"Scott, I'm John the Burning Man, Professor X was attacked by the people brought by Stryker, they will also send troops to attack X Academy, you must be careful!"


After listening to the laser eye, his face changed greatly in an instant. That face is even uglier than healthy stool.

He hurriedly asked, "How are you doing, is Professor X injured?"

"Professor X is unconscious, I'm not injured, there are pursuers behind, and we can't get back in time now." You guys have to be careful... Ahhh

"Forgive me, Scott

..." "Hey, hey..." Lasereye's call went unanswered.

"Scott, what happened?"

Looking at Scott in front of him, Jean Gray realized that something might be going to happen.

"Stryker attacked Professor X and is currently unconscious, Burning Man saved Professor X, and Stryker has sent soldiers to attack Academy X."


These words were recognized separately, but suddenly put together, Jean Gray was a little unresponsive. Her brain was a little short-circuited, and she was confused for a while.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken? How did things come to be like this?

"It can't be wrong, Burning Man used Professor X's cell phone.

I knew Stryker was upset.

Inform everyone to prepare for battle, Jean, we are going to fight in the water! Jean

Gray's intuition told her that something wasn't quite right, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

But she still chose to believe her boyfriend.

The most important thing between couples is the word trust, if the two do not trust, then they are destined to grow old together. Sometimes there is no way to think rationally, and this time it is necessary for two people to face it together.


X-Men, assemble!

X Academy directly turned on the defense mode, and the mutants in the academy hid in the bomb shelter one after another, acting in an orderly manner according to the exercise.

However, everyone knows in their hearts that this is not a drill!

And yet -

1 minute!

3 minutes!

15 minutes!


After waiting for a long time, I did not wait for the so-called attack.

The sun began to set in the west, and the clouds became more and more, covering the sun like marshmallows, and like a drapery cast by a fairy, covering the sun's brilliance, the scenery was really beautiful.

It's just that the X-Men standing outside the academy are a little embarrassed, and a group of people are lined up neatly, so they waited for a long time.


It was a car.

It turned out to be the Burning Man who drove back.

"No, why hasn't the school been attacked?"

Looking at the intact X Academy, the Burning Man couldn't help but mutter.

"Burning Man, where is Professor X?"

The X-Men swarmed in.


Burning Man opened the trunk, took out the wheelchair, and picked up Professor X, the co-pilot.

By the way, "Weren't you attacked?"

Everyone was also confused and shook their heads.

The Burning Man didn't know what went wrong. This script is not quite right, isn't the witch a success? Who is that messaging yourself? Are the plans exposed?

Obviously, with his head, he can't think clearly for the time being.

"Professor, professor?"

The call of the crowd did not wake up the professor for the time being.

Laser eyes were furious, and asked, "How did the professor have an accident?"

"Stryker didn't want to negotiate with us at all, he actually wanted to seize the professor, there were too many people on the other side."

The professor was attacked by a sniper, and the one with the needle was supposed to be an anesthesia bullet, which caused the professor to fall into a coma.

But before the professor falls, let me inform you that Stryker will attack X House!" "

People probably didn't believe in this kind of thing.

But when the comatose Professor X appeared before their eyes, they had to believe it.

People always believe that hearing is nothing, seeing is believing!

"But Burning Man, how did you get with the professor? The professor said that he would go alone, but he wouldn't let us follow. Jean

Gray actually has psychic powers, and she feels the fluctuations in the heart of the burning man, and it feels a little strange.


"Now is not the time to dwell on this. Professor X is already in a coma, and Stryker must be well prepared to take us down in one fell swoop.

We can't sit still like this, we have to preemptively attack the Hoover base!

Avenge Professor X and solve the mutants who were captured by the way! Laser

Eye directly interrupted Jean Gray's words and made a decision.

Obviously, this was an unimplemented decision that he had already rehearsed in his mind.

"But, Scott, shall we wait until the professor wakes up?"

"What are you waiting for, can we wait until Stryker gathers the army and waits until the academy is attacked, can we fight back?"

Jean, I don't want to force you, you stay and take care of the professor! Jean

Gray looked at the emotional laser eyes, not knowing what to say.

She knew there was nothing she could do to stop her.

In fact, when the comatose Professor X appeared in front of her eyes, her first thought in her heart was to take revenge.

"Stryker has already captured many of our compatriots, and now he has sneaked up on Professor X, I am the captain of the X-Men, and I ask everyone to go together to rescue our compatriots!"

Obviously, this is also the voice of everyone.

Laser Eye saw that no one objected, and then gave the order: "Go!" "

Speaking of which, the X-Men's plane is also considered black technology. Although it is not an unmanned type, it can carry 12 people at a time, with a speed of more than 8000KM/H, and can also be stealthy.

Jean Gray looked at the plane that disappeared into the clouds and sighed.

She didn't follow directly.

Although she would love to keep up.

It's just that the conversation just now seems to be a little contradictory with Laser Eye.


Hoover base.


"In other words, the witch's genes are useless?"

Situ Feng listened to Dr. Halle's report.

"Yes, the absolute that we have cultivated can transform into the appearance of other people, and the degree of cell aging is already very slow..." To

be honest, it is also true, after the witch removes the transformation, it is the ability to delay aging.

It's just that for Situ Feng, it's a bit chicken.

The current Situ Feng has mainly cultivated three kinds of absolutes.

Ordinary White Jue: The whole body is white, with super healing and photosynthetic ability. Usually, it mainly parasitizes on the human body in the form of a spore doppelganger, and its main role is supervision and detection.

Bai Jue has the weakest combat ability, but the strongest vitality, especially enhanced by the genes of mutants: Spore Art (parasitism), Impersonation Art (transformation), and Mayfly Art (escape).

Battle Blue Jue: The whole body is blue, which is a cell transplanted with a dark blue blood chakra eye and a collection of various mutant genes. Possess super strength, super speed, and terrifying recovery ability. Lan can never use special pupil techniques, such as manipulating space and going back in time, but he can use the ability of the six paths of reincarnation eyes.

The blue of the battle is mainly divided into two types: comprehensive type and specialized type. The comprehensive type literally means it, while the specialized type specifically strengthens a specific aspect, such as the sky type, the ocean type, the desert type, and so on.

Wisdom Black Jue: The whole body is black, mainly the product of Situ Feng's will, compared to Bai Jue and Lan Jue, it has a higher level of wisdom. The ability of Heijue is stable and has been in the update iteration. The role of the black jeopardy is to replace specific characters, as well as to act as a peacekeeping force.

Situ Feng looked at the results in the laboratory and was thinking about the next stage of the plan.

Those who do great things must take at least one step and look at three steps, otherwise how can they win the sky and half a son?

It's a pity, if only there were suitable test subjects.

"Di Du! Dipp! Dipp! "

Familiar recipe again!

Red siren light, dripping siren sound.

"Mr. Congressman, the radar at the base has detected UFOs."

Immediately afterwards, Situ Feng received a report from the soldiers.


Obviously, it is not an alien spaceship.

It was a twenty-meter-long aircraft with the X logo printed on its fuselage.

Situ Feng's "look" saw the fighters outside.



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