It's night.

Month to Yang.

Buckingham in Port City.

This is a nightclub that is open, and it is also an open channel that Situ Feng can now access.

I heard that Bai Jinhan's previous boss started by selling fish, and he got bigger and bigger, and he was able to eat black and white. Situ Feng guessed that he could probably find out the news of the Ten Commandments Gang here.

The system seems to just release a task, and the rest of the hints are gone, and it doesn't give a map to navigate or anything.

But it doesn't matter, Situ Feng prefers to play freely than those who follow the prompts step by step.

Extravagant music was playing in the nightclub, and DJs were rubbing their damps.

On the big stage in the middle, a group of bikini girls sang and danced.

There are also many bunny girls and cat girls carrying wine plates and serving guests.

The cigars in the box release the smoke of the world.

Situ Fengjing, who had changed his outfit, reached the bar and took out a stack of banknotes: "Let's have a glass of boiled water, add ice!" The

bartender obviously hadn't heard this kind of request, and was stunned for a moment, but he immediately met Situ Feng's request.

After all, the people will not attract everyone's liking, but the yuan can.

"Need something more? Mr. The young bartender gave a kind smile, Situ Feng's shot was so generous, it must be in place.

Situ Feng took out another stack of banknotes: "Answer me a few simple questions, the money is all yours." "

The bartender is still relatively cautious, and he can be regarded as a young man who came out to mix with society, and did not take this stack of banknotes at the first time.

"Sir, that depends on what the problem is."

"Quite simply, I want to know who is the most well-informed person in your place?"

The bartender's face was embarrassed, he thought for a while, and then whispered to Situ Fengfeng's ear.

"That man is not easy to mess with, sir. He's black and white, and if there's nothing particularly important, I suggest not looking for him. Really, that person is really not easy to mess with.

"It's okay, you just answer the questions I asked, and the rest has nothing to do with you."

"You don't see what I mean, sir." The bartender shook his head.

"That person's identity is difficult to entangle, you have to add money!"

Situ Feng took out another stack of banknotes.

The bartender who succeeded put the money in his pocket at a speed that could not hide the thunderbolt.

Then he fiddled with his glass and pretended to whisper nonchalantly: "Mr. Guggenheim in Box 2, turn right in front." Of course, ordinary people I don't tell him, you must not say that I said it, I will not admit it anyway. With

that, the bar left first.

"It's okay." Situ Feng responded with a smile.

Situ Feng "looked" that the No. 2 box was decorated with low-key luxury and magnificent. There was only 1 white man inside, and then there was a large group of swallow-thin, scantily dressed escorts, a total of 8 people.

The wind, is blowing a silent whistle for spring.

Girl, the kind that is blowing loud for the Guggenheim.

There are also 6 Tyson-like men outside the box, with a bunch of bells and whistles tattoos on their bodies, and pistols on their waists, which look like ordinary people dare not mess with.

Situ Feng snapped his fingers on his right hand.

"Sir, do you need something?"

A rabbit girl came, as if the milk swallow had returned to the nest, and she wanted to hug Situ Feng's body.

However, she didn't wait for her to get close to a private distance.

Situ Feng took out a stack of banknotes and placed them in the bunny girl's hand.

"Choose a good bottle of wine for me and give it to Mr. Guggenheim in Box 2."

"Yes, sir, do you need me to bring you anything?"

The bunny girl shook her wit.

"No, don't say anything."


the white horse crossed the gap.

A bottle of red wine appeared in box 2, the very expensive kind.

Not long after, the bunny girl came to Situ Feng's side again.

"Mr. Guggenheim, please go to Box 2."


in Box 2.

The Guggenheim stared coldly at Situ Feng.

The Guggenheim is a well-known bag inquire in Hong Kong City, but he mainly sells dirt for criminals, including the Ten Commandments Gang.

How dare you work on porcelain without diamonds.

The Guggenheim naturally eats black and white, so he occasionally does some news sales.

Looking at such a young Situ Feng, after a while, he put his arm around the wine escort girl beside him and spoke: "Girls, do you know why I called this young man over?"

Not because he gave hundreds of dollars for wine, but because he didn't ask me for a single request.

Guggenheim's hideous right hand apparently did not stop on the girl's twin peaks, and continued to say to himself: "I believe he is certainly not the kind of person who gives selflessly."

In general, I don't deal with this type of Virgin either.

Then this lad must have asked for me, and he was smart enough to get my attention.

But he still looked down on me Guggenheim, he shouldn't just use a few hundred dollars of wine, he should use thousands of dollars.

Guggenheim's left finger pointed to the bottle of wine: "This bottle of wine is a stepping stone, I will allow you to enter this box." But if you say anything that upsets me, I promise you won't see the sun tomorrow!

For this threat, Situ Feng did not pay attention to it, and he smiled and said, "If it is to ask someone to do something, this bottle of wine is definitely not worth the price."

It's just plain courtesy, and visiting empty-handed is not my style.

I just want to know some news, the price is good.


"Hahaha, I like it so cheerfully... So, what news do you want to know? "

There's news about the Ten Commandments Gang."

"Oh, if it's ordinary news, you can ask for whatever money you want."

"What I want to know is the address of all the strongholds of the Ten Commandments Gang in Hong Kong City."

"Oh, that's not cheap news..." I

saw him light a thick cigar, take a few sharp sips, and then spit out a large circle of smoke.

Then he said slowly, "I don't know what your identity is, and of course I don't want to know."

And for those guys from the Ten Commandments Gang, I'm not curious what you're looking for them for.

In Business Talk, I can sell you news.

Well, a flat price.

Ten million dollars. "

Ten million dollars?"

Situ Feng smiled: "It's not cheap, you won't think I'm a stupid Kaizi with a lot of money."

"How could it be, even if the FBI came to me, it would be this price, a flat price, Tong Suo is not deceived."

"Not necessarily."

Situ Feng shook his head, and grinned at the corner of his mouth: "If it is them, they will definitely throw you a black material, find out your ancestors, eighteen generations, who else is in the family, and then threaten you to cooperate with them, otherwise you will be put in jail, or dragged out and shot for fifteen minutes."

And you will willingly tell them the news for free, in exchange for a so-called free life, including continuing to sit here and slaughter big people like me. "

Hahaha..." Guggenheim put his arm around the girl and pointed at Situ Feng.

"What a funny boy, how about being my son..."


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