
- the hatch of the X-Fighter opens.

It was obviously the X-Men!

Laser Eye, Storm Girl, Steel Lux, Iceman, Phantom Cat, Beast!

"Huh? Professor X and Phoenix Girl are not there, is this being used as a gun?

Looking at the neat X-Men, Situ Feng suddenly remembered something.

"Phantom Cat, Stormgirl, you guys go and cut off the power to the base! Once you've found the remaining mutants, report the location first. The rest, join me in a head-on attack and attract fire. "

Laser Eye gave a preliminary combat order. Although not as sane and steady as the comic book version, firm and gentle, for the current X-Men, Laser Eye is worthy of an excellent leader.

Well, although there will be a little self-doubt when it matters, will pit teammates.

Immediately, the phantom cat took the storm woman's hand, and then directly penetrated the ground and dived to the lower level of the base.

The Phantom Cat, whose real name is Kathleen Anne Pride / Katie Pride , is able to travel through and blend into various objects in molecular mimicry, has the ability to penetrate everything, and can share this penetration ability with people who touch her body.

And when she passes directly through the charged material, the supply of electricity is temporarily interrupted.

This is also the main reason why Laser Eye sent the Phantom Cat to cut off the power supply, and there was no need to unlock or anything, simple and rude.

And in order to avoid encountering strong enemies, he also sent Storm Girl to go with him.


Phantom Cat and Storm have found the control room.

But just as they were about to cut off the power.

A blue figure appeared from the ground - Lan Jue!

Since the X-Men came over to provoke, then Situ Feng was not polite, just enough to test Lan Jue's combat effectiveness. The comprehensive Lan Jue has the ability of the six realms of reincarnation eyes, as well as a variety of mutant genes, and is no longer a simple cannon fodder weapon.

I saw Lan Jue with a hand knife and directly stunned the phantom cat.

The Storm Girl reacted to this, and if it weren't for Lan Jue standing in front of her, she wouldn't have noticed it.

Blue can intervene in the roots of plants that exist in the ground and the network of organic matter such as groundwater flow, and can move to any place at high speed, cutting off all breath during this time.

Storm Girl's combat experience is still relatively rich, I saw her right hand raised, the powerful energy was released in an instant, the air was constantly heating and rubbing, and a white flash directly blasted towards Lan Jue.

Storm Girl's real name is Orolo Monroe, and she is an omega-level mutant. She has the ability to manipulate weather and weather, and she was born to control lightning, create tornadoes, and rainstorms. In addition, she has superhuman sensitivity, owl night vision, and the ability to resist telepathy.

When she fully uses her abilities, she can even create solar storms and cosmic elemental torrents, of course, this ability to destroy stars is only available in comics. As an X-Men, she's not that powerful, and certainly doesn't have much magic.

The strongest force is estimated to be able to destroy a city, or to say that it is the level of destroying the country, and it is not up to the level of annihilation for the time being.


The sound of thunder made my ears numb and I felt as if I was going deaf.

However, this lightning bolt was useless to Lan Jue, and it disappeared after a while.

The Storm Girl continued to increase her output, and lightning generated, disappeared, generated, and disappeared.

At this time, the storm girl finally understood that the other party actually absorbed all of her lightning!

That's right, using this pure energy attack to deal with Lan Jue can only be said to be sending people's heads.

The ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao to absorb these energy attacks.

So Storm Woman changed her strategy and directly manipulated the air to form a hurricane, and after a while, a formed tornado went directly to Lan Jee.

The high-speed rotating wind, carrying flying sand and rocks, this attack is obviously not a simple energy attack.

However, Lan never moved half a step.

Ping Pong!

Lan Jue's entire body was torn apart, and then returned to its original appearance, torn, restored, torn, and restored!

At first, the storm girl did not understand the other party's act of death, until she saw this ability to quickly regenerate, her heart was cold, and her heart was cold.

To be honest, this is much stronger than Wolverine's self-healing ability. Inheriting Claire's super healing ability, the ability of Hungry Ghost Road absorption can be completely converted into resilience, and the effect is immediate. And this restored picture is extremely exciting, making the enemy despair.

"Storm, Storm!"

The storm girl burned the energy in her X gene, calling for the power of nature around her, one after another transparent wind blades condensed in the tornado, and the space in front of her was frantically cut, leaving no space at all.

It's a pity that the storm girl in front of her is not as terrifying as in the comics.

And to be honest, the control of wind and snow and rain electricity is too fancy.

It is undeniable that such a big move is indeed handsome, and the villains in film and television dramas always give enough time to accumulate strength. But according to the normal game logic, the enemy boss has begun to read the bar and amplify the move, do you have an urge to interrupt?

"Vientiane Heavenly Lead!"

Suddenly, a powerful attraction directly dragged the storm girl in the direction of Lan Jue.

The storm girl felt bad, and saw that her big eyes began to flicker, and the energy around her began to gather...


However, Lan Jue's punch went straight down.

Storm Girl, fall.

How to say, although the ability of the storm girl seems to be very strong, many people ridicule that she ate the natural devil fruit.

But their physical abilities are too weak. If it is just beyond the limits of the general human body, then it is easy to be knocked down by one move.

What did you say? Why not the right wave?

High-end battles are often so unpretentious.

You can't break my defense, the maximum output per second can't dry up the blood, so don't blame a trick for being dropped in seconds.

Simple, rough!

Save time and effort!

In this battle, Lan Jue also demonstrated the ability to quickly regenerate, the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Heavenly Dao. The rest is great physical fitness, simple and rough strength and speed.

Unfortunately, Situ Feng does not have particularly high-tech things in his hands, and there are no sentinel robots in this timeline, and there is a risk of defection in Ultron's words, and the others are not visible. To be honest, if there is a Transformer Tinder, or a T-X Terminator, then the Asura Road can also play a role.

And the animal road is able to channel the original Cerberus, the eight birds, and the chameleon, which are 3 han, and the combat effectiveness is general. If you can contract some Warcraft or demons in the future, there is still room for improvement.

Loyalty must come first relative to the combat effectiveness of the legion.

There is still a long way to go!


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