Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 82 Star Life, Silver Wing! (Please Subscribe!)

The crafting of Star Fate and Silver Wing is easier than that of God Killing Axe!

God Killing Ax Ye Yi intends to use it as the main weapon, but it needs to have too many factors at the same time, if it is too weak, it will not be easy to use!

And Star Life only needs to pursue three points, which are solid, sharp, and elusive!

Silver Wing only needs to pursue two points, it only needs to be firm and sharp, definitely, which of these two points needs to be improved to the extreme!

After thinking about it, Ye Yi once again took out a Space Gem from the space, and then directly integrated it into the star life!

With the addition of Space Gem in Star Life... Ye Yi can boldly say, 'Let you run from this side of the Milky the other side of the Milky Way, and then I will do it'!

In front of Space Gem, distance is already a joke! How to measure the "--zero" attack range of star life in units of light years? No, it should be measured in galaxies now!

The completed Star Life is silvery white, with a Space Gem inlaid in the center exuding azure blue brilliance. The four sharp corners look cold, and the attack power...should not be questioned!!

Dare to say that Space Gem has no offensive power... stand up!

Space Blade, Dimensional Blade, Space Storm, Space Exile... These can easily teach you how to be a man!

The attack power of space is absolutely top notch!

Just because no one has used it does not mean that Space Gem does not have it, but that the holder will not use it at all!

Look at the guys who got the Space Gem, all of them are using the Space Gem as a portal... It's amazing!

After a little testing of Star Life with Space Gem blessing, Ye Yi took it back to the system space with satisfaction!

The last one, of course, is Silver Wing!

I thought it was unnecessary, but Silver Wings are better than Angel Wings!

The bottom layer of the Galaxy Power gene is mixed with the Angel gene. When Ye Yi got the Galaxy Power, Ye Yi has directly activated the so-called Angel Wings, but...

It always feels weird to have a pair of wings growing out of the back, and I'm not used to it!

Simply, the Angel Wing is no longer needed, just replace it with a Silver Wing, it won't feel awkward!

Keisha's Silver Wing is also pursuing the ultimate sharpness, and it has the gene strike function, and even created a domain-like existence with the Silver Wing as a weapon!

In this field, Silver Wing can also be elusive, and it is extremely difficult to defend, because Silver Wing will attack you directly from within your body, making it impossible to defend against!

Even a main god like Morgana, who is proficient in time and space, dare not approach the absolute realm of the holy Kesha easily, so one can imagine how deterrent this realm is!

Ye Yi said that he also wants to make a...

He still likes this kind of tactic that can directly kill the enemy with just one thought without using hands!

After all, you can’t always be an infinite rough stone, right? If you use too much of it, you will become addicted, which is not conducive to growth!

Ye Yi was able to jump across two major levels and become multi-dimensional based on the infinite rough stone. If he has been relying on the infinite rough stone, I am afraid it will stop here in the future!

Ye Yi said that he still has a little ambition!

After all, the peak level of the multi-universe level is not enough to make Ye Yi feel safe... There are a lot of people who can crush the multi-universe, and the sense of crisis should never be lost!

The Chaos engine is moving very quickly. After the star life, the same silver-white silver wings are freshly baked!

However, Ye Yi's Silver Wing is slightly different from Keisha's. In order to ensure the absolute power of the Silver Wing, Ye Yi stuffed the Reality Stone directly into the core!

With a thought, he exited the dark plane, a pair of huge amounts of wings stretched out behind Ye Yi, the silvery white light made the silver wings on Ye Shi's back look a little holy!

But behind this holy light, there is a deadly murderous intent hidden!

Turning his head to glance at Silver Wing, Ye Yi stuffed Silver Wing into the system space as usual!

Even if Ye Yi wants to test this thing, he can't test it. Can he use the silver wing to cut the life of the stars, or use the god-killing ax to cut the silver?

Isn't this hitting yourself?

Maybe when I have free time, I, a fearless enemy, will give it a try?

As for cutting planets or something... it's too cheap.

Ye Yi, who just got the power of killing gods, can chop a planet with one axe. Now that he is at the peak of multi-dimensional, how can he chop it?

And the planet is not particularly hard... can't even try it.

(Planet: I recruited you? Don't come here... stay away from me!)

Well, that's probably it,

In the second set of infinite rough stones, the power was given to the god-killing axe, the space was given to the star life, and the reality was given to the silver wing, leaving time, heart, and soul!

But Ye Yi didn't think about how to deal with it for the time being, so he simply put it in the system space, and will take it out when it is useful!

[I received a text message from Earth, do you want to read it?]

...." Ye Yi frowned: "Tony asked J.A.R.V.I.S to send it? Then tell me!"

【Thor · Odinson is about to be crowned the throne of Asgard, and has come to Earth. The Avengers Mansion invites you to attend his ceremony in Asgard!】

Ye Yi asked with some surprise: "Where's Odin? Dead?"

【There is no such information in the newsletter, do you want to search?】

"Then search!"

[Dark information search begins... The search is completed, Odin died a day ago!]

"Really dead?" Ye Yi rubbed his chin: "If that's the case, let's go, although Odin is not happy, but Thor is my friend anyway.

After recovering the original stone and exiting the dark plane, the Chaos engine was shut down, the space blurred for a while, Ye Yi's figure disappeared, and this disaster-ridden star field has completely returned to calm!

Apart from the loss of one moderately large galaxy, nothing has changed!

Earth 0.1, New York, Avengers Tower!

"Tony, when will Ye Yi come back?" Looking at Tony with a relaxed face, Thor, who had been sitting for a long time, said that he couldn't help it!

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Tony said with a headache on his face: "I said, why are you in a hurry? Isn't there still ten days before your coronation ceremony?"

"Also, how will I know when Ye Yi will come back?"

"Didn't you say that you went to Vormir with him?" Thor laughed dryly: "I had no way to find you, Ye Yi didn't give me any contact information, the last time we parted...I couldn't even get to him thank!"

Tony smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry Thor, I've asked J.A.R.V.I.S to send Ye Yi a text message, and if he receives it, he will definitely come!".

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