Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 908 The black gun kills Muto! Afu's vision! (3 more for automatic subscription)

At the top of a building in New York, thirteen weirdos are standing here quietly, staring at the monster battle in the distance!

"Looks like... we've really entered an incredible world..."

The baby-faced youth with blond hair and green eyes felt the deafening roar in his ears, and the building shaking slightly under his feet, muttering to himself, his face full of surprise!

Although he is conceited with both civil and military skills, and his ingenuity is excellent, he is no different from ordinary people in the face of this extreme terrifying force! He almost trembled.

"Damn it! It seems that my strength is still not enough! One day, I will train the Super Destruction Boxing... to kill even that kind of monster!

Quill clenched his fists and let out a low voice of dissatisfaction.

If it was normal, the vicious members of the brigade might even provoke him a few words.

But now... looking at this destructive scene, even the most broken-hearted members have lost the interest to speak, and can only stare blankly at the fight between the monsters in the distance.

Hisoka, whose face was covered in oil, also stopped at the moment to play [playing the cards in his hand, with a rare look of solemnity in his eyes.


The leader of the 780th regiment, Chrollo, who was wearing a purple coat, watched for a while, and finally let out a long sigh, and said in a low voice:

"In the past few days, everyone has also collected a lot of information. The level of power in this world is unbelievably high! Not only such terrifying beasts exist. There are even people who can wipe out half of the life of the universe with a snap of their fingers! So... we Be careful with your actions!

Seeing that his team members seemed listless, the team leader suddenly laughed again:

"But... these so-called superhero's are nothing more than that. When the giant is defeated, the city will be destroyed by monsters! When that time... it's time for us to take action!"

He raised his head, and excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes:

"The hammer that only the chosen person can lift? The super soldier serum? The Hulk who gets stronger and more angry? Iron Man's battle suit? Here... there are still many interesting treasures..."

At the moment, Tony in a battle suit was flying in the sky with Team Rice in his arms, and was rushing towards New York.

He was going to keep up with Ah Fu just now. Who knew it might be because he was old, and after being injured by Ah Fu's magic flute, he became dizzy. It took a long time to recover. At the moment, both Ah Fu and Muto already gone.

Looking at the footprints on the ground, the big monster turned out to be walking in the direction of New York! Suddenly Tony and Team Rice were scared to death! They could only hurry desperately, hoping to catch up and save the citizens of New York!

At this moment, J.A.R.V.I.S's voice rang again:

【Mr. Stark, Nick Director Nick Fury is calling, do you need to answer?】

After Tony agreed, he heard the Braised Egg's warning!

"What? Doctor Strange got bigger? One more monster? Are you kidding me?"

In horror, Tony blurted out loudly, stunned the rice team he was holding!

But soon, both of them saw a tragic scene!

"Damn! You monsters! Get me away from the master!"

I saw Ah Fu riding on Junying, constantly trying to interfere with the two Mutos with "one-touch and fall".

But... Muto, both male and female, seems to have learned to behave, until this attack only affects the parts below the joints of the legs, so they don't get up at all! Just kneel on the ground and swing their claws in turn to attack the seriously injured Doctor Strange!


Doctor Strange At the moment is already on the verge of coma, and can only try to raise his hand to protect the vital point, while constantly cursing his bad luck in his heart!

Why can't his stand-in be able to heal himself! Otherwise, no matter how many injuries he suffers, he won't be afraid!

"Heh... this giant is dying, everyone is ready to avoid, we can't face these two monsters!"

Seeing that the Doctor was about to be defeated and killed, Chrollo was about to leave the roof. Suddenly... a loud neigh of a horse resounded in the air!


(afaj) "The horse screams? Why is it from heaven? And... so loud? 35

Chrollo frowned slightly, looked up, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

I saw a black horse with a white mane appeared in the sky at some point in time!

And on the horse, riding a Black Knight who is fully armored and holds an odd-shaped spear!

Because the neighing was so loud, even some citizens of New York heard it!

When these citizens looked up, they were all stunned!

"God! Am I dreaming? Why were monsters and giants first, and now even Pegasus have appeared!

"Where's the army? What about the government? Why don't they see their shadows every time we arrive at this time? It was the same for Thanos last time, and it is the same this time!

"The end! This is the sign of the end of the world! This knight must be one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Bible! Come here to declare the demise of mankind!"

Originally shocked by the battle between Muto and Doctor Strange, they saw such a bizarre sight again. Some devout citizens were even paralyzed with fright, kneeling on the ground and praying to God!

And Ah Fu saw the black sky knight in the distance, and his eyes moved slightly:

"This feeling... Could it be one of Mordred's fathers? Judging from her appearance, it seems that she is also a Rider! 99

At this moment, a loud voice sounded in the air!

"I am the lord of the storm, and the waves of the earth will be engulfed by eternal life!"

"Blooming at the end of the world... It is the anchor of the storm that tears the sky and connects the earth!

"Holy spear! Pull the anchor!"

The blood-red spikes on the black spear were all turned into pieces and disappeared, and the black holy spear exuding the power of the curse turned rapidly like a drill, rolling up a black spiral storm.

"Stand up! Take it! Thirteen Teeth!"

The black storm is full of violent magic, and the pitch-black spiral storm shoots straight into the sky, and even crimson thunder appears faintly!

"Shine on the Rhongomyniad!

In an instant, the black gun, the dumb and the gun merged into one, and the chilling pitch-black storm charged straight down to one of the Mutos with the momentum of penetrating everything!


In the moment of life and death, relying on instinct, Muto raised a hand and blocked it in front of him, hoping to block the blow of the black gun!

But... this shot of the black gun is like a real drill, not only piercing through Muto's arm, but also through its head! It made a mess of its brain!


After all, Muto is still a creature! After being fatally wounded, he could only let out a low cry, his body swayed with huge amounts of money, and he fell to the ground with a bang!

The terrifying shock once again spread throughout New York!

"This... this Rider is amazing!"

Flying not far away, Ah Fu, who had mistaken the black spear rank, stared blankly at the black figure in the sky, swallowed with a grunt, and his eyes were full of shock and... longing!

"If only... I was so good..."

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