Situ Feng released the light of annihilation, preparing to directly annihilate the existence of the goddess of death.

As long as the root is destroyed, then everything can die.

Death itself can also die.

The goddess of death's originally waveless expression also became flustered.

"This is..."

She could feel this great power different from the other creation gods, and it looked quite dangerous!

Situ Feng sneered: "Death is not something that cannot be killed..." The

goddess of death wielded her death divine power, but she couldn't stop this light of annihilation!

She began to perform a space jump, but this attack was still chasing her!

Situ Feng's attack comes with a tracking function, and in this universe, no matter where the goddess of death runs, she will be caught up.

Buzz -

The goddess of death wants to cross the multiverse and prepare to escape.

Situ Feng said to the two women: "You go back first, I will solve

the other party..." Situ Feng does not care whether the other party is a creation god or not, since the goddess of death has made a move on her own woman, then she has to kill her!


"What the hell is this ability?"

The goddess of death was also quite surprised, since she was born, she had never attacked such a magical way.

Can you actually attack across space?

Although she is only a doppelganger now, she has a hunch that if she is injured by Situ Feng's attack, she herself may also be hurt.

Are you kidding?

The goddess of death actually felt her own death?

She is the creation god who controls the death of all things, but she still chooses to escape.

The Goddess of Death originally thought that by crossing into other multiverses, she would be able to dodge attacks.

But unexpectedly, Situ Feng also followed.

At this time, Situ Feng exuded a chilling momentum, which made people shudder.

The goddess of death saw those strange eyes, and had a strange feeling that her whole body was seen through.

This sense of exposure made her very disgusted, and even had a sense of danger of insecurity.

The power of the law in the body of the goddess of death continued to surge, releasing a cloud of mist.

This is the embodiment of the divine power of death.

And the surrounding cosmic stars began to annihilate in this mist, gradually withering.

However, it is a pity that the goddess of death is not centered on herself and released 360 degrees.

Situ Feng teleported directly behind the Goddess of Death.

Logically, this time should use the legendary secret ninjutsu - Millennium Kill!

However, the lethality of this move is too great, and it hurts Tianhe!

Situ Feng did not use this trick, it was still a fresh move, eating all over the sky, directly annihilating the existence of the goddess of death!


"Why the hell is that?"

"How did you do it?"

However, the goddess of death does not feel angry, and for her who has eternal life, all this does not matter.

If there is no death, then the only option is to live forever.

But the immortality that most people pursue is not a good thing!

Having a long life means that time has no value to you, so you have to find something to fill the emptiness and loneliness in your heart!

After all, the body is already very perverted, so the psychology must not be perverted!

Otherwise, your eternal life becomes eternal torment.

This is one of the reasons why many powerful people like reincarnation, they can get different stimuli and have different experiences!

The goddess of death looked at Situ Feng in front of her and smiled: "I really like you more and more!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any sexual interest in you..." Situ

Feng annihilated the existence of the Goddess of Death, and by the way, seized her death divine power.

The body of the goddess of death disappeared visibly, and then only some skeletons remained.

"It's really interesting..." Hum


in the void, I don't know when a new door opened.

This is the spatial passage to the realm of death!

This is the final place of all living souls in the multiverse.

And here is the Buddha-figure of the goddess of death.

Of course, whether the goddess of death is diverse and unique, this Situ Feng is temporarily uncertain.

Because the Marvel Universe loves to eat settings.

But what he thinks is that after the multiverse collides, then the entire Marvel universe must be unique.

Then, those so-called gods and demons, there is no need to exist!

Situ Feng wants to re-plan the entire universe, and the authority of all laws is redivided!

"Hahaha..." the

real body of the goddess of death let out a maniacal laugh, she laughed like a neurotic.

Situ Feng calmly looked at the death field in front of him.

This can also be regarded as a kind of extra-dimensional space, or the goddess of death's divine kingdom.

If he rushes in, then it is easy to fall into the confrontation of the law.

A simple analogy is equivalent to 2 hackers fighting for control of a computer.

After all, in terms of authority, Situ Feng and the Goddess of Death are the same in the realm of death.

After the door of the death realm opened, all the surrounding planets were engulfed.

Those poor beings were all taken away in an instant and turned into death stars one by one.

No way, that's why the mighty rarely shoot.

Leaking a little power at will can destroy a galaxy, a universe or something.

That's right, all this is just the mood swings of the goddess of death, and the aftermath alone erases thousands of living beings!

And Situ Feng's requirements for this kind of power have always been perfectly mastered.

Just imagine, when you release your combat power, you can actually punch the solar system, so when you exercise, you have to pay attention....

The goddess of death flew out of the realm of death, but not in the form of a beauty, but in the posture of a skeleton.

However, Situ Feng had already prepared for the moment she entered this universe.

An extreme white light flickered, directly illuminating this dark field.

"This is?"

Before the goddess of death could think about anything, she found that the field of death and this side of the universe began to separate.

And all her strength seemed so weak under this white light!


[Name: Situ Feng (Death Goddess Doppelganger)

] [Life Force: ∞

] [Spiritual Power: ∞] [Talent: All-Knowing and Almighty

] [Bloodline: Final Death (Manifestation of the Specific Form of Life Termination

)] [Equipment: Death Realm (All Life Termination in the Multiverse and even the Ultimate Specific Manifestation of the Entire Multiverse)

] [

Skills: Su Sheng of the Dead, Soul Manipulation, Death Divine Power]

Situ Feng looked at the new doppelganger and couldn't help but sigh: "This feels really good!" "



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