Marvel: Start With A Power Gem

Chapter 91 Thanos Died Again! (Please Subscribe!)

"Thanos, you will pay for what you have done!"

Seeing Thanos standing up slowly in a mess, Thor tightened the Stormbreaker in his hand: "You will die for this, today!"

"Stop talking nonsense, this is a madman with an abnormal brain!" Tony shook his head lightly, and the figure disappeared into the space again!

"I talked to him when Ye Yi killed him last time, this guy's thinking is distorted~!"

"With a psycho, it's nothing-talking!"

"Then there's nothing else to say!" Thor nodded, mentioned Stormbreaker and swooped out again, a streak of thunder appeared on the sharp blade of the axe!

The target is also Thanos' neck, trying to kill him with one blow!

The space around Thanos was distorted, and a nano-blade with a cold light protruded out of the space, stabbing directly at Thanos' vest!

The same move, the same routine, the same two attacks that are easy and lethal, front and back flanking, no matter which move is taken, it will be hit by the other person's attack!

Another choice question!

This time, Thanos still chose to fight Thor's Stormbreaker!

Needless to say, Thor's Stormbreaker can easily cut through Thanos' defense!

The ax just now made Thanos extremely frightened, and the wound on his body was still bubbling blood. Thanos was extremely vigilant about Thor's Stormbreaker!

As for Tony's attack, Thanos can only let it go!

After all, Tony's cannonball just barely blasted away his armor, and his armor is not as strong as his physical body. Tony is not a big threat to him for the time being!

Raising his left hand, the armor on his arm instantly superimposed, directly blocking in front of him, ready to resist Thor's Stormbreaker!


There was a roar, and Thor's Stormbreaker with purple lightning came and collided head-on with the armor on Thanos' hand!

In an instant, the armor on Thanos' arm turned into countless fragments and flew out!

"Ah~~" came the painful roar!

The sharp ax blade sliced ​​through Thanos' wrist guard, broke through Thanos' defense, the ax blade embedded in the flesh, and chopped on Thanos' arm bone!

The ax blade, whose power was partially offset by the armor, still failed to cut off Thanos' left arm. After all, the defense of the Titans of the Eternal Clan is indeed the best in the universe!

Not only the skin is hard, but the meat is also hard, and the bones are even harder!

The ax blade broke through three defenses in a row, almost cutting off Thanos' right hand!

However, barely blocked it!

This is what Thanos wants!

As long as this blow is blocked, then a crazy counterattack can be launched, and the previous unfavorable situation can be reversed in one fell swoop!

At the moment when Thanos was about to raise his right hand to counterattack, there was the slight sound of a sharp blade piercing into flesh, and Thanos' movements froze instantly!

A bloody nano-blade shot out from Thanos' back!

"Do you think my knife is not sharp?" Tony's figure slowly emerged behind Thanos: "If you really think so, you are very wrong!"

Tony's sword should not be underestimated. The nanoblade strengthened by the power of the void, the additional space strengthening and gene strike function alone are enough for him to stab Thanos' body directly!

Thanos' eyes have been on Thor who is extremely violent, and he doesn't pay much attention to this elusive guy, but this is what Tony wants!

His pure strength is not as good as Thor's after all, and he prefers a direct kill to a brainless hard steel!

"I said, the sky will die!" In one scene, the veins in both hands popped, the divine power gushed out instantly, the Stormbreaker flipped over instantly, and Ting's Stormbreaker swiped out...


The extremely sharp ax blade directly slashed across Thanos' neck!

"Isn't this very simple?" Looking at Thanos, whose body and head were separated and slowly fell to the ground, Tony took off his mask and spread his hands with a relaxed face!

"I always thought this guy was very strong. After all, the battle between him and Ye Yi really made me die so easily?"

"Don't forget the Infinity Stone!" Taking back the Stormbreaker in his hand, Thor said in a deep voice, "If Thanos is holding an Infinity Stone today, it would be a tough battle for you and me to join forces!"

0 looking for flowers......

"That's right!" Tony nodded lightly, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Since the Battle of New York, this damn guy has been on my mind for so long. Now I'm finally dead."

“Go back and have a nice drink to celebrate!”

"That's no problem!" Thor chuckled: "There are plenty of fine wines in Asgard, let you drink enough, do you need a beautiful woman to accompany you?"

"No.No.No." Tony shook his head without thinking, "I'm a good man now, don't tempt me, Pepper is still waiting for me on Earth, I'm going to get married!"

"Really?" Thor's eyes were a little strange, and then he nodded slightly: "Well, do you have an invitation? I don't want to miss my friend's wedding, so you don't mind if I go for a drink?!"


"definitely! You must be there!" Tony nodded!

"Hey, you two bastards, come and help when it's over there, I'm getting annoyed that you're still chatting, what the hell are you doing?"

Banner's roar resounded throughout the holy place base!

...." Thor and Tony turned their heads at the same time, looking at Banner covered by gunfire...

"No wonder it's so hot, it's really annoying not to have a range attack!" Tony chuckled, stepped back a little, and disappeared directly into the wormhole!

"The last thing I need is a range attack!" Thor flicked the Stormbreaker from his hand, and Thor raised it above his head: "Banner, get out of there!"

"Slow down, are you going to hack me together?!" Banner's face darkened, he kicked his feet on the ground, and left the battlefield directly!

"Die!" Seeing Banner leaving the battlefield, the crazy thunders gathered in the void of the universe, and the overwhelming thunder fell down!

The violent thunder dyed the entire sky purple, and countless thunders fell from the sky straight into Chitauri's camp, and pieces of fly ash rose up and turned into cosmic dust!

Tens of thousands of Chitauri perished under Thor's thunder!

After the thunder dissipated, the densely packed Chitauri suddenly lost a piece, causing countless casualties.

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