It was clear that the wicked Guggenheim teased Situ Feng.

Then the Guggenheim drew the pistol out of nowhere.

The pitch-black muzzle of the gun was directly aimed at Situ Feng, and he shouted lowly: "Either give money or get out!" For the sake of my good mood today, I give you the opportunity to choose.

Situ Feng was unmoved and shook his head: "You may be mistaken, it is not that you gave me the opportunity to choose, but that I gave the opportunity to choose." It seems that you are toasting and not eating and punishing wine. "

Penalty for alcohol? What is that? Before

the Guggenheim could react, Altair's figure appeared out of thin air, and a saber shot directly through his head.

"Ah-" The

girls inside screamed.

The bodyguards outside heard the sound and rushed in.

Situ Feng's right hand stretched forward, grabbed the neck of one of the bodyguards, and then flicked it, and he fell softly to the ground.

The other bodyguards were about to pull out their guns, when Situ Feng flashed, grabbed the collar of one of the bodyguards with his backhand, and threw him over.

This blow directly knocked down the other 4 bodyguards, and knocked on the back of everyone's head.

This set of movements is like flowing clouds and water, it is too smooth

, the girls in the box have not escaped, Situ Feng put his finger to his lips, and directly made a gesture to indicate booing.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not interested in you..." Of

course, Situ Feng's words didn't mean anything.

Although he is young and Sven, he is quite ruthless.

Girls, run away in embarrassment.


"Well, next time you don't have to be in such a hurry to kill the other party, firearms don't mean much to me."


Situ Feng put his hand on Guggenheim's stomach, and the chakra in his body mobilized.

[Soul extraction: Use soul sucking to pull out the opponent's soul from the opponent's stomach position, and you can check the opponent's memory. ]

PS: The person whose soul is extracted dies immediately, and the speed of extracting the soul is related to the Chakra strength of the object. ]

Originally, he didn't want to kill at will, but Situ Feng's heart told himself what was right, and he had to go the way he believed!

But fortunately, the body is still hot, and while it is hot, it can read the memories in the soul.

Originally, Situ Feng could also use the illusion of the dark blue reincarnation eye to control the other party, but he did not expect that Altair, who was eager to protect the lord, directly killed the Guggenheim in seconds.

But it doesn't matter, death is death, this is also to blame yourself, engage in these bells and whistles.


the next day.

Port City.

In the mountains on the outskirts.

The forest trails are covered with white dew day and night.

When people walk freely in it, they find that the road has been expanded.

Each landscape has a unique charm.

The end of the trail.

There is a group of fierce men in black martial arts suits who are sweating, huffing and hey.

That's right, this is the branch of the Ten Commandments Gang in Hong Kong City.

All branches of the Ten Commandments are independent. The head of each agency is a well waterer who does not interfere with the river water, and never asks the other party about the source of money and weapons.

It's just that a small base will be set up under each branch for its mission.

After all, it is a centuries-old transnational criminal group, especially the Ten Commandments Gang in the Middle East, which is the terrorist organization that kidnapped Tony Stark.

However, the port city is still good, whether it is staffing, weapons and equipment, there is a big gap.

"Boss, since last night, our strongholds in Hong Kong City have been attacked one after another, and all other strongholds have been taken down. What are we going to do? A

mighty and strong rough man stood respectfully, and although he was in awe of the man in front of him, he couldn't help but ask questions.

The man known as the boss is nearly three meters tall, and his tonnage is not small. There are explosive muscles all over the body, making people almost wonder if they have hit hormones.

"Panic, it's just a few strongholds. In the eyes of that adult, it is nothing, let the juniors train normally, don't stop..."

"Boss, who is the boss of my boss?" You still won't tell me? "

The rough man was very curious a long time ago, the boss in front of him is the underground king of Hong Kong City, black and white eats, and the police are small characters.

