent, I'm not some bloodthirsty big devil!"

Although the previous God Killing Ax was equally powerful, it inevitably carried a bloodthirsty aura, which made Ye Yi a little disliked!

Simply replace it with the original stone of strength!

Although the current God Killing Ax lacks the bloodthirsty coldness, the aura it exudes is more deterrent than before!

After taking a look at the armor on his body and finding that there was no similar problem, Ye Yi took the armor and ax back to the system space!

The weapon he wants is not finished yet!

In the dark plane, Ye Yi raised his eyes slightly: "Search yourself, and put an end to the problem just now!"

【Retrieving...completed, corrected!】

"Then now, Star Life and Silver Wing share the same night!".

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