Jin is still a bit talented, and he can also tolerate the ability of his subordinates.

In his opinion, Estes is simply a natural villain queen, who belongs to the chaos camp.

"These are my 2 newly recruited mutants, in this world, you are not the only one with special abilities!"

What do you think? If I regret it now, I may be soft-hearted! "

Boss, if she doesn't agree, can you give me a game before killing her, this figure..."

said the fire-breathing monster, drooling out. He originally belonged to the hungry ghost, had a lot of previous convictions, and was also very vicious, and liked to play Spitfire and abuse.

"Don't disturb the boss's speech..." Another

rubber man said in order to show the true color of the doglegs.

Estes smoothed his hair and rushed straight over.

The ultimatum given by Kim was apparently to play the piano to the cow.

Seeing this, the fire-breathing monster hurriedly wanted to spew out a pillar of fire.

However, before he could open his mouth, it was frozen in ice, and the flames flowed back to his whole body, turning into a burning man.

It turned out that the fire-breathing monster could only breathe fire, not manipulate flames, and his body had no way to be immune to flames. Therefore, after being burned by its own flames, the fire-breathing monster had no way to resist.

Think about it, Situ Feng has captured so many mutants, where will there be strong mutants left for Jin and to recruit.

The fire-breathing monster screamed continuously, ran directly in the direction of the water source, stumbled, and touched the combustible, which was to leave a flame.

Estes smiled happily and went directly to mend the knife with an ice pick.

For Esders, there is no humanism on the battlefield, there will be no preferential treatment for prisoners, only dead enemies are good enemies.

Regardless of whether old, weak, sick or pregnant, there are only two types of people on the battlefield, living and dead.

It is not that the strong will win, but the winner will be strong, and victory is only meaningful if it wins.

After all, in the past, she directly killed 400,000 northern aliens, and no one was spared.

Fire-breathing monster, pawn.

"Go and die!"

The rubber man took advantage of the moment when Estes waved his hand, and directly punched, and the extended arm was very similar to a man who wanted to become One Piece.

The rubber man is different from the fire-breathing monster, he himself is an underground boxing match, and he has a lot of fighting experience. In the face of this supernatural force, it is definitely not possible to go head-to-head. The key to his victory is to seize the opponent's loophole, that is, to attack the moment Estes unleashes his ability!

Unfortunately, the idea is quite good.

But that is to say, if you think about it, in practice, you will die a miserable death.

Esders' wave is not the key to launching the power.

Before the rubber man's fist touched Esders, the whole person was pierced into a hole monster by an ice pick that appeared on the ground.

Rubber man, pawn.

Jin originally wanted to let his subordinates do it first, and then attack.

Unexpectedly, in just an instant, Estes killed them in seconds.

He pressed the scepter in his hand and released smoke, which instantly filled the air.

No way, how to fight, you can't beat at all.

The bullets were invalid, the bazooka was useless, and I originally thought that the fire-breathing monster could restrain the other party with flames, but it took less than 3 seconds to go straight off the line.

Jin didn't understand why Estes in front of him didn't care about his solicitation.

Indeed, I am like an ant, and it is ridiculous to ask the giant, do you want to be my second-in-command!

Kim and released the smoke, ready to slip away.

If you can't beat it, you will run, leave the green mountains behind, and don't worry about burning firewood.

Kim is well aware that his fighting skills won't work in front of Estes. No way, although he will train against a group of top martial arts masters around the world every day, and he fights 10 every time!

However, those are also ordinary people, so each training session will not exceed 20 seconds, and the opponent of the training is also killed or injured by him.

Now he couldn't get close to Estes at all.

I'm going to hit 10!

He couldn't say anything now.

And those functions of the gold and cane are now only used by smoke. What laser sneak attack, the feeling is to provoke the other party's death.

Or is it better to slip away, can't afford to provoke, can't hide?

However, Estes apparently discovered Kim's intentions.

A real warrior will not leave his back to the enemy.


, a burst of ice-blue light flickered, and countless cold ice directly froze around.

Jin He, who originally wanted to escape, was frozen from his feet, and then spread directly to his body.

"I X!"

Jin He obviously didn't expect the speed of ice to freeze so fast, and he also wanted to melt the ice with the laser of his cane, but unfortunately it was too late.

Kim and, pawn.

Once that underworld business spread all over the world, fighting countless battles with Daredevil, the Punisher, and Spider-Man and retreating all over, and even provoking the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, the generation of heroes who lived a moist life fell away.

The other members of the Black Society also turned into ice sculptures, strange and different shapes.


a long time, a man in a red battle suit came here.

"This... What the hell is going on? "

That's right, this one is the Daredevil mentioned by Kim before.

Daredevil's real name is Matt Michael Murdoch, and he was raised by his boxer father "Flame Fist". Accidentally contaminated with radioactive materials blinded both eyes and enhanced his other senses.

Daredevil is able to detect and identify any electromagnetic radiation on a standard scale, from radio waves (which can only be detected, no message) to gamma waves, and everything in between.

He was also able to determine the intensity of radiation and even distinguish colors by the amount of radiation they emitted. In very close range, Daredevil is also able to detect microvoltages in the human brain.

Later, under the harsh training of the blind martial arts master Stick, he became a powerful warrior.

During the day, Matt is a lawyer who protects the weak with knowledge, and at night, he turns into a night devil and uses force to fight righteously.

But it was clear that this time, he was late.

Late justice is not justice.

That's just a comforting rhetoric for the victim, like a person who cheats and changes his mind, is there still love?

There may still be, but after all, it has deteriorated.

There is love, but not much.

After tonight, the news of Kim He's death will spread throughout the beautiful country.

It is a pity that no other gang came to occupy the chassis.

Not because of the killing of Esders, but they themselves are in danger!


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