is night.

In another gambling bar in the beautiful country.

Inside the VIP box.





The VIP here is a huge, burly Kim Na.

Yes, you heard it right, it is Kim He.

The red-haired killer Matt did not dare to lead Estes directly to Cornell Stokes.

He still had a bit of brains, and from Esders's mouth, he judged that the other party did not know the specific black society, so he led the disaster to the field of Jin He.


Suddenly there were gunshots outside.

Kim stopped the unspeakable behavior, lifted his pants and went out.

"What's going on?"

Outside the casino, there was a sudden sound of fierce gunfire, and after hearing the sound, Jin He stood up abruptly, pushed the woman next to him away, his eyes were fierce, and asked in a deep voice: "What happened?" Is Daredevil coming? I

saw a little brother in black, and reported: "Boss, a powerful woman has killed in, she can control the ice, and the bullet can't be stopped at all!"

"Control the ice, is it a mutant?"

Jin He's subordinates also have mutants, but their combat effectiveness is not high, and they are all miscellaneous fish. So it disappeared for no reason some time ago, and he didn't care.

But now that there are mutants breaking into his field to make trouble, it is impossible for him not to ask.

"With the bazooka and machine gun in the arsenal, I want to see if the mutant blood is also red?"

Jin also ordered, then sorted out his clothes, picked up his crutches, and walked out unhurriedly.

"Go and die!"

Jin He's men couldn't suppress their fear, and kept pulling the trigger. It is a pity that the firepower that could have broken the copper wall and iron wall was actually useless.

There was a crackle, and it was the sound of a magazine falling.

"O devil!"

When a tattooed man saw this scene, his legs went soft and he peed.

It was none other than Esders.

In an instant, the tattooed man turned into an ice sculpture.

"Demon, she's a demon, we can't have beaten her!"

"Hurry up and escape, otherwise it'll be too late..." Although it

was a black meeting that killed people without blinking, he had never seen this kind of battle.

Dozens of living people were directly turned into ice sculptures, and there was no resistance at all.



"Ice Prison!"

With Esders as the center, endless ice spread around, and those who did not have time to escape were frozen in ice and unable to move.

"Too weak, no stronger opponent?"

Hearing Esders' complaint, the red-haired killer Matt on the side secretly cursed in his heart.

He knew that Estes would start fighting without saying a word, without asking what gang the other party was. He was thinking about how to get out in his heart, and if he got out this time, he vowed to be a good person for the rest of his life and never mess with the black again.

There was an opportunity to change his ways, but he didn't cherish it until he lost it.

If the heavens can give him a chance, he must choose to study hard, go up every day, and not share the sky with gambling and drugs!


It turned out that several men in black sent bazookas to Esders.

Looking at the logo above, it was still made by Stark.



An explosion.

In an instant, the sound wave directly shattered the surrounding buildings.

The dust was flying, the smoke was thick, and for a moment everyone lost their vision.

"Is she dead?"

A tattoo monster asked his teammates that if it were usual, they wouldn't have this stupid dialogue.

After all, they carried bazookas for individual combat on their shoulders, and everyone came with a shot.

It's just that Estes' previous performance made them can't help but ask many times.

Phew –

a cold wind rushed towards them, stinging their skin and blowing away all the smoke.

Under the shattered light, it was Esders under the ice shield that came into view.

We all know that there is no harm in smoke, falling into the water does not die, and the FLAG must hang!

With a wave of Esders' right hand, an ice pick emerging from the ground instantly pierced the tattooed monster and his teammates.

The picture is cruel, mosaic, mosaic!


Suddenly, there was a round of applause, this man was called Jin He, the head of the Kuroshikai, and there were 2 black-clothed bodyguards beside him.

"Who invited you, how much money did you spend, I paid tenfold, no, a hundred times, please kill him..."

Jin also saw the scene of Esders torturing his subordinates, quite cruel, this thunder method is by no means a good person, and he has a fight.

He immediately crossed out Estes from the superhero ranks, thinking that he was the killer of his enemies.

Kim took out a cigar from his clothes, took a sip, spit out a smoke ring, and continued: "How about it, the price is negotiable, I am not a stingy person, if you have any other requirements casually, I will try to satisfy you!" "

Kim is not a reckless man, he prefers to negotiate things.

In the eyes of chickens, there is no woman in this world who does not sell, and the upper limit they can understand for a rumor that a woman does not sell is whether the price cannot be negotiated, which is the upper limit of their understanding of not selling.

Estes patted the dust on his body, looked at the big fat man in front of him, and slowly said: "I don't have any pursuits, I just want to fight with the strong at present, the master wants me to eliminate the black society, I thought I could meet some powerful guy..." <

div data-fanqie-type="image" source="user" >

"master, don't you think that people like you actually choose to be subservient? Why don't you come to me and be my equal!

Jin did not expect that Estes in front of him actually chose to serve others, which made him jealous. In his opinion, Esders's ability and temperament can all be called king and hegemonic and become the hero of one side.

In fact, he didn't look away.

Estes himself is the youngest and strongest general of the Empire and the leader of the special police force "The Hunters".

"Hahaha, let's fight first..." Estes

obviously ignored Jin He's solicitation, and with a wave of his right hand, several ice picks rose to the ground.

"It's a pity, I'm really sincere!"

Kim didn't panic at all and didn't move half a point.

I saw that one of the bodyguards beside him opened his mouth and suddenly vomited, spewing out a pillar of fire and melting the ice pick.

Not to be outdone, the other bodyguard swung his right hand forward, enlarging like rubber in mid-air, shattering the ice pick.

Kim then took off his coat, revealing 108 packs.

"Since you can't get it, it can only ruin you..."


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