DC Movie and Television Origin Universe.

"Bang bang bang—"

Alex opened the door, only to see an uncle in a suit.


The super girl was confused, why is this guy?

Alex looked at Supergirl and asked, "Wait a minute, is this your all-powerful five-dimensional suitor?" "

Because the Martian Manhunter used abilities on her, she was able to recover memories from before the Crisis on Infinite Earth.

Of course, in order to protect the continuity of time and space, there is no way to restore the memories of all earthlings, after all, everyone's earth has been fused together.

"No, I don't know him!"

The super girl directly shook her head and denied, she was also quite confused.

"Hey, hey, hey! I have a name, you can call me Mr. Trick-or-Treat! The

man said in a deep voice: "Then I believe you, you are Kara Danvers, also super..." The man's voice

began to rise!

The two people also directly pulled him into the house, and then quickly closed the door.

The man finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Thank you very much, you know that I can't enter your house at will unless I am invited by you..." The

trick-or-treater, whose real name is Meeks Jezpit, is a creature of the five-dimensional space.

And the setting of trick-or-treaters is everywhere, whether it is a parallel universe, an animated universe, or even the troublemakers who appear in the Lego universe, they are only part of the trick-or-treaters.

Well, there is also the fact that troublemakers can travel to the Marvel world.

This guy's strength can completely abuse ghosts.

"Tell me, who are you? And then what exactly do you want to do? "

Because of the restart of the universe, some of Supergirl's memories are also different.

Obviously, she has no memory of a trick-or-treater.

The trick-or-treater snapped his fingers, and then some images began to play on the TV, which were scenes of the troublemaker once pursuing Supergirl.

"Oh my God!"

Alex felt like she had eaten a big melon, and she looked at the trick-or-treater, then at the super girl.

Supergirl asked, "If you're a trick-or-treater, why do you look like this?" "

Obviously, the look of the trick-or-treater now does not quite match the way it used to be on TV.

However, the two people are people who have experienced the big scene, and they still accepted what the troublemaker said at once, and the three views did not suffer a great impact and collapsed.

The trick-or-treater sat on the table and explained, "Well, I just changed to a more mature appearance and a charming accent to please

you..." "But I didn't expect to be discovered by you in the end..." The

TV played Kara pretending to accept the trick-or-treater's marriage proposal, luring him to the Lonely Fortress, and then triggering the imminent nuclear meltdown, until the troublemaker typed the relevant code, and the code was converted from Kryptonian to Kryptonian" KLTPZYXM", the scene that sends him away.

"Oh, I miss your long hair a lot, but now I can't use my superpowers, except to help those who have been trick-or-treated..."

Alex yin-yang said angrily, "Oh, then you are so pathetic!"

"Yes! Shakespearean tragedy, I agree! But the good news is, you're the last! Supergirl

laughed, "Do you think I'll need your help?" "

Then the TV showed Lena Luthor's cruel words to Supergirl.

"Your best friend thinks you're her worst enemy, and worst of all, it's all your fault!"

"And I can repair the broken friendship between you, I can give you a chance to do it all over again!"

The troublemaker tempted, "I can send you over!" Do you want to have a chance to tell Lena for yourself that you are a super girl? Do you want to see what the world would be like if you were in charge?

"Of course it will get worse!"



"Mr. Wind!"

The troublemaker also looked at Situ Feng curiously, and asked suspiciously: "Who are you?"

Situ Feng looked at the troublemaker in front of him, as if he was just a doppelganger, without the ability to arbitrarily modify all the realities of the third-dimensional universe.

However, this girl is a little too much, dare to rob a woman with herself?

Situ Feng snapped his fingers, and then the screen switched on the TV, showing that no matter how the super girl went back in time and tried to tell Lena the truth, it would eventually cause Lena to fall into deeper trauma or danger, and fortunately lead to more serious consequences.

Situ Feng spoke: "Carla, think about Barry, how many times has he modified the timeline to save his parents, where will there be any good results?" Those who play with time will eventually be played by time!

"You have to believe that all this in the past has made you who you are today, and as for the relationship between you and Lena, believe me, you will be reunited."

"Don't ask more, ask is that I see the future!"

Situ Feng comforted.

The troublemaker spoke, "Eh, or maybe we can try to go back to an earlier past..." Situ

Feng snapped his fingers, and then a recording device appeared in his hand.


A burst of white light flashed, and the troublemaker was forcibly sent back to the five-dimensional space.

Anyway, the relationship between women is very strange, one second they quarrel, the next second they are reconciled!

The relationship between Kara and Lena is actually what Situ Feng looks like, and what truth is not the truth is all made by glass hearts.

Who hasn't told a lie all these days?

Didn't Zhang Wuji's mother say that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people!

Although the super girl was so moved for a moment, Situ Feng's mouth really moved her. After all, comparing the Flash Barry with her, she really can't compare to her.

"Director! Is the problem with Brainiac 5 solved?

Alex asked.

Situ Feng snapped his fingers, and another video was played on the TV, which was the picture of the earth being released in the Dark God Kingdom, and the picture of Brainiac 5 working in the Technology Development Bureau.

To be honest, the idea of trick-or-treaters is really good, when explaining, just play the picture directly, simple and rude, saving time and effort!

"All said to rest assured, I will solve it, then it will definitely be solved perfectly!"

Alex was also relieved.

Indeed, in this Origin Universe, because of the existence of Situ Feng, no matter what kind of crisis, it can be easily solved.

In fact, Situ Feng did not interfere too much in the development of this universe, and did not want Marvel's α universe to directly control all government bureaucracies, but promoted the development of things like a guide.

To be honest, invincible strength and eternal life are indeed another curse.

And in order to play the human world, he also temporarily turned off the ability of omniscience and omnipotence, otherwise it would be too easy to be disturbed. You know, he can feel the crisis across the timeline, and this vast and massive amount of information is still for the doppelganger to deal with.

"However, this is not the key for me to come!"

Situ Feng took out a bunch of marshmallow roses, and then said: "Happy Valentine's Day!" Kara, would you like to have a romantic date with me? "


The super girl's eyes seemed to turn into stars.

Alex wondered, "Valentine's Day? But today is May 20th?

Situ Feng spoke: "Internet Valentine's Day, this is not important!"

Alex looked like a melon (#^.^#).

Supergirl is a marshmallow in one bite.

"Oh, this is really delicious!"

Then she went on to ask: "Is there a party?"

Situ Feng smiled and said, "Forget it, I have prepared something more special for you..."


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