Marvel Unknown Universe.

Deep blue earth.

But there is obviously no life here, there is dead silence and desolation everywhere.

The secret visitor spoke, "There is obviously no life here!"

Then, she closed her eyes and used magic to detect and affirmed: "Yes, this is already a death star

..." Estes smiled and said, "No, obviously, they are not human..." Not

far away, countless robots are coming towards the 2 people!

This is the mechanical corps of cartographers.

In the setting, the entire transcendent race is broadly divided into three categories of members: ivory kings, viruses, and cartographers.

Cartographers are civilian, and in addition to their great combat effectiveness, they also possess excellent intelligence.

"It seems to be a little interesting..." Estes

waved his big hand, and a gust of freezing wind directly froze all the robots.

Boom -

and then all the robots shattered into ice slag and turned into nothingness.

Esders has the power of a fairy, which is the infinite power at the beginning of all things.

After Situ Feng obtained the authority of [All-Knowing and All-Powerful], he thought about gathering the three ancient forces, and Estes was the host of the appropriate goblin power.

However, the ice she unleashes now has the effect of destruction and devouring.


Estes gradually released himself.

And the secret guest also frowned, summoned the soul sword, and teleported over.

"Count me in..." After

a while, these robots were solved by them.

To be honest, these guys are a little more powerful than the sentry robot in terms of material, and inferior to the sentry robot in function.

If you send an angel legion, it will also be a matter of destroying the other party in minutes.

If it weren't for the secret agent's teleportation, Estes alone would have directly destroyed all the robots of the other party.

She didn't even have a share of robbing people's heads.

For a long time,

the 2 people followed the source of the robot and came to a ruin.

Here, there is a unique robot looking at 2 people.

Obviously, he has passed other robots to understand the cause and effect.

This is the benefit of mechanical ascension, the ability to assimilate all information in a very short time.

The cartographer asked, "Hello, you can call me a cartographer!"

"Are you from other universes?"

Yes, the Earth here has not yet collided with the α universe, but it is only a matter of time.

Marlene predicts the universe where the collision crisis is imminent, and Estes and the secret guest only arrive early.

Cartographers are also more puzzled, although all this is an experiment beyond the Protoss, but this existence across the multiverse is an inestimable variable.

"What are you doing in this universe?"

Cartographers are straight to the point.

One has the power of a goblin, the other is a Hell Lord, and these 2 are not easy to mess with!

"I guess you know what we're here for, right?"

The secret visitor looked at the cartographer in front of him and remembered Gwen's description.

That's right, eight or nine is not far from ten, and the culprit is him!

The secret guest said angrily: "We are here to solve the collision crisis..." The

cartographer was also surprised, he did not expect that there were other creatures who knew about this kind of thing.

This should be a secret experiment of theirs.

The cartographer wondered, "How did you find out?" Esders

didn't say much nonsense, and with a wave of his big hand, countless ice picks flew towards the cartographer!

The cartographer flashed and directly dodged Esders' attack.

He said coldly, "Who else knows about this? "

As a member of the Transcendent Protoss, they are actually quite arrogant.

Using countless multiverses as toys and countless beings as experimental subjects, they claim to be omniscient and all-powerful gods.

Only this time, something unexpected happened.

Estes smiled contemptuously, "Is this important?" Let's fight for life and death..."

Boom -

in an instant, this place became a plain of ice.

The cartographer's use of an energy barrier blocks the goblin power of Esders!

And he is ready to gather strength and launch energy cannons to fight back!

Unfortunately, his energy cannon was frozen by Esders' ice in mid-air.

It fell to the ground with a thud and disappeared.

The cartographer said in disbelief: "How is this possible?" "

His attack method is scientifically calculated, not to mention how difficult it is for ordinary people to react, let's say that this move can annihilate a planet."

Of course, he was even more surprised that Estes's knife directly cut off his arm.

Esders's battle does not like to bully more and less, and it is generally she who bullies more with less!

Because of the huge number of robots just now, she will not pursue the head robbery of the secret customer.

And now it's 1v1 heads-up, then she doesn't allow the secret to interfere!

Of course, the secret guest also understands and eats melons on the side to watch the play.

She can understand the cartographer's horror, less than 100 meters away, in a few microseconds to dodge the opponent's killing move, and can go up and cut off the opponent's arm.

This is no longer explained by reactive nerves.

Of course, after all, it is a robotic arm, and the cartographer does not matter!

He finally began to get serious now, and powerful energy erupted from all over his body!

Esders, on the other hand, snorted coldly, shook his figure, and dodged the cartographer's attack.

Speaking of which, in addition to the collision of laws, most of the big guys are also fighting for energy!

The basic routine is to first beat the other party with the flesh so that he can't take care of himself, and then use energy waves to blast the other party into slag, and put an end to the rapid regeneration or resurrection of the absolute!

The cartographer unleashed countless energy cannons, which is equivalent to all-round precision fire coverage!

Estes also smiled slightly, dodging in the cannon fire like a butterfly.

This level of energy cannon contains powerful energy that can even destroy the universe.

Estes dodged again and again, while observing the weaknesses of the other party.

Then aim for the timing and freeze the time directly!

There is a very funny setting here, neither the primordial transcendent nor the transcendent race he is in cannot travel through time.

Dr. Doom also took advantage of their weakness, traveled through time, and used the molecular people to seize the ability to surpass the Protoss.

Of course, they also have a second weakness, that is, they can be eliminated by overwhelming force!

For example: the goblin power of the three ancient forces of the Marvel Universe!

I saw a brilliant starlight spread on the cartographer's body, and the cartographer's body disappeared after a while, as if it had never appeared

.... ......


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