When it comes to dating, the whole world is probably about the same, eating, drinking coffee, watching movies, playing games, shopping?

What will a superhero date look like?

In fact, it's similar, but the place is different.

Polar, under the sea, outer space, on the sun...

You must know that after the super girl puts aside her superpowers, she is also a girl in essence, with the thinking of an ordinary little girl.

Although she is usually a superhero to deal with crises and save the world, what she is most satisfied with is her status as a journalist.

Because this can make her feel ordinary herself, she likes this ordinary feeling.

Situ Feng, on the other hand, caught her psychology and chose the most ordinary way first, and then chose the unordinary way.

Then at this moment, Supergirl finally transformed into Supergirl!

Although in the series, she is the shame of Krypton, and any ordinary person can defeat her, but this is for the needs of the plot.

Situ Feng's personal experience shows that her real strength is stronger than Diana's. He also proved that Kate Grant's words can only

be taken away by strong people.... It's not too much for Kryptonians to be called gods!

Even in DC's universe, they are more powerful than some gods!


After a hearty and in-depth understanding, the two came to the toy fair.

Carla has a reporting job here as a journalist, which is also a profession that Supergirl enjoys.

"In other words, do you usually write news reports like this?"

Situ Feng looked at Kara in a red suit and asked. To be honest, this suit restrained her originally hot body.

"Count it, this kind of publicity is a commercial soft article, mainly for toy manufacturers to do publicity!"

Kara explains: "At first, asking about the identity of a journalist was just a disguise to experience the life of ordinary people, but slowly I realized that it is not only Supergirl who can make the world a better place, but also ordinary Kara Danvers!

Situ Feng smiled and said, "That's right, believe me, baby, the world is indeed a better place because of you!"

However, Situ Feng's voice just fell.

Alex's voice came from Kara's headset!

"Supergirl, there's a criminal with a gun at the toy fair!"

Carla replied, "I'm on the spot!"

"Good, we'll be right there!"

"I'm coming to him!"

Well, slapped in the face ( ̄ ε (# ̄) ☆╰╮( ̄▽ ̄///)

"Need my help?"

Situ Feng asked.

"No, I can do it myself!"

Although Supergirl is fragile on the inside, she always shows strength on the outside!

Well, Kara instantly crossed up and transformed into Supergirl.

Situ Feng doesn't need any cross-dressing, anyway, just follow behind to watch a good show.

To be honest, unless a god-level player needs him to make a move, the rest of the superwomen can easily handle it!

Of course, in order to make up enough time for the episodes, yes, it is all ten minutes of mouth seclusion and a few minutes of fighting.

That's when Alex and D.E.O's agents arrived at the scene.

"We have to evacuate the crowd, block here, we don't want to cause panic!"

Then, everyone saw a group of little monkeys banging the gong.

Situ Feng said: "Yo, it's quite cute!"

Supergirl said, "This thing feels like a toy man!"

As soon as the words fell, Situ Feng snapped his fingers, and the little monkeys stopped banging the gong.

"In other words, this simple little favor can still be shot!"

Situ Feng didn't want Supergirl to stupidly use her body to stop the bomb.

Just kidding, right?

In other words, there is a saying in the beautiful country that honor is at the moment you throw yourself at the bomb!

Whether there will be honor is unclear, but normal people pounce, absolutely dead!

Before everyone could say anything, suddenly an agent shouted: "He has a gun!" The

crowd around began to panic and scatter!

Alex and Supergirl also rushed over.

In fact, for Situ Feng, isn't it common to have a gun, what is so nervous?

"On top! On top! "

As a result, upstairs, there was a man with a sniper rifle similar to aiming at the person downstairs, this infrared light, quite red!

It seems that he aimed at his own body, and he was really scared!

Alex was stunned, and then wondered: "Wait a minute, does that person look like..."

Supergirl interjected: "Wen! "

In other words, her interjection skills are getting better and better.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Bang -

a bullet shot at the unlucky man _(:з"∠)_

However, a small flying machine stopped the bullet.

Gradually, the craft began to grow larger and turned into a spaceship, which stopped in the open space next to it.

Supergirl said in disbelief: "Wen? What are you doing here? "

Winn Short in a suit begins, once a colleague and friend of Supergirl, who traveled back in time to the 31st century to save the world.

He explained: "To save Chester Dunolds, and to save my own future! Did you see the toy man?

"It's the guy who shot it!" The guy who bumped my face!

Situ Feng spoke, "Oh, I saw it, but he ran!"

Winshort looked anxious and opened his watch to scan it.

"Oh my God! Hurry, hurry!

Supergirl blamed at this time: "Why don't you grab him?"

Situ Feng scratched his head and said speechlessly: "Didn't you ask me not to make a move, saying that you can handle it yourself!" How about you leave it to me this time to solve it?"

"No, I can do it myself!"

The tsundere Supergirl rejects o ( ̄ヘ ̄o #).

How to say that she is also a superhero, crying in bed and saying no, how can she say no, when dealing with a crisis!

"Damn it! Blaney, I need you to help me lock all the traffic cameras in Nahino City, please make sure to find that guy!

Alex soothed: "Wen, wait, relax, breathe deeply, don't get excited٩(๑>◡<๑)۶" "

We will definitely find your doppelgänger and stop him from hurting others, we can always do it!"

Winshort explains: "I went back to this point in time to get him! But if he has already hurt someone else, then it's over, you won't understand! My life will be over, I will lose everything I have, my wife and my daughter!

"Wait, you have a wife and children?"

Alex is always on the front line of eating melons and catches the point!

Situ Feng said, "Don't worry! We will catch him, in simple terms, that Wen from other universes, if this world kills someone related before Wen, it will change Wen's fate!

Wen opened his watch and showed pictures of his wife and daughter.

"That's right, this is my wife Ella! And my daughter Mary, who is 2 years old in 4 months!

Supergirl sighed, "Oh, they're so beautiful!" Then

get ready to step forward and hug.

Situ Feng stepped forward, held Wen's hand, and spoke, "Don't worry, we will definitely help you solve this crisis, and then you can reminisce about the past, how?"

Wen looked at Situ Feng in front of him suspiciously, and then asked: "I'm sorry, you are

..." "Situ Feng, the supreme commander of D.E.O, is also the other half of Superwoman..."

and Alex on the side: (Òω Óױ)!



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