Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 895 New Marvel, new lottery! Invaders of the copy plane! (2 more for automatic subscription)

Among the Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One magician was sweating profusely, and his face had turned pale.

She has already used her top secret technique, but let alone stop the world from integrating, she doesn't even know where the source of this integrate is!

It's as if some master over the multi-universe is slowly but surely merging the two worlds together!

"...I didn't feel the existence of another 'I', so...Is the 'I' of that world dead?

Originally very knowledgeable about multi-universe, Ancient One guessed the correct answer in an instant.

After learning that "self" would not be replaced, she just breathed a sigh of relief, but her face suddenly changed again!

She could feel that the memory in her brain also began to change!

"It's impossible to stop... As of now, it's just... that's it.

After discovering that no brain-blocking spell was ineffective, Ancient One made a decisive decision, waved his right hand, and opened a golden portal in the air.

However... Unlike ordinary portals, this golden light door leads to another universe!

"Since this is the integration of the two universes, then... I should be able to avoid this effect by hiding in the other universe. Unfortunately..."

With some regret, I glanced at Kamar-Taj. Ancient One knows that there are not many people on the entire earth who can enter and leave the other plane at will, so... the one who can go to the other plane to "avoid disaster" like her should also...

and many more!

Ancient One's eyes suddenly narrowed, and she remembered it! That Aiwen Pierce can also go to another plane at will! In other words... he should also be able to "survive"!

"When you come back, be sure to visit that man!"

After making this decision, Ancient One stepped into the door of light with one foot!

[...World integration has been completed! According to your host's settings... all personnel in the two worlds have been replaced, and the memory has been changed... and you will become the restraining force of this new world! And open- ---New world lottery feature. 】

[Because this world has obtained the power of the world in this system during the integration process. Therefore, if members of the group perform tasks in this "new and different universe `|| universe", they will get additional rewards! 】

"Ho...this is really a surprise!"

Aiwen raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a trace of other expressions in his eyes.

The so-called restraining force is the will of the world originally "not wanting to die, but wanting to exist for a long time". In the face of apocalyptic levels of danger, Inhibition creates the so-called "Asgardian" "savior" to save the world.

The "New World Lottery" of the system can also be seen as an extension of this "Making a Savior" ability. Its function is ----- the ability to let the human beings in this newly born "new and completely different universe" draw prizes through Aiwen!

However... the prizes they can draw are all provided by the restraining force---- Aiwen.

In other words, if Aiwen only offers a bunch of toilet paper as a prize, then everyone can only draw toilet paper!

Just like the inhibitory power of the fate world will send out heroic spirits in times of crisis, Aiwen can also let those who have drawn prizes to save the world!

Definitely, it's okay to let the group members or even him do it himself!

And in the process, he can gain "the power of the world!

After the power of this world is accumulated, not only can the system be upgraded, so that it can do more incredible things, and even Aiwen himself has some kind of "world-shaping power"!

This kind of power can make him gradually become the real God of Creation!

"Ha! This is quite interesting, does it suddenly become the boss of the whole world? And then train the younger brother through a lottery? Hehe...Let me think about it...

Aiwen rubbed her chin, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she had found a fun toy.

With his current strength, destroying the earth is only a matter of one punch, so...there are really not many things that can make him pursue.

But this "world-shaping force" does sound fascinating.

And... the function of "group members perform tasks to get extra prizes" is also quite useful. You can make those new ones become stronger at the fastest speed!

As for the setting of the prizes, Aiwen already has a number in mind.

After so long in the group lottery draw, although he has the good luck of Superman, Aiwen still draws some useless or outdated things for him. For example: Kuyinke in the ghoul world, Teigu in the world of Zhanmei, a stand-in in the JOJO world and so on.

These are things that even the newbies in the group may not like, and they can be offered as prizes!

Aiwen is very similar to see, what kind of changes will be made to the tried-and-true four heroes of the Avengers alliance after they get these things?

But just when he was thinking about it, the system suddenly said something that surprised him!

[Due to the space-time earthquake caused by the integration of the two worlds, some creatures from other different-dimensional worlds may appear in the new "brand new and different universe". If you destroy or expel these creatures, you can also gain the power of the world! 】

[This system will also release tasks in the group depending on the situation! 】

"`" Ha? Does integrate have such side effects in the world?"

Aiwen's eyes flickered when he heard it, but... he soon laughed again:

"Interesting, let me see, what kind of ghosts and snakes will come to 'my world'!

Finally, he let out another breath:

"But...who is the next new group member? I'm looking forward to it..."

late at night.

On the streets of New York, in a small alley, a strange blue light suddenly appeared, covering a radius of dozens of meters. Then... thirteen tall and short weirdos appeared in the alley.

"Huh? This is...where?"

A giant with a height of more than two meters and hair like Quill grabbed his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"Didn't we just have a meeting in Youkexin? Why did we come here?"

"Wait... Is this a space transfer? It can transfer so many of us at the same time? I've never heard of such a powerful ability mind in the world?"

A young man with blond hair and a baby face looked at the unfamiliar environment around him with a shocked expression on his face.

"Huh...? Interesting.

In the center of the crowd, a young man with a purple cross tattoo on the center of his forehead looked up at the sky with great interest:

"Even the constellation has changed, are we in another world? 99

Ocean floor.

Suddenly... the bottom of the sea shook violently, and a huge amount of bugs emerged from the ground!

I saw that "it" had a triangular head and jaws, red eyes, two pairs of huge amounts of forelimbs, and a bunch of relatively short auxiliary arms on its chest.

This terrifying giant bug was a little puzzled when it first appeared, but... it soon smelled something it liked, the smell of nuclear energy!

PS: In the future, the plots of various different-dimensional worlds will definitely be the main ones, but the plots of the main world of Marvel will also increase. After all, the protagonist can't stay home for hundreds of chapters... O(∩_∩)O.

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