Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 909 Doctor Strange's advertisement! Ah Fu wants to draw a lottery! (4 requires automati

Looking at that terrifying big monster, and being killed by this mysterious Aerial Knight, including Doctor Strange, all the spectators were stunned!

"Tony... this guy on a Pegasus, could it be Thor's Valkyrie?"

Being held by Iron Man, or to be more precise... the Mi team who was carrying it, said with a look of surprise.

With his far superior vision, Team Rice immediately saw the high protrusion in front of the Aerial Knight armored bear. So basically sure, ~ this is a female knight!

But he thought about it and felt that something was wrong, listening to Thor, Asgard's Valkyrie had been almost killed by Hela! In the end, there was only one left.

But the Aerial Knight in front of him was completely different from the Valkyrie he remembered!

At the moment, Tony in the battle suit, also muttered in surprise:

"How is that possible? Valkyrie and the little girl next to them have at least wings on their mounts. This woman... rides an ordinary horse! Why... fly in the sky? Could it be... magic?

And just when the two giants of the Avengers alliance were still in a daze, Heigunduo did not let go of the next one, Muto.

However... this one had been beaten to death by Doctor Strange before, and the blood was flowing out of a lake. So she didn't even need the Noble Phantasm, she rode the warhorse directly, and even the man and the horse ran through the throat of this Muto, and pierced it out from the back of the neck!


The seriously injured Muto collapsed to the ground, twitching all over. Although he was not dead for a while, it was obvious that he could no longer fight.

"'s amazing!"

A-Fu looked at the little stars next to him. Seeing that Hei Gundam had already killed the enemy, he almost rushed to express his admiration.

But... as soon as he saw Doctor Strange's current appearance, he screamed in agony!

"Master! Are you alright!"

Muto's weight is in the tens of thousands of tons, coupled with the acceleration of falling from the sky at a high speed, its impact is so terrifying that even a nuclear bomb shelter may not be able to withstand it!

If the "giant magic" did not strengthen Doctor Strange's body at the same time, when he was attacked by Muto's attack from the sky, he would have turned into flesh on the spot.

But... his broken sternum and ribs have also been poked into the internal organs! Coupled with this period of hard fighting, the current Doctor Strange is already dying, looking even more than that Muto who was stabbed in the neck by the black gun awful!


Due to excessive blood loss, Doctor Strange's vision has gradually blurred, and finally he can't even maintain the giant magic, and he has changed back to his original form.

"Master! Don't die..."

Hearing Ah Fu's voice faintly in his ears, the doctor could only smile bitterly in his heart:

"I didn't expect to die at the hands of monsters just after being resurrected! Forget it... Finally, I died to protect the earth..."

Just when he closed his eyes and waited to die, he suddenly felt that someone put something in his mouth. He swallowed it instinctively, and then... a warm current suddenly rose in his body!

A few seconds later, Doctor Strange got up from the ground dumbfounded, digging between his bear belly, unable to say a word for a long time.

As a top surgeon, he knew better than anyone that his internal bleeding was too severe to be saved. But... now let alone bleeding, even the broken bones are automatically reset!

"Master! You are fine!"

Seeing Doctor Strange stand up again, Ah Fu rushed up with excitement, holding his hand and almost burst into tears.

He hasn't developed feelings for the Master he just met. But... I finally came to this world, and it would be too miserable if I had to return to Soul Castle because the Master died...


Seeing the armored black spear standing beside him staring at him, Doctor Strange with a very high IQ immediately reacted.

Seeing this, the black gun just said lightly:

"It's nothing, it's Aiwen who asked me to save you. If you want to thank him, then promote him to those who are eligible for the lottery."

"Huh? 35

Doctor Strange was dumbfounded, you saved my life and only let me do this?

As everyone knows, Aiwen also wants to go out and advertise by herself. But... I feel like it's a bit "begging for someone to come and smoke", which is very out of character.

In addition, Ancient One is closed again, so... the only person who can be used for advertising is Doctor Strange.

Considering that there are few legal heroes, he gave her a fairy bean before Hei Lian left.

Just when Doctor Strange was speechless, he suddenly noticed the two Mutos lying beside him!

He looked at Ah Fu with probing eyes, and he answered simply:

"These monsters were all killed by this lady alone!"

0.....For flowers 0‥

"What did you say?"

Doctor Strange gasped in breath! There was a hint of horror in the look on his face as he stared at the black gun.

Such a powerful monster, even if he hadn't been attacked by surprise, he couldn't beat the two of them! Did this delicate woman kill all of them? Aiwen's female heroic spirits are too capable!

Seeing that Hei Gundam made a move with him, Roar, turned his head and rode on his horse and flew away. Doctor Strange swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked Alfred:

"The female heroic spirit you met before is called Mordred. How is her strength better than yours?"


Ah Fu lowered his head and said a little embarrassedly:

"That fierce Saber is much better than me. I fought her once before and nearly died!

At this moment, Doctor Strange stared blankly at the back of the black spear receding in the air, and fell into a long silence.

Humans are really incomparable. There are three beautiful heroic spirits who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, and their strength is amazing!

And by myself...

Looking down at Ah Fu, seeing that he was still shy, the muscles on Doctor Strange's face began to twitch again...

At this moment, Tony and Team Rice's surprise cry suddenly sounded in the air:

"Stephen! Are you all right!"

Team Rice rushed to Doctor Strange and saw his healthy face, almost speechless with excitement.

When he saw the Doctor being besieged by two Mutos just now, he really thought he was going to lose another comrade in arms.

Tony, who was wearing a battle suit, asked curiously:

"Doctor... When did you learn such a powerful spell? How could you turn into a giant?"

"Uh... that's right! 9

Asked by Tony like this, Doctor Strange also remembered what Black Gun had said to him just now. Now... he glanced at Tony and Team Rice, coughed dryly, and said seriously:

"This magic... is actually drawn by my teacher during the lottery. Besides, this lottery can also draw all kinds of magical things, do you want to try it too?


This time, the two of Tony were dumbfounded. But before they could answer, Ah Fu next to him shouted excitedly:

"Sounds fun! I'm going to smoke too! 359

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