Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 897 The creator Aiwen! The great harvest of Ancient One! (4 more for automatic subscription)

Hearing the "lottery draw" in Aiwen's mouth, even in the name of Ancient One's castle, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while.


When she faintly felt that the "world integration" had been completed, she couldn't wait to teleport to Aiwen's villa, ready to talk to him.

Since the last time I saw Aiwen kill Mephisto, drive out Dormammu, and even devour part of the dark dimension, Ancient One has regarded Aiwen as the top dimension lord! Even in the multi-universe, he is a top-ranked powerhouse!

But the incredible thing like "world integrate", I am afraid that the level of the five gods can't do it, and the dimension lord is far from it. Therefore, in Ancient One's heart, even if Aiwen was not affected, he must be extremely nervous.

But...after the Ancient One babbled for a long time, this is his reaction!

Just when Ancient One frowned and was about to speak again, a little girl suddenly ran past a little girl from behind, pulled Aiwen's shirt, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Master, Jibril mocked that Hubby doesn't have a bear. Can Hubby kill her?

When Aiwen saw this little girl, there was a hint of doting on her face, and she gently stroked her little head and said:

"Be good, Hugh, don't pay attention to that perverted woman. After a while, I will punish her heavily and let her clean your feet! 99

Hearing this appalling dialogue, Ancient One spent hundreds of years of cultivation before showing any strangeness, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

After all, you are also a Level Universe boss with dimensions, why is your taste so heavy? Even Dormammu is not as heartbroken as you - mad!

But when Ancient One's eyes swept away and looked at Hubie a little, her eyes finally changed.

Although the little girl in front of me doesn't look anything special, but... Ancient One can feel it, there is no trace of a living person on her body!

But... looking at her words, deeds and eyes, she is no different from a living person!

"Wait, could it be that she is a humanoid robot? But...the robot can be made to have life. This is already a very high level of 'creation'!"

Thinking of this, Ancient One couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. I think this trip must have come in vain.

But at this moment, Aiwen suddenly took out a bronze box with buttons on it, placed it on the table in front of Ancient One, and said:

"magician, since you are here, why don't you draw a prize. You are my first guest, so you are free for the first time!


Ancient One was dumbfounded. At Aiwen's level, what meaning does money mean to him?

However, her face suddenly became solemn, and she asked in a deep voice:

"If it's not free, what am I paying for?"

Seeing Ancient One's face pulled down, Aiwen gently shook his hand:

"I'm not a Mephisto, I don't want souls. But...I really don't want money."

He looked at Ancient One with burning eyes, and said calmly:

"To draw a lottery here with me, there are two payment methods. One is to use your lifespan! The other is to use the number of times you save the world!

"Longevity the world?"

Ancient One's eyes widened suddenly, completely unable to understand for a while.

The former sounds like a demon's deed, and the latter sounds like encouraging people to be kind! This Aiwen...what is he trying to do?

0.....for flowers......

Seeing Ancient One's astonishment, Aiwen pushed the bronze box in her direction and said encouragingly:

"Come on. The magician has saved the world too many times, and with the free, you can draw twice today. Let me see how lucky you are!""

Seeing the sincerity on Aiwen's face, Ancient One felt that with his strength, he was not an opponent at all, and there was no need to play tricks.

So... after thinking for a while, she still reached out and pressed the button on the bronze box twice.

"Shh, shh!"

With two light clicks, two light balls appeared in front of Ancient One, one was white and the other was cyan.

Aiwen was amazed when she saw this:

"Magician, you are really lucky. One silver level and one bronze level are good things. Open it and take a look."

Ancient One tentatively touched the white light ball with his hand, and the light ball suddenly burst, and then he and she had some knowledge and a piece of information in his mind:

[Congratulations on getting "Giant Magic" (from the Magisters Guild---Fairy Tail President Makarov Dora)]

【Once you use this kind of magic, you will turn into a 100-meter-tall giant with extremely powerful physical destructive power! It is one of the best hand-to-hand magic in the world!】

【Please use your iron fist to smash all your enemies!】

"Huh? What is this? Years

After hearing this message, Ancient One's whole person was stunned.

Hand-to-hand magic? What is this? Nine.

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