And the boss's strength is also terrifying, he has jumped on the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, caught bears on Arctic glaciers, jumped umbrellas at 10,000 meters in the air...

It's such a strong man, he actually has a boss!

And he has always been honored as an adult, how terrifying that person is.

In the face of the little brother's worry, the man wanted to reprimand a few words, after all, when he remembered the figure of the adult, his whole body would still get goosebumps, which was the purest fear.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Shouts and gunshots came from outside the door.

It is clear what is happening outside.

The rough man's face changed suddenly, he raised his pistol and walked cautiously towards the door.

And then I saw the unbelievable.

That's right, it's the military Ji with countless sabers spinning around his body - Altair.

The immature and young beautiful body is cruelly watering the flower of life of the Ten Commandments gang.

That sabre, accompanied by the wind, is killing all sides!

And those who fought back, the bullets fired, actually floated in mid-air and could no longer advance half an inch.

Bullets, shot, but useless!

Before the rough man could shoot, a saber was already shot, and that direction was his heart.

Bang -

it turned out that the man shot, he directly punched the saber and flew away.

"Long live the boss!"

"The boss is mighty, invincible, invincible!"

"The boss made a move, the other party is finished!"


crowd cheered because their savior had arrived.

The man lacked a difficult face, unlike these miscellaneous things in Hong Kong City who had never seen the world.

He knew very well the amount just now. The little girl on the other side is not simple, and she doesn't know what type of mutant it is.

The man did not have the slightest hesitation, only to see the sudden explosion of his muscles, and his heart shrank sharply like a water pump.

In an instant, the essence blood that was originally condensed inside his heart was directly squeezed out by this force, and instantly transformed into rushing black plasma, which surged into the meridians of the whole body.

And with the influx of black blood, the man's body quickly began to expand.

What is clearly visible to the naked eye is that the man's originally thick limbs and tendons instantly expanded more than three or four times, and even his skeleton quickly swelled up like heat expansion and contraction.

The current man is like a little giant!

That's right, men are mutants, pure strength types.

Mutants are one of the important races in Marvel Comics, they are born with a variety of superpowers due to genetic mutations.

However, the average knowledgeable person will definitely feel strange when they see this!

When did a mutant's body expand so rapidly and it seemed that his body was improving?

Obviously, this is the Great Law of Heavenly Demon Disintegration!

The Mandarin of the Ten Rings Gang is himself a flower planter, and has swept up a lot of martial arts secrets for hundreds of years. And his subordinates immediately have a lot of people who learn martial arts, mutants + kung fu, it's very sour to think about!

Of course, it is a little too high to say that it is the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa, and it feels like it is an immortal cultivator.

In fact, it is just a secret technique to overdraw the functions of the body.

The muscles of the human body are mainly divided into red muscles, white muscles, and these two types of muscles. Red muscles generally represent strength, while white muscles generally represent endurance. The secret technique used by the boss of this mutant is mainly to expand the red muscle, greatly improve the strength of the body, and the explosive power is extremely strong, and the durability is insufficient.

If it is an ordinary person, using this trick will definitely be a loss.

But the mutant man is still at ease, although there is no way to fight a protracted war.

Men, if they can't be lasting, they have to be short and powerful.

In the face of this situation, a quick victory is the key!

In an instant, the man's speed suddenly increased several times, and he felt as if he could turn into a flash of light and crash forward!

"Third Movement: Representational Exhibition!"

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

I saw that the sabers that Altair rotated around his body turned into super electromagnetic cannons with wide open muzzles in an instant.

Hundreds of electronic cannons were all aimed at the man opposite.

The third movement, "Representational Exhibition," is the ability to change the structure of creation and the object it holds.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The explosions came and went, directly covering the artillery fire in all directions!

Male pawn.

No way, no matter how high the martial arts are, I am afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how good the kung fu is, one shot knocks down, not to mention so many super electromagnetic guns.

The Ten Commandments helped the Hong Kong City branch to be destroyed.


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