Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 898 The second prize, the grateful Ancient One! (5 more for automatic subscription)

Seeing Ancient One's messy appearance in the wind, Aiwen's expression remained unmoved, and his heart was already bursting with laughter.

When he was collecting the prizes, he was worried that the prizes he prepared by himself would not be enough, so he made an announcement in the group, asking all the group members to send him the "waste prizes" that they did not need in red envelopes.

Originally, he thought that there might not be many group members responding to the call, but it didn't take long for almost all the group members to send him red envelopes!

Only after opening did Aiwen know how many strange things those unlucky group members will draw.

However, among these "waste prizes", there are actually some good ones.

For example, this "giant magic" was drawn by Irene. However... as long as she turns into a dragon, her melee combat power will only be higher than that of Marca "Seven Six Three" Roff! So... this thing is a waste to her!

Thinking of Ancient One's appearance as a giant waving his fist, Aiwen finally couldn't help it, and said with a smile:

"Magician, you Kamar-Taj lineage, you are both magic and martial arts, your martial arts are quite good, if you become a giant again, it will definitely be even more powerful! This prize is really suitable for you.""

In fact, what he said can't be wrong, just look at the copy to know, when the Ancient One magician fought Kaecilius and his group, fists were actually used much more often than spells!

Even when Doctor Strange was studying, he often had to play against Mordo on the school grounds, a proper dual cultivation of magic and martial arts!


When he finished reading the message in his head, Ancient One already had a black line on his face, and when he heard Aiwen's words, he felt even more bored!

What is the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts? We practice those martial arts to cleanse the mind!

"A sound mind can only be achieved by having a sound body, this is our Kamar-Taj creed!"

But when I think of the fact that from Kaecilius to Mordo, I don't know how many traitors have taken refuge in the other plane Mephista! These words were stuck in the throat of the Ancient One magician, so she didn't know how to refute Aiwen, In the end he could only keep silent.

Seeing the unhappy expression on Ancient One's face, it looked like he was about to leave. Aiwen hurriedly continued:

"Hey, magician, why have you forgotten. You need to be limited by your body to absorb magic power. Once it becomes larger, the reserves of magic power will also increase! In other words... your strength will also increase greatly!"


Hearing this, the angry look on Ancient One's face disappeared immediately. After thinking for a while, she gave Aiwen a deep look, the expression on her face softened immediately, and she said slowly:


"This prize is indeed very useful to me, and I thank you for it."

After Aiwen woke up with a few words, Ancient One immediately reacted, and his heart was suddenly excited.

For magicians in other worlds, most of the magic power is acquired by themselves, so file size has nothing to do with magic power.

But the magicians of Marvel's world are strange flowers, and their magic all comes from the alien Mephista.

For example, the magic of Ancient One comes from the god of white magic, the Trinity Vishanti. Later, for the sake of longevity, she also absorbed the magic of Dormammu. Kaecilius can distort the real space in the later stage, and also borrows the magic of Dormammu.

These magician's bodies are equivalent to a cup, and if the cup gets bigger, the magic power that can be drawn from Mephista will naturally increase.

Although Wei Shandi, the god of white magic, doesn't want to give as much to Kaizi, but for the sake of Ancient One's dedication to saving the earth for hundreds of years, it is not a big deal to give some more magic power if she can accommodate it. question.

Seeing Ancient One's mood improved, Aiwen pointed to another ball of light leisurely and said:

"There is another prize here, open it and see what it is."

Ancient One looked at the cyan ball of light and remembered that Aiwen had mentioned that it was a "bronze-level prize", so he wasn't very concerned, and he pierced the ball of light when he touched it casually.

But then, her eyes immediately widened a lot, and there was a hint of surprise on her face, and then it turned into a surprise!

Finally, Ancient One's eyebrows were shaking slightly from the excitement!

After a few seconds, she stood up, bowed solemnly to Aiwen, and said solemnly:

"This prize is for! It's been a huge help to the whole of Kamar-Taj, so...thank you so much..."

The reason why Ancient One is so excited is because she has drawn a technique and this piece of information:

[Congratulations on getting "Optimized Ripple Qi [gong"] (from the special Roar suction method spread in the eastern Tibetan area, optimized by an ultimate creature called Dior)]

[Cultivation of this method can not only make you infinitely powerful, as light as a swallow, but also immortal! Great achievements can extend your life by 500 years! 】

【If you can't beat your enemy, use your life to consume him!】

When Aiwen fought against Dormammu, the dark magic within Ancient One was purged. Although this frees her from Dormammu's control, it also prevents her from prolonging her life!

The Ancient One now looks a lot older! If you leave it alone, it will perish within a year!

And to obtain this optimized Ripple Qi [gong], with her cultivation and knowledge, Ancient One is fully confident that she can cultivate this practice to a high level before her lifespan runs out!

Aiwen Yun Danfeng smiled lightly, but there was some emotion in her heart:

"Heh...I didn't expect Ancient One to be so lucky. Maybe even 0.9, the gods wouldn't want to see her die so early."

In fact, when Dior accidentally picked up this exercise, he actually wanted to study and strengthen it into some kind of powerful exercise.

But... it took him a lot of work to find out that he only optimized its ability to prolong life, and the attack power has hardly improved! It is not comparable to the eight-door Dunjia, so when he heard Aiwen's call, he regarded this exercise as a waste. Throw it away!

Seeing Ancient One's incomparably grateful look, Aiwen suddenly sighed secretly:

"Well... not to mention Dior, even ordinary members, as long as the Angel gene of the Kamigawa universe is transplanted, they can live for tens of thousands of years casually. This technique... is really useless to them.""

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