Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 894 Brand new and completely different Marvel world! (1 more automatic subscription)

Mai Ye was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he answered firmly:

"I want to stay.

Before, Mai Ye had no choice but to succumb to Aiwen's arrogance and promised to be his maid.

But... After joining the group, her vision has also increased! Coupled with the existence of the lottery and free missions, Mai Ye is more confident, and it will not take long for her strength to rise!

In this case, she is definitely not willing to leave with Aiwen!

"Oh, that's fine."

Aiwen didn't force her after hearing it, and just let her go.

Seeing his laissez-faire attitude, Jibril and Kuro Saber's eyes changed a bit. On the contrary, Hubby, who was standing on the side, remained as usual, quietly looking at Aiwen without saying a word.

Next, Aiwen looked up at the tornado on the second floor. Feeling his inquiring gaze, Longjuan's face turned slightly red, but he immediately said in a serious tone:

"I want to stay and do my best to lead this Academy City to the right path!"

Because of his super ability, Tornado was kidnapped by a certain organization to do experiments when he was a child. Therefore, he hated the practice of treating super-ability people as guinea pigs in Academy City!

"Wait, I remember... Shokuhou and Mizaka Misaka also seem to have said that they are going back to Academy City! Let me ask.

Aiwen: @Queen Tokiwadai, @大宮Misaka, do you really want to come back to Academy City? If so, I am willing to give you the authority of my vice-chairman.

The worst Misaka:!!! Administrator! Is there really such an operation?

Aiwen: Oh, definitely. Anyway, it was just a word between me and Aleister.

Aiwen: Besides, the tornado just said that. She also wants to stay and do her best to eradicate the darkness here!

Queen Tokiwadai: Hehe... She seems to have acquired the power of an Angel. Then... with such a strong aid, we have more confidence! Then, administrator, everything is up to you.

Aiwen: Hmm. Do not worry. With your current strength, ordinary saints are no match for you! And Mephista will take a while to shoot. Therefore, what you should pay attention to is the fire on the right!

Worst Misaka: This guy...let the Hanged Man worry about it. We will single-mindedly clear the darkness of Academy City!

Great Sword Denisa: Mmmm, clear the darkness? Sounds really exciting!

Yuuki Asuna: Yo, Denisa, long time no see. How are those Awakenings and demons in the world of Greatsword cleaned up?

Great Sword Denisa: Most of the demons have been wiped out. However... those abyssmen did not know where they went. It's kind of weird.

Queen Tokiwadai: Don't worry, Denisa, as long as they're still in your world, they won't be able to escape!

Next, Aiwen made a move to Aleister Roar and gave Shokuhou the authority of his deputy chairman.

Then, he left Academy City with Jibril, Hubby, Xiao Mo and the black Saber who had just become his servant.

Back in the Marvel world, Aiwen led Jibril and others directly into the villa that Pierce bought for him.

At this time, Tunmei, who can't be idle, has already ventured into the universe again, and Carol in the 616 world has long returned to her own world to do superhero.

"Lang Bing, Yan, Leng, I have something to tell you."

Aiwen beckoned and brought the three Angels to his side, and then said to Lian Bing first:

"You are also an excellent researcher, and it's a waste to stay with me all day doing nothing. So... I want to discuss with Keisha and let you return to the Kamigawa universe to do your research. 35

Lian Bing listened in disbelief:

"What... what? Are you kidding? That Bi Chi will definitely kill me when he hears that I'm back! 99


Aiwen shook her head slightly:

"I've already told her that as long as you're willing to sign a contract with her and don't bring demons everywhere to destroy it, she won't bother you."

Seeing Lian Bing bowing his head and not saying a word, thoughtful, Aiwen turned his head and said to Angel Yan and Angel Leng:

"As Angels, you are supposed to soar in the universe. So...are you willing to follow Liang Bing back to the Kamigawa universe?

After Angel Yan and Angel looked at each other coldly, their eyes showed eager expressions.

To be honest, life at the villa is peaceful though. But Angel is a race that is good at fighting. The peaceful days have been staying for a long time, but they are a little busy.

After asking 763 for their opinions, Aiwen learned that both Angel Yan and Angel Leng are willing to go to Merlot Heavenly Court because...there are many battles to fight there!

Therefore, Aiwen directly used the power of the Space gem to send all three Angels to the Kamigawa universe.

"Roar...then...we're going to start preparing for the world integrate. 35

After carefully selecting the characters that will appear in the new world and the memories of the people in the new world, Aiwen exhaled a long breath, entered the "World Integrate" column of the system, and clicked【Marvel Universe---1610】 There are two worlds with 【Marvel Universe---Avengers4】.

[Ding! World integrate is about to start, do you want to name the new world?]

After thinking for a while, Aiwen replied:

"It's called... a whole new universe!"

And at this moment, the Ancient One magician who was sitting and practicing in Kamar-Taj suddenly opened his eyes, showing horror and disbelief in his eyes:

"This is... two worlds... integrate? How could such a thing happen? Even Dormammu in its heyday... can't do it!

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