Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 89 You Should Commit Suicide! (Please Subscribe!)

In the universe scattered with a little starlight, there is a huge amounts of battleship standing on the edge of a huge base!

Thanos, who had just slaughtered half of the planet, slowly walked out of his holy place No. 2, holding a giant double blade that was still dripping with blood!

"Welcome to my lord!"

Black Friday, led by Corvus Glaive, will have three of them kneeling on one knee in honor of Thanos' return!

"How's it going?" Thanos walked towards his throne with a glance at Corvus Glaive!

Corvus Glaive lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "My lord, the designated target has been cleaned, and the other half of the creatures have contributed to the balance of the universe!"

" there still no progress?" Sitting on his throne, Thanos looked straight at Corvus Glaive!

"My lord, there is still no progress!" Corvus Glaive said in a cold sweat, "However, Supergiant just sent back a fairly good news. Odin of Asgard is dead!"

"Is the news confirmed?" Thanos stared!

"Confirm!" Corvus Glaive said solemnly: "The throne of Asgard is now inherited by Thor, the son of Odin. According to the time, it should be today!"

"Barely good news!" Thanos didn't see any joy on his face: "Even though Odin is dead, there is still a Supreme Master in Midgard!"

"Has the whereabouts of the original mind stone been determined?"

"It was just confirmed three days ago!" Ebony Maw said: "An earthling named Ye Yi snatched the scepter from Loki's hand, and the Tesseract is also in his hand!"

"In addition... Supergiant has also discovered news of the dark elves on Earth, and Tai particles are most likely also in Midgard!"

"There are four infinite rough stones sitting on a mere earth!" Thanos wiped his fists: "How much do you know about that Ye Yi?"

"Are you sure the other party is also collecting infinite rough stones`~?"

"As for Ye Yi's news, my subordinates have tried their best to find out, but so far, they still don't know much!" Corvus Glaive raised his head slightly: "The other party first appeared on Xandar, following Captain Marvel Carol side!"

"And after about half a year, the other party suddenly returned to Earth, and then captured the original mind stone and Space Gem in Loki's hands!"

"The specific unknown for the time being. Our people dare not touch him. The other party has the original soul stone in his hand, and Supergiant dare not even get close to him."

Thanos remained silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "Is there any news from Nebula and Gamora?"

Ebony Maw said cautiously: "Ningyun is currently following Ronan to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the original stone of power. It seems that some clues have been made, and Gamora... the current location is unknown. We have temporarily lost contact with your daughter!"

"Lost contact?" Thanos frowned: "Where did you lose contact?"

"Near the void!" Ebony Maw whispered: "Someone once saw traces of your daughter Gamora around the void, and she was with a person from Earth at that time!

"Earthling again?"

Thanos stood up abruptly, just about to say something, but felt a palpitation for no reason!

A gleam of light shines from a distance, and Thanos' pupils shrank suddenly!

The next moment, a thunderbolt glowing with purple light passed through the space and directly hit Thanos!

"Enemy attack!" Corvus Glaive roared softly!

"Roar~" Black Dwarf roared angrily, raised his shield and stood in front of Thanos!


The purple thunder flew all over the sky, the huge amounts of energy instantly dissolved the shield in Black Dwarf's hand, and the violent thunder directly split the huge amounts of Black Dwarf's body into a ball of coke, and the vitality was gone!

With just one face-to-face, a violent thunder, one of the five obsidian generals under Thanos, Black Dwarf, was declared dead!

The peak power of Level God Father is undoubtedly evident!

"Thanos~" A muffled roar came, colorful beams of light came across the space, and three figures slowly emerged in front of the holy place base!

Seeing the three people coming out of the colorful beam of light, Thanos' heart sank slightly!

Two peak heavenly fathers, plus a green-eyed person who can't see the strength or weakness!

This lineup....

"Thanos, we met for the second time!" Looking at Thanos in front of him, Tony took off his mask: "But today I'm not here to catch up with you!"

"If you lie down and commit suicide now, we might be able to leave you with a whole body, and the end of the body and head will be separated... It's not a good look!"

"I don't remember seeing you!" Thanos stared, with murderous intent in his eyes!

"It doesn't matter, I just met you, it's just you with your body and head separated!" Tony chuckled: ". `You who have infinite rough stones have such a fate, do you think you will be spared today?"

..." Thanos frowned wildly!

He's not stupid, so he can hear what Tony said, and there are two possibilities for this matter!

One is that he got the rough stone in the future and was killed, and the other is that he was killed in one of the multi-universes!

And the man in iron armor in front of him witnessed this happening!

But no matter which one it is, it is not good news for Thanos!

However, this bad news, which is not good news, is also good news for Thanos!

Regardless of the possibility, he got the Infinity Stone!

If you can.. like.

"Why so much nonsense?" Thor raised his eyebrows: "Ye Yi is still watching, Ye Yi at that time could easily kill him, if the two of us are slow, do you want him to laugh? Have you spoken to Zhao?"

"Why are you doing nothing compared to that pervert Ye Yi?" Tony complained, and the visor closed instantly: "J.A.R.V.I.S, it's time to start work!"

"The engine has started, sir!" The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded in Tony's mind: "The battle program has been loaded, you can fight as much as you want!"

"Banner, the group of miscellaneous soldiers are entrusted to you, we will come soon!" With a flash of thunder all over his body, Thor carried the Stormbreaker and shot out, the ax blade went straight to Thanos' neck!

"Thor, shameless, you run away!" A subtle light emerged, and Tony's figure instantly disappeared in the micro-wormhole!

"Well, I'm here to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers!" Banner was helpless, then raised his hand and tore off the clothes on his body, revealing a set of dark inner armor, turned his head and ran towards Chitauri who was finishing up!

"Die, North!"

"Don't grab my head!".

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