Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 90 Obsidian Five Generals, Destroy! (Please Subscribe!)

Stormbreaker, flashing purple lightning, cuts through space...

The extremely sharp blade slashed towards Thanos' neck mercilessly. If this blow hits, even if Thanos is the Eternal Clan who dealt with the Titan star, he may only end up with a severed body!

With the sharpness of Stormbreaker, plus the blessing of Thor's thunder power and Odin's power, it is absolutely impossible for Thanos' physique to resist this ax from the peak of the heavenly father!

A deadly sense of danger permeates the whole body. In Thanos' eyes, this violent ax with purple lightning light is powerful enough to easily take his life away!

The body is locked by the opponent's mental power, and to hide... Although he can dodge, but after this move, he will completely fall into a passive situation, and there is no way to turn around!

Facing this axe, the only way to go is to block it!

Can't hide, hide, just die sooner or later!

This is the most basic intuition of being a warrior!

The next moment, an ax that could easily destroy the planet came...

At the moment of life and death, Thanos held the double blade without any hesitation, and instead of retreating, he raised his hand and flipped the giant double blade, and suddenly slashed towards Thor's Stormbreaker!

At the moment when the Feng 543 storm battle ax and the holding double blade were about to collide, Tony, wearing a battle armor, stretched out a hand from the space behind, and the dazzling light bloomed instantly...

The terrifying light came first, and the photon energy cannon injected with huge energy pierced through the void, and hit Thanos directly on the back at the moment when Thanos didn't react at all!


There was a loud noise, the armor on Thanos' body exploded, and the opponent's figure staggered for a while. The deadly sense of crisis made Thanos subconsciously block the giant double blades in his hand in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, Thor's sharp ax blade slashed across, and there was a crisp bang, and the giant double blades in Thanos' hands were directly split in half by Thor's ax...

The sharp ax blade directly sliced ​​through Thanos's so-called indestructible skin, and slashed on Thanos' chest, with the bone visible in the wound!

Thanos' burly body flew upside down, and slammed into the metal wall behind, a smear of bright red blood...splashed out as it flew upside down!

Thor and Tony hit together, and Thanos was already injured, although not seriously, but not lightly!

If it wasn't for Thanos' years of combat experience that made him subconsciously hold the weapon in front of him and take down most of Stormbreaker's power, it is estimated that the first blow of the two together would be enough to kill him!

"But that's it!" Looking at Thanos who got up, Thor snorted coldly: "The first ax can't kill you, but I don't believe you can dodge the second ax!"

"Hey, hey, what's my credit? I'll hit him first, okay?" Tony, who came out of the micro-wormhole, rolled his eyes!

Thor shook his head: "I don't care about that, whoever kills him is his!"

"My lord!" Seeing this scene, Corvus Glaive's expression changed instantly, and without even thinking about it, he raised his saber and swooped towards Thor!

Proxima Midnight also rushed towards Thor with its long spear, and the sharp spear was straight at Thor's face!

They are inseparable from Thanos, and they are already a whole. If Thanos dies, their consequence is estimated to be torn to pieces!

In these years of following Thanos, they have created endless killings in the universe. Once Thanos is dead, once their backstage collapses, there is absolutely no possibility of them surviving!

The moment the two rushed out, Ebony Maw rose into the air, a powerful Psychokinesis was launched, and countless metals rose from the ground in an instant, turning into sharp spears and flying straight to Tony's forehead!

"Annoying ants!" Facing the attacks of Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight, Thor reflexively slashed out with an axe, and the violent (babd) thunder pierced through the void!

The thunder exploded, and a cold light streaked across the void, across the bodies of Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight, and the swooping Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight stopped their steps at the same time...

In the next second, a team of lovers, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight, the second of the five most vicious generals of Obsidian in the universe, was directly cut in half by Thor, and their bodies turned into two parts and slowly fell to the ground!

"Wow~ You made it a little bloody, Thor!" Seeing this scene, Tony, who was playing with Ebony Maw, couldn't help curling his lips!

"Blue blood...feels a bit sick!"

"Using an ax for the first time, I will pay attention next time!" Although he said to pay attention next time, there was no unnecessary fluctuation on Thor's face at all!

It seems to be planning to take advantage of Tony's distraction to attack, Ebony Maw's spirit erupts instantly, and the huge psychokinesis presses directly towards Tony's spirit The God's Telekinesis!

"You can't blame me for looking for death!" The sudden attack made Tony's head sink, and then a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!


"The concept attack is being launched... The target has been locked... Obliterated!"


The two spiritual forces collided in an instant, and a piercing roar spread out in an instant, a drop of blood slowly seeped out of Ebony Maw's facial features, and the body floating in the air fell directly to Tette!

"Sir, the concept attack is effective, the opponent is mentally dead, and is a vegetable!" J.A.R.V.I.S said softly: "Need to make up..."

Before J.A.R.V.I.S finished speaking, Tony raised his hand and shot Ebony Maw's dog head with the most cannonball!

"J.A.R.V.I.S, in the future, if this happens, you don't need to ask, just make up the knife. This kind of thing that likes to kill does not deserve any sympathy, and there is no need for mercy!"

Tony knew very well about the information about the Five Generals of Obsidian that everyone's hands were at least stained with the blood of tens of millions of living beings. This kind of psychopathic executioner must die!

"Good sir!"

Obsidian will Ebony Maw, burst!

At this point, all the five Obsidian generals under Thanos were killed except for Supergiant who was not present!

It took less than a minute from the arrival of Bifrost, to Thanos being severely injured, and then to the destruction of the entire army of Black Lunar Five...

As for Chitauri, Banner had a great time with them, and probably won't have time to take care of them in a short time!

"Hey, Banner, do you need help?"

"Nonsense, do you think it's easy for me to block such a group of bastards by myself?" Banner roared angrily, "How many hands do you think I have?"

"That's really sorry~~ just hold on for a minute!".

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